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06-28-2005, 10:59 PM
Do you have problems when brushing your teeth with toothpaste? I do. I guess i put too much it on the brush when i brush my teeth so it falls out of my mouth and drops on my shirt. and it wonīt go off with just normal water. Thatīs why i brush my teeth with my shirt off but sometimes it falls on my socks :mad2: :mad2:
I guess i should brush my tooth more carefully

06-28-2005, 11:01 PM
Yes. Very annoying, isn't? Although more often than not, instead of going on my shirt, it gets all over my face. I think this is because I laugh a lot when I brush my teeth. Well, I laugh a lot anywhere, but laughing when you're brushing your teeth isn't safe.

I think this might be proof that we really did come from gorillas.


Old Manus
06-28-2005, 11:05 PM
Yes. I keep putting toothbrush on the toothpaste and shoving the toothpaste bottle into my mouth.

06-28-2005, 11:07 PM
I usually have toothpaste sticking to the end of the tub, which gets annoying

06-28-2005, 11:09 PM
Sometimes I get it confused with deodorant.

06-28-2005, 11:10 PM
I spend forever brushing my teeth cus I get paranoid they're not clean enough ... kinda like an OCD or something .. occasionally i miss and brush my cheek kinda hurts when its a new bristly brush ..

06-28-2005, 11:12 PM
My electric toothbrushes always crap out on me... and I guess I had major gunk issues before I switched to bottled toothpaste. Other than that, I don't really have all that many problems when I brush my teeth. :|

06-28-2005, 11:35 PM
I've never really had any of those problems. A little extra might fall in the sink, but that washes down pretty easily.

06-29-2005, 01:39 AM
Sometimes I put toothpaste on the toothbrush and then brush with my comb.

Those are slow mornings.

06-29-2005, 01:43 AM
I do not have problems with my toothpaste.

06-29-2005, 01:54 AM
I have a few problems, like when the toothpaste is too liquid, it almost explodes when you press the tube to put the paste in the toothbrusher...I end up having toothpaste everywhere in the sink...That's just ANNOYING! I hate toothpaste...I'm considering putting something else on my toothbrusher...Any ideas?

06-29-2005, 02:04 AM
I'm considering putting something else on my toothbrusher...Any ideas?

Hemerrhoid cream. We have plenty of that at my house. :) A good substitute, works just like the real stuff.

Oh, and I'm completely serious.


06-29-2005, 03:28 AM
The best solution is to keep your mouth closed.

06-29-2005, 04:13 AM
The best solution is to keep your mouth closed.
yewah that works but how do I get my wisdom teeth?

06-29-2005, 04:58 AM
Think about it really hard.

06-29-2005, 05:06 AM
I remember a science project in grade 8.

The people used a couple of eggs (3 all together) and 2 types of toothpaste.

They had the eggs sitting in vinegar for some extended period of time.
2 of the eggs were brushed daily. A different toothepaste on each one, the brands are irrellevant because my point is that the eggs with toothepaste were not as brittle or weak as the egg that was sitting in vinegar without toothpaste applied to it.

The moral of the story.

Don't put eggs in vinegar.

Oh ye...

And if you don't like toothpaste you can kick it old school.

Use Baking Soda, that's the key ingrediant in toothpaste...
which is why toothpaste also makes a keen stain remover on clothing and counters.

(Is full of house wifey knowledge)

Meat Puppet
06-29-2005, 05:14 AM
I wonder why my teeth hurt and people tell me it's because I never [tooth and paste]brush them.

06-29-2005, 10:13 AM
My toothpaste is generally well behaved.

06-29-2005, 10:21 AM
I never have problems with toothpaste. Sometimes I might spill it but that's about it. Though I get nose bleeds sometimes when I'm brushing my teeth.. Only 'cause my nose will itch, so I'll itch hard 'cause it annoys me & then it'll start bleeding. :-/

06-29-2005, 07:13 PM
Oh god,
I go to school many-a-day with a toothbrush on my tie, It just dosn't come off ;___________;

06-29-2005, 08:27 PM
The moral of the story.

Don't put eggs in vinegar.

But eggs in vinegar is fun!

Soak them in coke, to dissolve their shells, then set them in vinegar for a while, move them to water, then back to vinegar (like a day between each one) and then go outside and throw them back and forth at each other. It's awesome.

We did that inbiology to study how passive transfers work and stuff.

06-29-2005, 08:51 PM
My brushing methods are refined, so I don't have any problems.
