View Full Version : Hmm...

07-12-2005, 09:21 AM
.. Okay, I want some help here. I've already completed FFVIII, but the way that I done it was a completely different way to the one I'm going to do this time around. The thing is, I want to level all my characters up to Lv. 100 - I already have Irvine at Lv. 100, but I done that ages ago & I have forgot how I done it. I mean, when I level my characters up I take care to give them the right Str, Mag, HP bonuses & the like. So really the only questions I'm asking are these:

Where is the best possible place to level up?

Now I know the first thing that would come to mind would be to say "The island closest to Hell or Heaven", but I don't want to do it there. Reason being because I want to level one character up at a time. [& I'll never manage it there with one character] That way I can give that character all the bonuses while he levels up. I'm currently leveling up Squall - He's at Lv. 33 at the moment. I have the following things equipped to him:

HP = Meteor - 4,393
Str = Ultima - 236
Vit = Meltdown - 100
Mag = Holy - 71
Spr = Full Life - 77
Spd = Haste - 75
Eva = Triple - 19%
Hit = ---- - 255%
Luck = Death - 55

I know I could equip Utlima to the HP, but I'm not worried about that 'cause I have Drain for when I attack, so I suck up the energy. I'm currently near the Trabia Garden in the Snowfields battling the Snow Lion[s]. I'm using LV Up on them to level them up 100 & then I hack away at them with Squall. I have Firaga on Elemental Attack & Blizzaga on Elemental Defense. When I hit him / it I can do 9999 damage so that's no problem[& I Drain about 4,500 or something like]. I normally get around 1,880 Exp for killing one. I was just wondering if there's any better places to level up for Exp?

I'm using the bonuses HP, Str, Mag & Str + 60%.. Do you think that I should scrap the last one & replace it with the Vit + at Lv up / Spr + at LV up? I mean, I was going to [at Lv. 60] put one of them on for just twenty levels & then switch it at Lv. 80 for the other.. Do you think that is a bad idea? Do you think I should equip one now?

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The second & last question regards my stats.

Which magic equips to which stat the most effectively? Now I know that Ultima works well with all, but what I'm trying to say is are there better magics that I can be equipping ot my stats? i.e. I have Death junctioned to Luck, but is there a better magic to equip to it?

That is all.

07-12-2005, 09:30 AM

Well, i never really leved up on the Islands either. I usually just went to Esthar or outside of Esthar to level up. You usually can find some pretty rare items there as well for upgrading weapons & such.

Or, the forests close to the Island of Heaven work well also.

But you could probably kill any monsters easily on the Island if you had a powerful enough GF. But the question is, do you?

As for the stats, I have a safe file with stats that worked extremely well for me. I'll have to look it up for you. I cant quite remember which ones i used off the top of my head.

~Keep it gooey~

07-12-2005, 10:00 AM

Well, i never really leved up on the Islands either. I usually just went to Esthar or outside of Esthar to level up. You usually can find some pretty rare items there as well for upgrading weapons & such.Yeah, I do need a lot of rare items 'cause I want to refine them into valuble things I need as I want to change the GF's abilitys around.

Or, the forests close to the Island of Heaven work well also.What monsters reside there?

But you could probably kill any monsters easily on the Island if you had a powerful enough GF. But the question is, do you?I have all of the GF's except Doomtrain & another one.. I can't remember which one it is though. They're all around Lv. 40-50. Surely it'd take ages though using a GF to do 9,999 damage 'cause you'd have to wait 'n' stuff..

Edit: I think the other GF I don't have is Alexander.

07-12-2005, 10:14 AM
What monsters reside there?

Lots. I forget a lot of em, but Malboro's reside there.

Actually, i heard of a strategy of junctioning 100 Deaths to your attack, which supposedly works on every monster except Malboros, Hexadragons, and Ruby Dragons. And bosses of course.

Try it out. See if that works for you. I dont know, cause i havent tried.

~Keep it gooey~

The Anarchy Angel
07-12-2005, 10:18 AM
Island Closet to Hell! Island Closest to Hell!

junction Blizzaga to elem-atk-j

If you use death, i dont think you get the same amount of experience, its based on the amount of hits you deal and how good your strategy is

07-12-2005, 11:40 AM
Lots. I forget a lot of em, but Malboro's reside there.I hate them with a passion!
Actually, i heard of a strategy of junctioning 100 Deaths to your attack, which supposedly works on every monster except Malboros, Hexadragons, and Ruby Dragons. And bosses of course.Sounds good, I'll try it out! If it works on the Snow Lion's then I'll be ready!
Island Closet to Hell! Island Closest to Hell!Curse that place!
junction Blizzaga to elem-atk-jDoesn't the Blue Dragon absorb that though?
If you use death, i dont think you get the same amount of experience, its based on the amount of hits you deal and how good your strategy isHmm..

The Anarchy Angel
07-12-2005, 11:51 AM
Attach bio to staus attack, and no the blue dragon absorbs nothing (hahaha, it's a loser) so eevry time anything happens to hit you, it'll probably do about 6000 damage to itself, Ruby dragon dont noramlly succumb to it so be very careful!

Snow lions are so cute! Don't hit them! Though, if all your characters have 100 firaga junctioned to elem-atk-j and blizzaga to defence, use mad rush and just kick back, it really works *thumbs up*

07-13-2005, 03:06 AM
There's always using Quistis and her Degenerator. I hear that works really well.

St. junction pain also. it doesn't kill them, but it'll take a t-rexaur down with poison in a very few turns, or keep it stopped so you can take it down

07-14-2005, 03:20 PM
Attach bio to staus attack, and no the blue dragon absorbs nothing (hahaha, it's a loser) so eevry time anything happens to hit you, it'll probably do about 6000 damage to itself, Ruby dragon dont noramlly succumb to it so be very careful!

Snow lions are so cute! Don't hit them! Though, if all your characters have 100 firaga junctioned to elem-atk-j and blizzaga to defence, use mad rush and just kick back, it really works *thumbs up*Oh yeah, I remember now. The Blue Dragon is rubbish for Exp though.

& yeah, that's what I do do to the Snow Lions. Except the Mad Rush bit. I LV Up until the Snow Lion goes to Lv. 100 & then I use Aura on Squall & use Lionheart on the Snow Lion.There's always using Quistis and her Degenerator. I hear that works really well.

St. junction pain also. it doesn't kill them, but it'll take a t-rexaur down with poison in a very few turns, or keep it stopped so you can take it downYeah. That works very well, I've used that the last time I leveled up my character's levels. If I use it while I'm leveling Squall up then Quistis will level up without the bonuses. Or you mean when I level Quistsis yes?

Pain.. where can I draw that from? Which monster?

Won't I not get any Exp if I use stop on a monster?

07-14-2005, 09:27 PM
I think you can draw pain from Trifaces.

Stop is temporary and won't end a battle.