View Full Version : Nightwish

07-09-2005, 02:57 PM
Nightwish is a great Finnish opera metal band. The singer, Tarja, is extremely talented, her voice is just... wow. My favourite CD by them is Century Child. What do you think of them? How do you like their new CD, Once, if you're a fan? I think they're starting to decline, but the new CD isn't too bad. :)

If you've never heard much by them I'd check out the following songs:

-Stargazers (Awesome song, one of my favourites by them, though ironically, it's on my least favourite albums by them.)

-The Phantom of the Opera (I thought the movie was amazing, and I loved that song from it, so hearing a more rock version of it pleased me. :) )

-Dead to the World

-End of All Hope

-Sacrament of Wilderness

-Dark Chest of Wonders (The orchestra at the beginning is awesome)

-Kuolema Tekke Taiteilijan

-Ever Dream

-Forever Yours

The titles are a little cheesy, but the songs are good. I'm starting to notice more people are discovering them, so I decided to make this thread again~