View Full Version : Old School FF

Del Murder
06-25-2005, 09:19 AM
1. Do you think Bahamut and his dragon subjects made all those caves they live in, or were they there the whole time?

2. Do you think the blood sword was made of blood, or just a sword with blood on it?

3. If cabbage patch kids were called onion kids would you have still had one? And if you never had one, why not?

4. Did you think Yang's Wife wore the pants in that relationship?

The Man
06-25-2005, 09:49 AM
1. Do you think Bahamut and his dragon subjects made all those caves they live in, or were they there the whole time?The caves were there due to the Very Strong Anthropic Principle, which holds that the entire Purpose of the Universe is to contain caves for Bahamut and his dragon subjects to live in. Which is exactly what they are. Which proves the whole business true. Any questions?

2. Do you think the blood sword was made of blood, or just a sword with blood on it?I must frankly admit that I couldn't be arsed to play this game when I realized that Gordon was an even more horrible coward than a certain spoony bard, so I can't answer this question.

3. If cabbage patch kids were called onion kids would you have still had one? And if you never had one, why not?I'd have been more inclined to get one if they'd been called Onion Kids, actually.

4. Did you think Yang's Wife wore the pants in that relationship?There's absolutely no question that she did.

boys from the dwarf
06-25-2005, 10:05 AM
question one. answer is the dragons dug it but this is one of those things that isnt explained and never will be.
2.the blood swored is a magic sword with vampiric ppower so it is neither of your explainations.
3 i dont have ff3
and 4.is this a pervy question but the answer is yes.

06-25-2005, 08:59 PM
1)I think they were from another world,& came to FF1's world,& made the caves there.
2)Blood sword.......I think its a sword made with the metal & BLOOD of the dead? :D
3)I don't like dolls
4)Don't have FF4.

06-25-2005, 11:03 PM
1) It's a matter of existence, the real question is which came first, Bahamut or the Rat's Tail?

2) Kinda like Tidus's Sword but with Blood, that how I imagine it..

3) Never hard of 'em, but Onion Kids are cool, that is if you get their hard to get equipment

4) I don't think so, but knowing Yang, it doesn't matter to him !!

06-26-2005, 04:45 AM
1) A very peaceful, nature respecting people made those holes over a century ago. Bahamut's lackeys gave them smallpox infected blankets and killed off any survivors.

2) It's made out of dried blood, which is why it has an attack bonus of 0.

3) I never had one. Only girls had cabbage patch dolls. Boys played with GI Joes and Transformers whether or not we wanted to.

4) Definitely.

06-26-2005, 03:09 PM
1. I think the caves were their the whole time. That part of the story was never to clear to me though as in did the Dragons used to live near the castle and then get driven away? Or did they always live in the caves but then Bahamut fought his way through and hid the tail in some random old castle purely for his trail?

2. I don' think it really had any blood in it or not. I think it was made with Voodoo. Voodoo magic that steals your soul.

3. Given the choice, probably, but at that age I didn't have a choice and my Mom got me a cabbage patch doll whether I wanted one or not.

4. Not only did she wear the pants, she made Yang do the laundry too!

06-26-2005, 07:21 PM
1. Do you think Bahamut and his dragon subjects made all those caves they live in, or were they there the whole time?

2. Do you think the blood sword was made of blood, or just a sword with blood on it?

3. If cabbage patch kids were called onion kids would you have still had one? And if you never had one, why not?

4. Did you think Yang's Wife wore the pants in that relationship?

1- They were there the whole time, of course. o.o/

2- Sword made of blood. because THAT'd be so... neat. :love:

3- I don't care. They are kawaii. This is enough. :love: :love: :love: :love:

4- She made Yang do the laundry and wash the dishes. :o

06-26-2005, 09:06 PM
1. Do you think Bahamut and his dragon subjects made all those caves they live in, or were they there the whole time?

2. Do you think the blood sword was made of blood, or just a sword with blood on it?

3. If cabbage patch kids were called onion kids would you have still had one? And if you never had one, why not?

4. Did you think Yang's Wife wore the pants in that relationship?
1. Of course the dragons built them. They dug them as fallout shelters in preparation for the day when mankind discovers Ultima.

2. That's actually a mistranslation. It was supposed to be the Brood Sword, and only characters inflicted with angst could wield it.

3. Never had a cabbage patch kid? I was a cabbage patch kid. Long story.

4. The safety word is "spoon."

The Man
06-26-2005, 09:18 PM
2. That's actually a mistranslation. It was supposed to be the Brood Sword, and only characters inflicted with angst could wield it.roffle.

06-27-2005, 12:45 AM
1. Probably left there by their parents?? I really dunno this one.
2. Probably just a sword with too strong with power that they just named it that.
3. I wouldn't have one either way.
4. You never know...

06-27-2005, 03:37 AM
4. The safety word is "spoon."


Marry me! :love:

Kawaii Ryűkishi
06-27-2005, 03:39 AM
I must frankly admit that I couldn't be arsed to play this game when I realized that Gordon was an even more horrible coward than a certain spoony bard, so I can't answer this question.In the end, Gordon actually redeems himself about a thousand times more than Gilbert does.

The Man
06-27-2005, 04:20 AM
hmm, that sounds reasonably interesting. Maybe I'll actually bother to finish it then.

But then, knowing my incredible, infamous laziness, probably not. :D

06-27-2005, 08:57 PM
1. They were there the whole time. They loved living in a hole. It is warm, nutritive and a great place to raise the kids, with a great neighborhood.

2. It was definitely a sword that received blood in canibalistic rituals.

3. Yes, I would.

4. Not all the time. Only 80% of the times. They had to send the pants to laundry. P.S Don't try to understand, I didn't mean a thing.

06-27-2005, 09:34 PM
1. Do you think Bahamut and his dragon subjects made all those caves they live in, or were they there the whole time?
They're dragons, so they could easily dig caves if they wanted to.

2. Do you think the blood sword was made of blood, or just a sword with blood on it?
No, it was a sword that actually sucked blood, draining it from the enemy and putting it into your character. Hence the name.

3. If cabbage patch kids were called onion kids would you have still had one? And if you never had one, why not?
You should ask my aunt from Canada. She's the one who bought me a Cabbage Patch Kid when I was a girl.

4. Did you think Yang's Wife wore the pants in that relationship?
Of course she did.