View Full Version : Evil Yevon Dome

06-24-2005, 06:57 PM
How do you defeat the guardian monster in the Yevon Dome, the one on the elevator. I'm stuck there and I don't know how to beat him. This all because of that stupid @&%$# Yunalesca! :mad2:

boys from the dwarf
06-24-2005, 07:40 PM
move around so all of the bombs miss and if you use all aeons with full overdrive that should kill him in one anyway also i you make a triangle pattern with all of your characters his attack will only hit one character at once instead of all.

The Anarchy Angel
06-24-2005, 07:43 PM
The trick to to constantly keep on the move and sacrifice one person at a time, use provoke to determine who takes the blow, preferably, cast full life on them instantly so they can move again.

The problem with the aeons is that they cannot withstand a mine and live, they should unleash an overdrive, maybe one more attack, then be killed by the mine, so summon them all and stick with physical attacks