View Full Version : About Energy Crystals. T_T

07-12-2005, 04:38 PM
Well, usually you need to defeat Elnoyles or high-levels Ruby Dragons/Behemoths to get them, right? Well, in my No-Level game I was Carding Elnoyles. And I only get Wizard Stones, even with Rare Item. T_T

What should I do to get Energy Crystals? I have those options:

Hard Way A (Card more 50+ Elnoyles, and Card Mod 10 Elnoyle Cards into one Energy Crystal)
Hard Way B (Use LV Up on Behemoth/Ruby Dragon, Card it and pray to get a Energy Crystal)
or the idiot Hard Way C (Screw up the challenge, level up and defeat Elnoyles)

All of them makes me want to vomit blood.

What do you think? Or am I just getting unlucky with the Elnoyles and Card/low levels don't affect the Energy Crystal drop?

And, no, I'm NOT mugging the Elnoyles ¬¬

* White Aeris *
07-12-2005, 04:44 PM
its simple really. if you have a lot of time! go to estar (this is useless if you are not up to there yet!) keep runing round untill you see a guy sitting on a wall. he will say something like "heeheeheehahaheeheehee!" and you will get in a fight with a Elnoyle. you might not get a energy crystal the first time but leave the area and go back in and he will be there again!!! sorry if you are not there yet!

07-12-2005, 04:52 PM
If I was you I would do D. Forget the challenge and just go on with the games storyline. Wait is this a sidequest?? I dont think so seeing how Im on the 4th disc...

* White Aeris *
07-12-2005, 05:02 PM
oops! didn't realise you were doing a low-level game! but like crash said ditch the challenge! the games more fun without! you don't want to ruin the great storyline!

07-12-2005, 05:08 PM
Yeah, I was fighting that Elnoyle. And that Elnoyle is at Lv7 and only drops Wizard Stones. T_T

* White Aeris *
07-12-2005, 05:22 PM
i don't think they drop them on a really low level so you might have to put in a load of work to do

Hard Way A (Card more 50+ Elnoyles, and Card Mod 10 Elnoyle Cards into one Energy Crystal)
Hard Way B (Use LV Up on Behemoth/Ruby Dragon, Card it and pray to get a Energy Crystal)
or the idiot Hard Way C (Screw up the challenge, level up and defeat Elnoyles)

just do hardway C (its not hard!) and srew the challenge. but you might really what to do it...

07-12-2005, 05:29 PM
Do C. Just fight 'em. LIKE A MAN!!!! :p

Its not hard, and that way the bosses do become somewhat of a challenge, which is what makes any FF fun for me.

* White Aeris *
07-12-2005, 05:34 PM
Do C. Just fight 'em. LIKE A MAN!!!! :p

Its not hard, and that way the bosses do become somewhat of a challenge, which is what makes any FF fun for me.
yeah i was going to a low level game but i like harder bosses!

07-12-2005, 05:59 PM
Or, if you have the pc version, play chocobo world. You can get most weapon components from there.

07-12-2005, 07:08 PM
I'm playing the PSX version T.T

And Hard Way C -is- hard. The hard thing is not to level up, the hard thing is the enemies leveling up. Elnoyles are too hard at high levels.

So the question will change.

Let's suppose I will level up. Should I beat Ultima Weapon BEFORE or AFTER that?

07-12-2005, 07:10 PM
You can't LV Up the Elnoyle?

07-12-2005, 07:18 PM
I'm playing the PSX version T.T

And Hard Way C -is- hard. The hard thing is not to level up, the hard thing is the enemies leveling up. Elnoyles are too hard at high levels.

So the question will change.

Let's suppose I will level up. Should I beat Ultima Weapon BEFORE or AFTER that?
NOTHING is hard if you junction properly. An Elnoyle is peanuts compared to Ultima Weapon.

You might want to beat Ultima Weapon before hand. There are lots of Ruby Dragons and Behemoths on the way, from which you could get your energy crystals.

07-12-2005, 07:25 PM
I'm playing the PSX version T.T

And Hard Way C -is- hard. The hard thing is not to level up, the hard thing is the enemies leveling up. Elnoyles are too hard at high levels.

So the question will change.

Let's suppose I will level up. Should I beat Ultima Weapon BEFORE or AFTER that?
NOTHING is hard if you junction properly. An Elnoyle is peanuts compared to Ultima Weapon.

You might want to beat Ultima Weapon before hand. There are lots of Ruby Dragons and Behemoths on the way, from which you could get your energy crystals.

*best junctions to everyone and a Lv100 Grendel pwned my party* Not really. T_T

Oh yeah, I forgot that Behemoths are at Deep Sea Rssearch Center! \o/ Thanks to remeber that \xD/

07-12-2005, 07:34 PM
Just teach your Quistis 'Degenerator' and have her on low health - then LV Up the Elynoyle until you are sure that you will get an Energy Crystal (over Lv30) then use Degenerator to kill it instantly. Hope this helps!

07-12-2005, 07:40 PM
I'm playing the PSX version T.T

And Hard Way C -is- hard. The hard thing is not to level up, the hard thing is the enemies leveling up. Elnoyles are too hard at high levels.

So the question will change.

Let's suppose I will level up. Should I beat Ultima Weapon BEFORE or AFTER that?
NOTHING is hard if you junction properly. An Elnoyle is peanuts compared to Ultima Weapon.

You might want to beat Ultima Weapon before hand. There are lots of Ruby Dragons and Behemoths on the way, from which you could get your energy crystals.

*best junctions to everyone and a Lv100 Grendel pwned my party* Not really. T_T

Oh yeah, I forgot that Behemoths are at Deep Sea Rssearch Center! \o/ Thanks to remeber that \xD/

No problemo.

......somethings not right for a Grendel to own you.....last time I played through the Deep Sea Research Centre, everyone was at level 100, I had all junctions, lotsa magic, and I owned everything.

Ahh......maybe you don't have high level magic? That'll drive your stats through the roof, and you'll destroy everything.

boys from the dwarf
07-12-2005, 07:47 PM
I'm playing the PSX version T.T

And Hard Way C -is- hard. The hard thing is not to level up, the hard thing is the enemies leveling up. Elnoyles are too hard at high levels.

So the question will change.

Let's suppose I will level up. Should I beat Ultima Weapon BEFORE or AFTER that?
NOTHING is hard if you junction properly. An Elnoyle is peanuts compared to Ultima Weapon.

You might want to beat Ultima Weapon before hand. There are lots of Ruby Dragons and Behemoths on the way, from which you could get your energy crystals.

*best junctions to everyone and a Lv100 Grendel pwned my party* Not really. T_T

Oh yeah, I forgot that Behemoths are at Deep Sea Rssearch Center! \o/ Thanks to remeber that \xD/

No problemo.

......somethings not right for a Grendel to own you.....last time I played through the Deep Sea Research Centre, everyone was at level 100, I had all junctions, lotsa magic, and I owned everything.

Ahh......maybe you don't have high level magic? That'll drive your stats through the roof, and you'll destroy everything.
all you need to do is level up so that the enoyle will start dropping energy crystals.

07-12-2005, 09:08 PM
I only don't have Ultima (I always draw it from Ultima Weapon) and Holy (Mug Elnoyles, 1x Moon Stone > 20x Holy).

And now I know that the Energy Crystals are dropped by Elnoyle only when it is Lv50+. Too bad for me. T_T

Lv100 Grendel at Island Closes to Hell... doing 3000+ damage with Tail Blade o_O

07-12-2005, 11:17 PM
Save the game on a new slot, and continue leveling like normal and if in the future you want to continue the challenge, reload the old data and continue.

07-13-2005, 07:06 AM
Dude, SeeDRankLou makes a valid point.

Use lvl+ on the elnoyles themselves.

boys from the dwarf
07-13-2005, 07:33 AM
and on FF8 it is incredibly easy to level up and to get to lvl 100 you only need 99000 exp and some monsters drop about 1000exp so just train.

07-13-2005, 12:03 PM
I only don't have Ultima (I always draw it from Ultima Weapon) and Holy (Mug Elnoyles, 1x Moon Stone > 20x Holy).

And now I know that the Energy Crystals are dropped by Elnoyle only when it is Lv50+. Too bad for me. T_T

Lv100 Grendel at Island Closes to Hell... doing 3000+ damage with Tail Blade o_O

Yes, and you have curaga, and recover, I assume? Plus your HP should be up around 9999 for each member (at lvl100), and Squall (if you trained him for strength) should be doing 9999 in damage, not to mention your GFs like Cactaur and Diablos.

Oh, and cast protect.........there's so many reasons to absolutely own a wee little Grendel.

07-13-2005, 06:19 PM
You can't LV Up/LV Down or Devour Elnoyles. If I could, I wouldn't even post this thread. o.o

Well, since I had 20+ Elnoyle Cards from Triple Triad already, I decided to do the Hard Way A (Card Elnoyles... it was -MUCH- faster than I thought XD) and I managed to get the 6 remaining Energy Crystal I needed to make Save the Queen and Shooting Star. And I didn't get a single point of Exp... \o/ so enemies are still wimps, and I have powerhouses. XD

Now, to the Grendel thing... XD

Yeah, I thought he would be easy (90~120 Vit to everyone, Zell with Recover, etc), so I didn't bother with Protect. Actually, I wasn't even looking for Grendels, I was looking for Blue Dragons. x.x But it used Tail Blade, 3000+ damage o_O and I had to flee x.x

But now I thank Godf because it was a Grendel. Its Breath is pathetic, Tail Blade attacks only one guy after all, and I had good HP. It could be worse. It could be Ruby Dragon. Lv100 Ruby Dragon, with Meteor and.... NON-ELEMENTAL BREATH T____T

Well, I think there's no more questions. \o\

The Anarchy Angel
07-13-2005, 06:28 PM
That non elemntal breath can do practically no damage with v high vitality and spirit ^^ though thats damn near impossible to get

07-13-2005, 06:37 PM
It could be Ruby Dragon. Lv100 Ruby Dragon, with Meteor and.... NON-ELEMENTAL BREATH
Yep, I found that to be a beeotch first time I played through the deep sea research centre, when trying to fight Bahamut! I guess I didn't have all my junctions, and trying to beat 2 of those bastards back to back, and then Bahamut.........I just about tossed my ps2 out the window :p

boys from the dwarf
07-13-2005, 06:48 PM
and to add to my easy leveling theory it is possible to get to level 100 in just over(possibly under.)an hour in the battle arena thing in balamb garden before you get quistis on your team so i dont see the problem.

07-13-2005, 06:48 PM
That non elemntal breath can do practically no damage with v high vitality and spirit ^^ though thats damn near impossible to get

If you have Vit below 99 and no Protect, Breath deals 9999 damage. To everyone. If you have 120+ Vit and Protect, it will steal damage por 4000+. T_T

The Anarchy Angel
07-13-2005, 07:38 PM
Well...it's better than 9999, right?

07-13-2005, 07:43 PM
Well...it's better than 9999, right?

Yeah, but he is fast, he could chain Breath with Meteor, or another Breath xx'

The Anarchy Angel
07-13-2005, 07:56 PM
Ah, we all know that a few limit breaks and they all die, i managed to cast slow on one i think, it was a joyus moment....that or it was a T-rexaur, who knows...

07-13-2005, 07:58 PM
Ah, we all know that a few limit breaks and they all die, i managed to cast slow on one i think, it was a joyus moment....that or it was a T-rexaur, who knows...

Ruby Dragons are immune to Slow.

If you want to know which status a monsters can have, use Doomtrain.

Ruby Dragons can have Vit 0, Gradual Petrify, Petrify and Sleep.

12-26-2005, 05:50 PM
erm.. where r the higher enoyles? i only know that the one who goes hehehehhehheh in the Esthar - city

4 like every boss i just use the limit breaks and all my main chars (rinoa, squall and irvine) but every1 else is like 20 =\ so i just k.o them in like 2 secs.. i can't believe i go backand play this game every christmas =) oh well lol its awesum

=S can u still get the energy crystals frm mugging him then still killing him?

:) plz answer sum1 i look like a right old tw@ :'(

12-26-2005, 06:22 PM
im not too shure but u should just teach quistis degenerator... oh wait... dats already been posted... oh well... -_- just folow whoever posted that...

12-26-2005, 06:39 PM
nm :) i just needed to not mug him lol

12-26-2005, 09:18 PM
Squall, please wait more than ten minutes for a reply:) If you have more information to add, you can use the edit/delete button to edit your post and add it. Posting twice in a row is discouraged here:)

And so is bringing up old threads from five months ago:) If you have questions about elnoyles, feel free to look for a newer thread, or make your own.

Welcome to EoFF btw:)