View Full Version : Any Heinlein readers?

06-27-2005, 02:02 AM
Any fans here of one of Science fictions greatest imaginations?

*Look at the avatar*

06-27-2005, 06:48 AM
Starship Troopers was an incredible book. The technology and general descriptions he included were amazing, and the society he created seemed as if it would actually work. I think the first Starship Troopers movie caught the book's atmosphere perfectly, even if they did misrepresent the technology something fierce. (flamers and mini-nukes ROCK)

I really haven't liked the rest of the Heinlein I've read, though. Did he write Stranger in a Strange Land?

The Man
06-27-2005, 07:36 AM
yes, he did. That's actually the only Heinlein I've finished, although I've stated several of his other works and not had time to finish them due to other commitments. I love what I've read; I found Stranger in a Strange Land to have a number of fascinating ideas in it, even though I didn't agree with all of them. I did agree with his central conclusion that jealousy harms most relationships, I just don't think his polyamorous fantasies are necessarily viable in a world where STDs are still a particularly potent threat.

I need to read more. I'll put those other books of his next on my "to-read" list after Pynchon and Rand.