View Full Version : Asian Films

06-30-2005, 07:24 PM
Can anyone suggest good asian films I've seen Zatoichi and it was brilliant........also what are your favourite asian films if any?

06-30-2005, 07:30 PM
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. :cool:
Oh, and I haven't seen it yet, but House of Flying Daggers looks really, really good. Go check that out.
What was it called.....Shaolin Soccer? Yes, that one too.

And I have this unsettling feeling that I'm missing something extremely important....


Itsunari 2000
06-30-2005, 07:33 PM
Hero was a masterpiece.I've also seen House of Flying Daggers, and intend on seeing any other Zhang Yimou martial arts movies in the future.

Infernal Affairs was also cool.

06-30-2005, 07:59 PM
Hana-Bi (Fireworks)
Yin Shi Nan Nu (Eat Drink Man Woman)
Wu Hu Cang Long (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon)

[Akira Kurosawa]
Rashômon (Favourite :))

And maybe Battle Royale, Ringu, Audition or, well.. There are loads more.
Crouching.. is Chinese, the rest are Japanese.

06-30-2005, 10:09 PM
Battle Royale.

06-30-2005, 10:39 PM
um I dont know if you mean like anime or whatnot but I've seen some good Korean movies and TV shows.

Full House~sang Doo~staiway to heaven~

Madame Adequate
06-30-2005, 11:16 PM
Hero (One of the best movies from any culture.)
Battle Royale
Anything by Akira Kurosawa. I have yet to see a bad one.

06-30-2005, 11:16 PM
Hana-Bi is good, although I've only seen half of it twice. I kept falling asleep. But it was late at night.
Izu is good, although rather blood thirsty.
Visitor Q is good if you want messed up stuff. REALLY messed up stuff.
Gozu is good for...again more messed up stuff.

Kikujiro by Takeshi Kitano is simply hilarious. Watch it.

Happiness of the Katakuri's is fun too.

I've heard good things about Old boy, In the mood for love and Not Getting Any.

Basically if you want good Asian films that are (relitavly) easy to get hold of, any (Beat) Takeshi Kitano films, or Takeshi Miike films are great.

Also for classics try Akira Khsdfdgasdgasdgh-I cant remeber his last name's films. They are old school 50's b/w ones. The Seven Samurai and The Hidden Fortress (Inspired Star Wars) are great.


The Man
06-30-2005, 11:26 PM
I can't believe no one's mentioned Kung Fu Hustle yet. That film was hilarious.

07-01-2005, 12:53 AM
Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, etc

07-01-2005, 12:56 AM
Battle Royale
Dark Water

07-01-2005, 01:11 AM
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon is brilliant. You should definatly watch it.

On the other hand I didn't really like Hero. While beutifuly shot it lacked something.

And House of Flying Daggers also had a very weak plot and the action just wasn't satisfying enough to make up for it.

I hear Ong-Bak is very good. Its got no special effects or stunt doubles so it makes a change from all the Wire-Fu CGI fests there have been recently.

07-01-2005, 01:14 AM
*waits for pureghetto to post*

I liked jackie chans Drunken Master, since they did talk in chinese

07-01-2005, 01:17 AM
I liked jackie chans Drunken Master, since they did talk in chinese

I agree.

07-01-2005, 01:20 AM
Anyone see Oldboy damn that was a freaky ending..............my favourite asian film is probably Crouching tiger hidden dragon-1st
House of flying dagers-4th
Battle royale part 1-5th

also asian films seem to be getting more popular don't they,I mean every year there's a new hero or crouching tiger epic
P.S Zhang Ziyi rules and is very cute :love:

07-01-2005, 01:36 AM
Battle Royale, Visitor Q, Ichi the Killer, Kung Fu Hustle.

07-01-2005, 03:27 AM
Oldboy (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0364569/)

The film won the Grand Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival last year and is probably one of the best movie to have ever come out of South Korea. It's a brilliant psychological thriller and I can't recommend it enough.

My name is...something..?
07-01-2005, 03:38 AM
Anything doen by Stephen Chow is brilliant!

Also these:
House of Flying Daggers.
Crouching tiger Hidden Dragon.

07-01-2005, 04:02 AM
Fighter in the Wind
Gen-X Cops
That new movie that was directed by the director of Shaolin Soccer.

My name is...something..?
07-01-2005, 04:05 AM
That was Kung Fu Hustle, by Stephen Chow.

07-01-2005, 06:12 AM
<3 Stephen Chow

I also recommend Ichi the Killer and Battle Royale.

07-01-2005, 12:59 PM
Oldboy (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0364569/)

The film won the Grand Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival last year and is probably one of the best movie to have ever come out of South Korea. It's a brilliant psychological thriller and I can't recommend it enough.

What did you think of the ending weird eh?

07-01-2005, 02:18 PM
Battle Royale I + II.

As for Jackie Chan's older films, the greatest i've seen are Project A and Police Story, as well as Drunken Master and Snake in Eagle's shadow.

07-01-2005, 03:50 PM
Let me suggest you Souseiji by Tsukamoto Shin'ya (Tetsuo-Iron Man director).
A beautiful, dark film with an awesome soundtrack.

07-01-2005, 04:03 PM
Then there is Fist of Legend, and the Once Upon a Time in Chinas(I-IV). If I may, I suggest the second, as you see Jet Li fight Donnie Yen(Iron Monkey).

07-26-2005, 03:31 AM
I just looked at a film called "When the last sword is drawn and it's brilliant" check it out :D

07-26-2005, 08:00 AM
I enjoyed Azumi, i'm looking forward to the sequel.
Shaolin Soccer rocks!
I enjoy the Godzilla movies aswell and I highly reccomend Gamera 3.

07-26-2005, 11:07 AM
Daremo Shiranai (Nobody Knows) is one of the most important films ever created. Hirokuzu is a genius in more ways than I can possibly ever think to tell you.
<FONT SIZE="4">You have to see this, yes I'm talking to YOU

I can not possibly stress how important seeing Daremo Shiranai is.

If you're looking for something more flashy, as suggested Battle Royale is a masterpiece as well as some of my other favorites... Gozu and Audition (Takashi Miike, I am in love with you sir.) are great choices.

Save the Green Planet is one of the craziest, most awesome Korean films I've ever seen.

Ong Bak is a genius introductory film for Thai martial artist Tony Jaa, one of the best "first films" I've ever seen for a martial artist in film.

Can't go wrong with the originals of the crappy American remakes either, Ringu, Ju-on, and Dark Water are all great films (could have done without the last 10 minutes of Dark Water)

Uh, erm well enjoy.

faster skating penguin
07-26-2005, 03:06 PM
Battle Royale.

I would have liked the film so much more if I weren't tainted my the absolute brilliance of the manga. But since I was, I really hated the film. The manga is about 123548698/865412354865487401021054502124540646540 x better than the film.

07-26-2005, 03:33 PM

07-27-2005, 01:00 AM

Madame Adequate
07-27-2005, 01:50 AM
Kung Fu Hustle. Last post I made in this thread was before I had seen it. Kung Fu Hustle supercedes every other movie ever from anywhere.

I would have liked the film so much more if I weren't tainted my the absolute brilliance of the manga. But since I was, I really hated the film. The manga is about 123548698/865412354865487401021054502124540646540 x better than the film.

I agree that the manga is better than the movie, but the movie is still well worth watching IMO. The good thing about the manga is that Kiriyama is exaplained somewhat more than the movie, where he just seemed to be a deus ex machina to wipe out as many students as possible within the time limit. I hear the novel is the place where he's actually explained explained, but the manga still doesn't feel a hackneyed for that.

07-27-2005, 02:10 AM
Legend of the Drunken Master. =/

black orb
07-27-2005, 02:27 AM
>>> Ong-bak, that movie is awesome..

07-27-2005, 07:24 AM
Hmm... if you're looking for some raunchy humor, 'Sex is Zero' is pretty damn funny... but like most Korean comedies, it switches to drama near the end... but still... a good movie.

'My Sassy Girl' is also a pretty good romantic comedy.

As for action... hmmm..... the 'Infernal Affairs' series are probably the best drama/action asian movies as of late. I haven't seen part 3 yet, but I heard it's good... the first two are really great. Hmm... oh, 'Swordsman II' is a pretty damn good movie too.

Hmm... if you're in the mood for some stupid comedy, Stephen Chow is your man... of course he's made his share of horrible movies... I highly recommend 'Flirting Scholar', 'From Beijing with Love', 'Shaolin Soccer', and 'Kung-fu' Hustle. He has some other random idiotic movies, but I think these are his best four. If you want something non-Stephen Chow, try out 'Men Suddenly in Black' and 'You Shoot, I Shoot'.

For some of that 'shocking' cinema, 'Audition', 'Battle Royale I' (II is aboslute crap... don't waste your time on it), and 'Ichi the Killer' (while a pretty bad movie, it's pretty violent and all that jazz) are some you might want to look into.

Oh yea... check out this Korean movie called 'Musa'... it's pretty good. It's a historical period action movie... kinda akin to 'Gladiator'...

Hmmm... what other genres are there... oh yea, horror. Well... other than the already said 'Ring' I dunno... most asian horror movies are pretty bad... Ju-on (all of them), Nightmare, Ring 2... all not that good. I think this Korean one called The Phone is okay, but not great.

07-27-2005, 11:20 PM
I've recently just watched the live action Initial D movie. It was alright.

My favourite two asian films are still My Sassy Girl and Needing You. Sweet and hilarious.

07-28-2005, 03:14 AM
dissapointed in Initial D live action movie >.<
no keisuke takahashi... means no rx-7 type R... means no parallel drifts >.< :(
enjoyed some of the comedy and driving though they were pretty good...

hmm yeh legend of speed is pretty funny aswell :p
hehe the Blackie Tung so kewl

yeh kungfu hustle pretty funny aswell hehe
the mafia dance... :D

07-28-2005, 03:38 AM
Oh man, I love Asian films. Here are my favorites

Kung Fu Hustle
Last Hero in China
Iron Monkey(New version)
Iron Monkey 2
Twin Warriors(a.k.a Tai Chi Master)
Tai Chi Fist
Legend of the Drunken Master(Both versions)
Magnificent Butcher
The Legend
The Legend II

Mr. Graves
07-28-2005, 05:37 AM
Hmm...these are my favs.

Gen X Cops
Tokyo Raiders
Man Called Hero

07-29-2005, 02:30 AM
More favorites that came to mind

A Man called Hero
The Duel
Warriors of Zu(something like that)

07-29-2005, 02:45 AM
Can anyone suggest good asian films I've seen Zatoichi and it was brilliant........also what are your favourite asian films if any?

Zatoichi is awsome! ^_^ "Zatoichi and the chest of gold" was probably my fav. :love:

Lone Wolf and Cub is an excellent series (and manga!), Daigoro is just to cute!
Ichi the Killer, Shark Skin man and Peach Hip Girl, Battle Royale, Wild Zero, Pistol Opera...there are so many wonderful Japanese movies! Not to mention all the anime!

FYI: the girl who acts as the bosses sadomasochist girlfriend in Ichi the Killer, her real name is Alien Sun! How strange is that? I wish I had a name like that...people calling you 'Alien' wherever you go. :D

07-29-2005, 08:41 AM
Storm Riders is good! Got action, solid story, solid characters, pretty good SFX...its abit old but its pretty darn good!

Try Iron Monkey, theres quite a few movies on him but the one i watched was the one without Jet Li....with the guy that uses buddist palm or something!...(sorry that couldnt be much help)

The rest have good suggestions and i cant think of anything more thats already been suggested so you have ample of movies to go through!

have fun!

Germ Hamee
07-29-2005, 07:33 PM
A Tale of Two Sisters is one of the most amazing asian movies I've ever seen. It's a korean film based on an old folk tale about a couple of sisters taking on their evil stepmother. It's mostly a psychological drama with a lot of twists and turns, but it has a few great scares as well. Best random ten bucks I've ever blindly spent at Wal-Mart

08-30-2005, 09:30 PM
also did anyone else see "Brotherhood" it's a serious contender for my greatest movie... and i nearly cried lol

08-30-2005, 10:48 PM
Don't revive ze old threads please.