View Full Version : Feena's art!!

06-22-2005, 05:59 PM
These drawings are a li'l messy....

06-22-2005, 06:00 PM
Here are the others....

06-22-2005, 06:02 PM
there great.

I Don't Need A Name
06-22-2005, 06:03 PM
!!!! WOW !!!!

06-22-2005, 06:03 PM

Lover of Kh
06-22-2005, 06:15 PM
Messy?! You call that messy?! That's better than I can do!!*feels like an amatur* I'm not as GOOD as you! :D

06-22-2005, 06:17 PM

06-22-2005, 06:19 PM
Good work, but very basic. It's beautiful though. :)

06-22-2005, 06:20 PM
Thank you!! I'm might try to post more..

I Don't Need A Name
06-22-2005, 06:21 PM
Messy?! You call that messy?! That's better than I can do!!*feels like an amatur* I'm not as GOOD as you! :D

Good work, but very basic. It's beautiful though
Now i feel like an amatur as well!!

06-22-2005, 06:24 PM
Don't! Just learn from my drawings and all the mistakes I did and do better! That's what my bro always tells me when I see someone drawing..

I Don't Need A Name
06-22-2005, 06:26 PM
I cant draw mangas anyway!

Tifa's Real Lover(really
06-22-2005, 06:28 PM
i cant draw :(

06-22-2005, 06:30 PM
Have you TRIED drawing? Lol, j/k

06-22-2005, 07:26 PM
I'm speechless! These drawings are really really good! They're a bit basic yes but they're still very good and better than my drawingfs for sure! :)

Raven Nox
06-22-2005, 07:44 PM
Wow, they're really good! O.O And though everyone has already said thid: It's better then mine. XD

06-22-2005, 08:34 PM
Haha, I don't think these drawings are that good, though...I've drawn better, but my cats tore up those drawings, :(

Lover of Kh
06-23-2005, 05:55 PM
The only time I can draw good, (but not as good as you of course!) is when I'm inspired by good artist like you, Feena or Iri! You're both of extremely good talent! :D I'll never will successed in art as good as you two! :( :cry:

06-23-2005, 06:57 PM
Theyre excellent.To me, you cold be the next van goh.

06-23-2005, 07:31 PM
wait hold on, did you say messy? those are very neat!

06-23-2005, 08:42 PM
I thought those were messy...heh..

Tifa's Real Lover(really
06-23-2005, 08:50 PM
i think Iri's drawings r better :)

06-23-2005, 08:56 PM
That's nice..

06-23-2005, 09:17 PM

But this isn't about Iri's drawings, now is it?

06-23-2005, 09:37 PM
Unecessary Tifa's Real Lover.

black orb
06-23-2005, 11:03 PM
>>> very shoujo style..

06-24-2005, 04:29 PM
Eh...he's like this sometimes....I really don't care what he thinks...

06-24-2005, 05:24 PM

06-24-2005, 06:07 PM
Lol, thank you!

06-26-2005, 07:24 PM
I think I'm gonna ask my friend if she could scan one more for me, it's a remake of that Tifa drawing up there...I did that one...a really long time ago...

Wilhelm III
06-27-2005, 10:16 PM
Those are pretty good. Very basic though, and the preportions are off on a few (Tifa to name one) also, most of them are very expressionless. Enough cristism though, they are very cute and ultra manga-y, and dispite your saying they are messy they are quite clean and crisp. Mine are usually covered with pencil scuz.

06-28-2005, 12:49 AM
umm. yea i would say they were great. if they were. but they're seriously not. have fun replying to this comment. :]

Wilhelm III
06-28-2005, 01:22 AM
Oi! No need to be mean, she's trying. If you don't like it point out what she needs to fix like I did, and don't be mean about it.

Lover of Kh
06-28-2005, 05:18 PM
umm. yea i would say they were great. if they were. but they're seriously not. have fun replying to this comment. :]
Yeah, I agree with Wilhelm! *a lilttle mad* No one says mean stuff to my best friend!

06-30-2005, 12:31 AM
How many friggin complements can a gal get?! believe me, she KNOWS u think her drawings are awesome, it duzznt take a genius to figure out that those drawings are great. :fencing:

My name is...something..?
06-30-2005, 12:42 AM
You draw like I used to draw.
You'll get better. ;)
Try working on shadows and putting more detail into clothes.

Wilhelm III
06-30-2005, 12:44 AM
How many friggin complements can a gal get?! believe me, she KNOWS u think her drawings are awesome, it duzznt take a genius to figure out that those drawings are great. :fencing:

Not complementing does not mean insulting...

07-19-2005, 11:08 PM
Here's another one of my drawings...it's from my sketchbook and I took a picture of it, lol.

07-19-2005, 11:11 PM
You draw like I used to draw.
You'll get better. ;)
Try working on shadows and putting more detail into clothes.
That's how I used to draw!!! Those pic up there are my old ones! This female ninja one is just a new sketch I did... >_>

07-19-2005, 11:53 PM
Here's my new drawing of Tifa Lockheart! :D

07-20-2005, 12:11 AM
That ninja looks like Sango from Inuyasha. All your drawings are great.

07-20-2005, 12:19 AM
I've never even watched Inuyasha...only pics..that my friend sent me. And thanks for the compliment!

07-20-2005, 02:13 AM
You should watch it sometime.

07-20-2005, 08:48 AM
Ooh, I'm jealous.

07-20-2005, 10:52 AM
They're sweet... I draw, too, and I might post them... we don't have a scanner yet!!! Sigh... oh well. Anyways, they're sweet! Maybe as good as I am (lol, jokezzZz..), in my school, most of my batchmates asks for my drawings of anime like Gals!, CCS, hunterxhunter... I already have pending... *counts* OMG! I didn't realize I still have six more drawings to give to my friends!!! Lol...

07-20-2005, 10:55 AM

the last tifa pic was cool... the body everything ...

BUT the head...... you need to work on those faces!

also: As for the hands in the other drawings... try not to hide them... use them practice ...everybody knows hands are EVIL and hard to draw.... but you need to practice them often so you can beat everybody with your "1337 hand ski11z"

07-20-2005, 04:10 PM
Exactly why I'm using Zero from the Megaman Zero games to practice. He's got a lot of sprites, and those hands are never invisible.

07-20-2005, 09:34 PM
Lol, thanks! Hands ARE hard to draw. o.o

07-22-2005, 12:36 PM
hands are hard to draw?? Personally, whenever I draw anime, hands are very easy...

Lover of Kh
07-22-2005, 04:05 PM
Usually when I draw it's the hands and eyes I have a hard time drawing! :D One would be bigger than the other! Lol. :D

07-22-2005, 05:43 PM
Just practice. They get easier every time. Or starting drawing straight from manga.

Lover of Kh
07-22-2005, 06:27 PM
Thankies for you're tips! :D And Feena, continue what you do, you're drawings are extremly good! :D

07-23-2005, 04:45 AM
Thankies for you're tips! :D And Feena, continue what you do, you're drawings are extremly good! :D
Thanksies for you are tips?

Pouring Rain
11-19-2005, 01:49 AM

11-19-2005, 02:13 PM
I like them, you should try adding colour though. :)

Lover of Kh
11-19-2005, 07:25 PM
Yes yes! Color makes the world go around!:D

11-19-2005, 09:00 PM
Did you fold all those?

You should always roll rather than fold papers. At least then they can be press back into shape and there's no creasing.

Very clean line art though.

11-19-2005, 09:11 PM
I had to send them to my friend in the mail, so I had to fold it. Because I have no scanner and she did.

11-19-2005, 09:11 PM
Isn't this just a bit too old? ;D

11-19-2005, 10:22 PM
kikimm, this is art and the artist is still replying so it's probably okay to keep this open. I was thinking the same as you though until I seen that Tifa had replied. :)

11-19-2005, 10:36 PM
Yeah, she replied before I finished, I believe. Anyways, I apologize!

Now we can continue. If you've got any more drawings, I know I would like to see them. You do have talent.

Lover of Kh
11-21-2005, 09:04 PM
Very talented!:D

11-23-2005, 06:42 PM
Um..here's another one...but...the head is too big and the hands look deformed! Oh well!! Lol.

11-23-2005, 07:23 PM
Nice work!!

I'm still trying to get around the face(body?.....not any time soon, but im workin on it)

11-23-2005, 07:44 PM
you kick ass feena!!!!!!!!!

11-23-2005, 07:49 PM
Spectacular my friend! Have you ever considered working as an anime artist?

11-25-2005, 05:36 PM
Nice pics, Yu-Yevon!!! ^^ o.o....Um...^^'...when I'm older I wanna fly to Tokyo, Japan to get into an art school and then a Manga University!!! After that I wanna become a cartoonist and maybe a web designer for the fun of it!!! I can't wait until I get outta school!!! They don't even teach me how to draw Manga...the only thing that WILL actually help me for the career I wanna take up is math, for measuring and stuff like that.

11-25-2005, 06:57 PM
I'm gonna draw another pic right now...hope I get to finish it..XD

11-25-2005, 07:46 PM
I didn't finish the one I was drawing so I'm just gonna post this old one I had ^^:p

Lover of Kh
11-27-2005, 10:15 PM
I'll never be good at drawing as good as you....:(

11-28-2005, 12:24 AM
you'll make a grate manga artist :D

11-28-2005, 02:17 AM
you kick ass feena!!!!!!!!!

11-29-2005, 03:25 AM
Why does everyone say they can't draw as good as me? Does it mean they draw better? Or are they just lazy to even try?..-_- Well...Here's the drawing I was drawing earlier!!! ^^

12-04-2005, 01:39 AM
thats good:thumb:

12-04-2005, 01:42 AM
Great job Feena! Keep it up!;)

12-04-2005, 02:44 AM
They're kinda hard to see, but they're good nonetheless.

12-05-2005, 03:08 AM

12-05-2005, 03:40 PM
i'll bet you can draw as good as the art on your sig :D

Lover of Kh
12-05-2005, 11:39 PM
Yes yes! Something tells me she can can!:D

Sweet Beloved
12-05-2005, 11:56 PM
I luv it! Feena U're so goodness! *Dances*
Taffy luvs u.

12-10-2005, 03:50 AM
Here's my latest drawing!!! Hope you like it!! I'm using this character to RP now!!

12-10-2005, 04:00 AM
Who's Taffy? And why did you say he/she loves me???? :aimblush:

here for a limited time
12-10-2005, 06:49 PM
somethings missing....

12-10-2005, 07:04 PM
What is? o.o

here for a limited time
12-10-2005, 07:06 PM
are you doing a cartoon, drawing??

12-10-2005, 07:10 PM
No....I made the last ones up...but some are from a game or cartoon....

12-10-2005, 07:11 PM
You're scaring me...(your sig with the shifty eyes)

Lover of Kh
12-11-2005, 01:20 AM
Stop scaring my best friend! And oh, Feena, that drawing is your best work EVER! (Not saying you other aren't good or anything, this last pic adds more details!:D )

12-13-2005, 01:54 AM
Who's Taffy?! Me confused now.... :confused:

12-13-2005, 11:07 PM
I might not be posting my drawings for a while because I'm gonna study my other Manga books to draw different things!!! Lol.

Dark Reign
12-14-2005, 01:12 AM
I like them a lot, and see some definite talent. These could easily over time develop into even more detailed, beautiful works. *claps* (actually, even as the thread goes on it's breathtaking how good they get)

12-14-2005, 01:17 AM
o.o Wow, you have a pretty good vocab.!!! Lol. And thanks for complimenting my work!! ^^ Right now, I can't think of anything to draw....maybe Sailor Moon!! No wait...Sailor Mars!!! Hmm...nope, I don't know.

Dark Reign
12-14-2005, 01:20 AM
Thank you, and you're welcome! My vocab is actually creepily limited though l o l, it annoys me like none other. You should! I haven't seen Sailor Moon in ages, it'd be a good sight for sore eyes. I loved that show, they were kind of like my heroes back in the day l o l.

12-14-2005, 01:30 AM
I'm confused with what you said about your vocabulary...o.o..sry....Lol...I tend to get confused really easily....YAY! Another Sailor Moon fan! I still love this show!! Okay!! I'll try my best to draw either one of them! ^^

Dark Reign
12-14-2005, 01:39 AM
It's all good, I get confused about things you wouldn't expect to be confusing at all! My vocabulary is terrible, is what I meant l o l. YAY!!! I've been hoping for so long to find another fan of Sailor Moon, I miss that show. Awesome, I can't wait! I know you'll do them justice ^_^.

12-14-2005, 01:43 AM
Your vocab. isn't terrible!! o.o I think louby_4eva is one, too because her sig and avi are of Sailor Moon!! ^^ I miss it, too!!!

12-17-2005, 08:56 PM
Messy?! You call that messy?! That's better than I can do!!*feels like an amatur* I'm not as GOOD as you! :D

12-18-2005, 12:09 AM
-.- I have enough praises saying they can't draw as good as me at school. So just compliment or reject mine, don't say I'm better!!! You should have seen me when I first ACTUALLY started drawing Manga, I completely SUCKED at it!!! It took me more than 2 yrs to get this good.

12-18-2005, 12:20 AM
Oh great, now you're making me feel worse now! I started 3 years ago!

12-18-2005, 12:21 AM
Have you been drawing those ENTIRE years? I HAVE!

12-18-2005, 12:22 AM
...Except a short three month break, yes. *feels slightly better*

12-18-2005, 12:23 AM
Heh, good. I thought you did it the whole time..

Lover of Kh
12-19-2005, 09:51 PM
Feena! Good news! My drawings have improved! But you and Iri are still the masters...Don't worry, I'll be up there with the masters someday....Someday.... *Dramiacally, yet joyfully music plays behind me, so I look up to the stars! XD*

12-20-2005, 12:25 AM
YAYness!!!!!!!!!! I really hope you get better than me so I can get jealous! ^^'

Lover of Kh
12-21-2005, 10:09 PM
Lol. Don't get you're hopes up too high, Feena!:D I'm still in training! XD Lol.

12-27-2005, 06:16 PM
u guys r really good i wish i could draw like that i try but then i compare to other ppl's then i give up cause i keep meeting ppl that can draw really good then it's like damn but my one friend draws me pics so im happy but feena those r really good

12-30-2005, 04:32 AM
So, one day you'll get better! ^^ Um...do you know the basic shapes to use on drawing, Coop?

12-30-2005, 05:15 AM
the only thing i can draw good is dbz
you must teach me feena!!!!!!

12-30-2005, 08:45 AM
awsume! They are great!

12-30-2005, 05:14 PM
i know how to draw i've got 2 books to teach me im just a sped and have a hard time doing things right...

12-30-2005, 05:22 PM
i know how to draw i've got 2 books to teach me im just a sped and have a hard time doing things right...

LOL me too I gave up drawing though... I cant sit still for long periods of time and that made it impossible for me to ever learn how to draw.

The art looks great though, I wish I could draw like you...

12-30-2005, 05:25 PM
yeh i wasted like 60$ on those books maybe ill try again but idk

12-31-2005, 07:33 AM
What the hell does "IDK" mean?

12-31-2005, 02:47 PM
idk=i don't know

Rocket Edge
01-02-2006, 05:45 PM
Haha, I don't think these drawings are that good, though...I've drawn better, but my cats tore up those drawings, :( thats awful. a guy at my old school stole alot of drawings off me when i did them in my spare time, i was so angry. never found out who it was... anyways keep up the good work, like your drawings.

01-03-2006, 12:47 AM
I just looked at all your drawings. I just have to say, wow!!! They are very good and they look just like something from anime. More please. :)

moogle maniac
01-04-2006, 04:11 AM
Wow your manga art is very good i love manga

01-05-2006, 08:21 PM
You guys give up easily on drawing. You should use THIS Manga book...well...this series...all of the "How To Draw Manga" titles on it's series look the same, so they're easy to find.


01-05-2006, 10:29 PM
i have the same kind of book not that one though

01-05-2006, 11:08 PM
Wow! i didnt know u were this good thats freakin great! good work keep it up i dont kno why u thiunk im much better than u either?

01-06-2006, 12:32 AM
You guys give up easily on drawing.
Hey! I take offense to that! I just didn't really feel like drawing for a while!

Unless you weren't talking to me. Then it's okay.

01-06-2006, 06:56 AM
Oh cool, do you read it, Coop? Your drawings are more detailed than mine and you can do shades and folds better than me, asuka!!! Lol, I need to work on mine. And Ren, I was talking to everyone who gave up. o.o if you didn't give up on it at all then that post has nuttin to do with ya. :tongue:

01-06-2006, 09:45 PM
yeah i read abit of it im gona start reading it again and draw again just to see how much i'll get laughed at

01-06-2006, 10:13 PM
i never said i give up!!i just need someone to teach me

01-07-2006, 01:10 AM
i gave up but im willing to try again

01-10-2006, 03:28 AM
-.- I have enough praises saying they can't draw as good as me at school. So just compliment or reject mine, don't say I'm better!!! You should have seen me when I first ACTUALLY started drawing Manga, I completely SUCKED at it!!! It took me more than 2 yrs to get this good.
You draw -very- well for your age. When you say 'compliment or reject' you should really say, 'Comments and Critique'. I doubt you would want people do bash your art with mean words that won't help you what so ever. =] I really hope you go to an Art School when you get older, because at this rate, when your my age, you'll probably be -very- well known in the anime/manga/art world.
Also.. a very hard and cruel technique to practice with.. is my..
"Draw-in-only-pen-and-with-very-little-light" Technique, It makes you try harder, for the reasons of you can't see well and you can't erase. ^^;

01-10-2006, 03:48 AM
Draw a moogle!

ff7+ff10 gurl 100
01-10-2006, 04:01 AM
You and your moogles Rengori :D

01-10-2006, 04:12 AM

01-10-2006, 04:15 AM
What? Moogles are awsome!

moogle maniac
01-10-2006, 04:23 AM
yes they are and adorably cute

01-10-2006, 04:45 AM
too many though....

ff7+ff10 gurl 100
01-10-2006, 05:34 PM
What? Moogles are awsome!

Totally true :D

01-10-2006, 07:39 PM
but tidus isn't:lol:

01-10-2006, 10:23 PM
that's true tidus is just gay lol!

ff7+ff10 gurl 100
01-11-2006, 07:02 PM
but tidus isn't:lol:
Nobody was talking about it anyway.Gosh!

01-15-2006, 01:42 AM
Okay, here are my drawings, but um....if you can't see them so well..sry..I sketched them...and I sketched miscellaneous things on finished drawings..o.o

Tifa's Real Lover(really
01-15-2006, 01:58 AM
wow, am impressed, gotta give u my props

01-15-2006, 02:57 AM
You're good at this Feena... Maybe TOO good... :shifty:

Lover of Kh
01-15-2006, 09:23 PM
*Gasps!*:eek: You're right, Rengori! She has stolen these talents from the Government! *Points at Feena!* ARREST HER!:mad2: ((I'm sorry, I couldn't resist! XD You know I just HAD to add one of my crazy comments in there SOMEWHERE, Fee! DON'T HURT ME! XD))

01-15-2006, 09:35 PM
Anyway, can you draw a moogle now?

01-18-2006, 12:37 AM
I'm barely learning!!! -.- Anyway...I have one more drawing...but this time of Hitomi Hoshino from the COMICS of The Vision of Escaflowne...not the series or the movie...the COMICS..-.-...I'm just waiting for my friend to go on and scan them..o.o

01-19-2006, 01:53 AM
And here that drawing is!!! Once again parts of it are drawn lightly! -.-

Tifa's Real Lover(really
01-19-2006, 02:00 AM
reminds me of sailor moon

01-19-2006, 02:02 AM
It's Hitomi Hoshino from The Vision of Escaflowne!!! Not the cartoon or movie, the comic!!!

01-19-2006, 05:57 PM
can you do a pic of Nausicaa? (the myazaki vursion)

01-20-2006, 12:45 AM
Um...I'll try, but it might take a while because I have othre things to do. :kaodrop:

01-20-2006, 12:58 AM
those are Awsome!!

01-20-2006, 01:13 AM
Thanks!!! ^^

10-04-2009, 08:15 PM
I haven't posted any in way too long! OMG! xD
Here are some old/new drawings of mine =]

For more, check out my deviant art account at:
Verliet427 on deviantART (http://verliet427.deviantart.com) :D

Rocket Edge
10-04-2009, 11:16 PM
Hah, I remember you & your art. Your proportion & line is accurate and very neat. I enjoyed looking at them, the nice colours make it very easy to look at. :)

10-08-2009, 05:18 AM
I remember you, too!!! =DDD
Thx so much! =]
hehe....i like making things bright and fruity! xD

10-24-2009, 02:33 PM
I like that picture with the guy's eyeball popping out. Adding blood and stuff to it will be perfect. :bigsmile: