View Full Version : How do I defeat Wiegraf in Chapter 3?

07-09-2005, 03:49 AM
I have to fight Wiegraf in Riovanes castle in a one on one duel in Chapter 3 and I can't beat him! How do I beat him?

Eternal Dark Night
07-09-2005, 06:21 AM
I have to fight Wiegraf in Riovanes castle in a one on one duel in Chapter 3 and I can't beat him! How do I beat him?
dosn't he die when you beat him at chapter 2 when he turns to velius anyways i havn't beateed veluis but i will and im at chapter 2

07-09-2005, 03:33 PM
Weigraf is arguebly the hardest battle in the game, so a lot of people have had this same same problem. What you need to do is have Ramza a Squire and equiped with the Chameleon Robe. For some unknown reason, Weigraf will not use his abilities (Lighting Stab, ect. I forgot most of them) If you don't have the robe then the battle is just a bit harder. Now, run around the battle feild as far from Weigraf and keep using Accumulate. Once you've gotten your strength high enough, just go in and pummel him with all you've got. Once he's defeated, he will transform into Velius, but don't worry, you other characters will then come in and aid you.

Azure Chrysanthemum
07-09-2005, 04:19 PM
Use Yell first, it gets your speed up. Then Accumulate. That makes Velius so much more easier, since Ramza will be going two or three times in a row.

07-09-2005, 06:01 PM
What's the recommended level to fight him?

07-09-2005, 08:18 PM
turn Ramza and your main warriors into Lancers and send them to battle (properly skilled on Jump)
you'll probably won't have to count on your luck to hit Wiegraf (step away from him so he has to approach you to hit with his sword skills) and after you defeat him, you can avoid Titan damage by jumping and moving everyone away from the area...
if possible, add Move-HP Restore (from Monk) to your warriors' Move Skill... it will give you a few more turns being alive :p

07-09-2005, 09:02 PM
yea, making Ramza a Lancer and jumping constantly is all you need to do. Then when he turns into Velius just have your whole party spread out and hit him with strong ranged attacks.

07-09-2005, 09:54 PM
Hmmm....I never thought of that. Gonna try it out

07-10-2005, 12:46 AM
The technique I used is actually a very simple one. Have a samurai equipped with Move HP-Up and HP Restore. After he attacks you, move close to him to where you're only one step away from him and use Heaven's Cloud. After taking his last attack your samurai should have enough HP to take at least one more hit. Weigraf should attack you and then move away from you since you're so close to him. (He's quite a chicken.) After Weigraf attacks you again your samurai should use HP Restore and regain all your HP. If it doesn't work then just start over until it does work. For your next turn move close to him and use Heaven's Cloud again. After Weigraf attacks you move as far away from him as you can and use Murasame to heal yourself. Now Weigraf shouldn't be able to reach you to perform his attack so his turn will be kind of a waste. Now move close to him and perform Heaven's Cloud one more time and he should be defeated. This is what I did.

07-10-2005, 01:47 AM
Where do I get this Heaven's Cloud and the Chameleon robe everyone else is talking about?

07-10-2005, 04:11 AM
I'm pretty sure that where you are in the game, Chameleon Robes can be bought in the following shops for 5000 gil: Gariland, Dorter, Zaland, Warjilis, Goland, and Yardow.
The trade cities, Dorter and Warjilis, should also have the Heaven's Cloud katana.

As for an appropriate level for Ramza to be... I think 30-40 is high enough. Lancer or Monk with Basic Skill is my class recommendation. Use the Yell first, Accumulate later strategy and Wiegraf/Velius will be a piece of cake.

07-10-2005, 04:49 AM
I find it a lot easier and simpler just to turn Ramza into a Ninja and beat on Wiegraf with two heavy attacks (Or a monk with a good move can reach him, and deal about 300 damage per hit, or at least, mine did.) You just have to pray he doesn't block your attacks. You can kill him in one turn that way. Same with Velius. You can pummel him for around 600 HP if Ramza hits him twice.

07-16-2005, 10:17 PM
I didn't think it was that hard... I had Ramza as a summoner and Lich killed Wiegraf as a human in one shot...

Prancing Mad
07-18-2005, 12:47 AM
Never though of summoner. I always use the lancer from far away thing. I wonder if monk with earth slash would be any use? Probably not 'cause I think height would become a bit of a problem eh? The first time I beat valius and wiegraf, I was WAY under-prepared and not expecting that difficult a battle. I finally got really st. angry and decided, "hey if lancer can kill wiegraf, let's just turn EVERYONE into lancers. You can't believe the hysterical laughter that ensued when it actually worked. lol

07-18-2005, 01:16 AM
Everyone else explained it well enough but I had to post on here for obvious reasons.

07-18-2005, 06:00 PM
i've always gone for the monk/squire and with the two sword abilities... but... i usually don't have a problem because by the time i get to wiegraf, i'm already level 70+. i like the summoner idea... but has anyone else beaten him in other job classes? i've taken him out as a ninja, lancer, knight, squire, monk. i've never tried to go as a magician cuz, well.. it suicidal, unless ur really good. i say we have a contest, beat wiegraf in the "weakest" state as possible.. like... a chemist.. or something...

Azure Chrysanthemum
07-19-2005, 09:31 PM
Chemist wouldn't be too terribly difficult, just equip a good gun, Auto-Potion, and Move +3. then run like hell and shoot Wiegraf until he dies.

07-20-2005, 06:28 AM
hehe... i was thinking along those lines.. anything ranged and be used to pick him off is easy..

08-11-2005, 07:22 PM
OMG THis is so gay! I am about to smurfing punch my goddamn tv. This damn battle is smurfing GAY. (I am at the same one, Wiegraf @ Riovannes.)

He kills me in three hits, AND he gets a free one at the start of battle. AND I saved over my backup before starting this battle for the first time b/c I was going out right after the one before it so I shut it off!!!! So I don't have any previous save files. I have spent FOREVER on this game so far and I might have to smurfing start over. I see no damn way to beat this battle.

I am level 22. You guys are talking about level 30-40, even 70? Why? The enemies level up with you. It must take a lot of extra battling. I don't really do any anymore, just the propositions.

Anyway, sorry about that outburst but this is gay. They've never pulled some crap like this before. The only other time they've made me fight by myself was with that fur coat guy, and that wasn't like this at all b/c you could open the gate and run away! If he was only attacking normally and doing 140 damage... Even if I walk right up to the bitch and put my back to him he runs away and does that smurfing sword thing.

I have squire and knight maxed. Not much else in the other ones, level 1 chemist so no magic, I can use potions though.

This is so bad, if I could just get past this idiot I'd be FINE! I just bought reraise (in the menu b4 the fight, the battle before this got me enough JP in my priest) and the Holy Knight's (forgot her name) last ability (it's actually the one that this bastard is using on me right now), she's like 80 JP away from mastery!

And it's impossible to run from him! Once you do it the first time he stays in the middle and if I try to go on the edge he catches me every time. I just tried the speed up thing, did it three times before I died and didn't once get two turns in a row.

I don't want to use anything other than guts and battle skill because all my others suck. :( If I could just get three at once or something.... I could speed up, use potions, AND power break. Or get more than two attacks on him... Then I could break his power down more.

I'm going to go try item + guts. Maybe with potions I can survive long enough to get to the point where I get two turns in a row.

Anyone got any suggestions besides a chamelean robe? Remember I don't have any saves besides the autosave between this battle and the one before it.

edit: I forgot to say that I DO have the best armor and sword and shield money can buy at this point in the game (on all my characters actually. Well, the best for their class anyway).

08-11-2005, 11:24 PM
I used Jumps and Auto-Potion, but I didn't really need the Jumps until Velius. If you can get Auto-Potion, throw out your Potions and Hi-Potions, so he's healing 150 every time he gets hit -- trust me, that helps a lot -- then, well, do whatever you want to him. Hit him, jump him, shoot him, cast spells on him, try to rob him blind if you've got the Thief skills.

Priest might be the hardest one to work with. You've got Holy, and that's it. Poor movement, poor speed, poor HP, poor Physical Power...you'd be about screwed.

i usually don't have a problem because by the time i get to wiegraf, i'm already level 70+.

Did you just play that long to get that much Experience, or is there some cheat to it? I wanna know.

09-14-2007, 05:27 PM
I'm totally with the guy that posted a few replies up. I've got about 40 hours into the game, and Ramza is level
23. It's the first time I've gone through this game (I have better things to do that beat the same 80-hour RPG
a million times, so I'm sorry if I'm a "newb"), so I'm learning a lot as I go.

First, in every other Final Fantasy, one character is pretty much reserved for a certain function (Aerus is a healer,
Irvine is a range expert, Vivi is a black mage, etc.). However, in Tactics, a characters job can be changed on
a dime, and I didn't realize this until recently. The result: I can only use my level 23 Ramza who is a master
Squire, Master Knight and sucky everything else.

Second, I came to the conclusion that leveling up was a waste of time because the monster battles level up with your
character. So, even if I had a weak character I wanted to level up, it was pointless because the game would never
get any easier. If the game never gets any easier, what's the point in leveling up? Recently, I discovered the
propositions in the bars you can send your weaker characters on so that they can go out and get leveled. Result:
I don't have a level 70 character like everyone else has.

Third, I don't have the chameleon robe or the bloodsword or anything else that I've heard suggested. I don't have
the bloodsword because the battle where you get it is pretty difficult, so I didn't have the resources to go around
trying to steal from random people (that, and I didn't have a strategy guide, which is the only way anyone could
know how to get the bloodsword).

Fourth, like I said, I didn't realize that you could change characters jobs on the fly without damaging their
skill at a certain job until recently, and I think that's the reason I can't change Ramza's job to a Lancer, and
I don't even have the option to change anyone's job to a summoner or ninja or whatever.

Fifth, the damn game makes you save before the fight, and I didn't make a backup because I didn't realize what was
going to happen when I went to Riovanes. If I had known it would be a 15-part battle where you couldn't stop
to do any leveling or shopping, I would have done it, but this is the situation I'm in now.

This is really stupid! I've really been on the fense about this game from the get-go, and I've teatered and
tottered on the like and hate sides, but I'm about to fall into the hate side. I'm so sick of hearing all this
talk about how, "The battle is difficult, but it's possible if you equip your chameleon robe and bloodsword, and
if you change your job to a level 500 lancer with all these abilities you'd better hope you have". I'm going to
keep plugging at it, but it is absolutely stupid that there isn't an option to just leave the castle, do some
shopping, do some leveling and come back in. If, by doing this option, you had to go back to the beginning of the
castle, that'd be fine. But, I feel like now I'm at a situation where it's impossible to finish the game. This
was piss-poor design on the parts of Squaresoft, and I'm HIGHLY disappointed.

My "thing" is to play games and write reviews about them on Myspace. I have about a hundred games lined up, and
that happens every time I play an RPG because they take 2 months to finish. After I finish them, (because I have a
life) I have to read smart-ass comments on message boards about "Oh, I can't believe it took you that long! I can
finish Final Fantasy VII in 10 minutes!" Which, even if that was possible, I don't give a crap! It took me 45
hours! If you think that was too long, you can kiss my butt!

At any rate, now that I've got it out of my system, I'm still gonna try to beat this guy (and after I do, I'm gonna
jump up and down and wave my finger at the monitor (I'm playing on an emulator) and verbally put him in his place.

So, here's my strategy:
The best way I've found so far is to change Ramza (I keep wanting to call him Zidane for some reason) to a chemist.
It gives him less HP, but he has enough chemist skill to cast Hi-Potion, and he has a Mythril so I can get a
good range shot on him. I also set Ramza's secondary skill to Time Mage, to which he can only use Haste. The enemy
always casts the lightning shot first, so I pretty much have to start the battle down 140 HP (which is also bull
sh*t). However, when it becomes my turn, I can cast Haste immediately, and I'll get a second turn. With these 2
turns, I can cast one Hi-Potion and get far enough away to where he can't attack me on his next turn. From there,
I've been working on the right combination of staying away, popping him with my Mythril Gun and keeping myself
hasted to the point where I can defeat him.

I've also found that if I change Ramza to a black mage, he can get some decent damage with lightning 3. The problem
with this is finding a turn where you could cast the spell immediately.

Here's the situation, however. I need to have a range attack, a hasting tool and a healing tool, but I can only
have 2 of them (unless I wanna use Ramza as a Squire and Throw Stones, but please!). I've used the Squire technique
a few times, but like my boy said a few posts ago, you can only caste 'Yell' a few times before the enemy catches up
and squashes you. Just like bug!

Does anyone have any suggestions? I will not be restarting this game, so if it's a lost cause, I will not be
completing Final Fantasy Tactics.

02-09-2008, 08:42 AM
i have the same idiot problem it took me 20 hours and i have to do the game all over? =-0

im lvl 23 squire - knight maxed and the others suck, my highest in black mage is fira and he can 3 hit me..... the best way so far for me was with black mage he had 124 hp left and then he gets 2 turns in a row somehow and it really pisses me off.....................................
isnt there some cheat where u can get unlimeted health for the battle or something =-/

02-10-2008, 10:39 PM
OK guys, the anger is not worth the time...
Just change to chemist...dont worry aobut "oh his chemist is only 2" or whatever crap...you SHOULD have at least one gun, just equip the gun, get Move +1 with Germinas boots and equip heavy armor...
spend a couple battles figuring what your speed, dmg taking ability and how many hits you can take

Then just Run...shoot...run...shoot...run...shoot...run...shoot
really not that hard to get around (Sub anything you thing would help)

Edit: uuuhhh this thread is a little old...didnt notice that

02-11-2008, 04:38 PM
Edit: uuuhhh this thread is a little old...didnt notice thatNo harm done.

Just remember guys: If the thread hasn't been posted in for a couple of years, it's usually a good idea to make a new one with the same topic. :greenie: