View Full Version : 3 promissed land theorys (spoilers_)

07-18-2005, 11:03 PM
"…You don't 'know' where the Promised Land of the Ancients is. You search and travel, until you feel it. Like you just know, …this is the Promised Land."

That's basically all that's FULLY explained about the promised land that and that when The Cetra reach the Promised Land, a land that promises them supreme happiness, after their long hard journey is over.

So. Where and what is this place then? No one (Excpet Square) know for sure. but Hear are three theories that I thought of. (All though they may have been thought of before me.)

Theory #1

The Ancients After Life

It could beThe Promised Land is the resting place of the Ancients. The life of the Ancients is one continuous journey. A journey to grow trees and plants, produce animals, Their harsh journeys continued throughout their lives… The place they return to after their long journey… They then die and go to the Promised Land. Huh? Supreme happiness? I believe that, for the Ancients, it was the moment that they were able to return to their planet. At that moment they were released from their fate, and gained their supreme happiness… Just like how (some) of us believe heavan as our place of hapiness. Makes sense!"

It is said that Cetra were the only ones who knew about the Promised Land, so they are the only ones that can actually get there. But he also claims the Promised Land is their burial ground… Does this mean forgotten Capital is Aeris Promised Land?

Theory #2

The Lifestream

"Then the Cetra will return to the Promised Land, a land that promises supreme happiness." Let's study ths line shall we? …
"Then the Cetra will RETURN to the Promised Land," So if the Cetra are to return to the Promised Land, then they must have come from the Promised Land. Well since most of the living in the FF series where created by Life Stream. Then the Cetra were created from the Lifestream (Planet). So does this mean the Lifestream is the Promised Land?

Theory #3

The place that brings you the most happiness

"someday I'll get out of Midgar, speak with the planet, and find my Promised Land"

Maybe everyone has their
Own promised land. In other words where can feel best other than any where else - You personal heavan.

The Shinra claim to have found the Promised Land, they believe it is Northern Crater. The Shinra believe that because seeing all that mako fills them with so much joy… It is the place that gives them supreme happiness.

"There is no such thing as the Promised Land. It's a legend… an old Jenova experiment… it's utterly ridiculous."

This would mean that Hojo has no Promised Land… He has no place where he could ever find supreme happiness… Truly an evil man…

This might either help or dlude you. I'm not sure which (If any is right) but I like them

Squall of SeeD
07-18-2005, 11:28 PM
#3 is the correct one, I think. As I said in the other Thread (http://www.eyesonff.com/forums/showthread.php?t=66017) on the Promised Land, I've concluded that it's what brings one fulfillment. Here's the link to my full theory on that matter: Linkage (http://www.geocities.com/ff7analysis/PromisedLand.html).

07-19-2005, 12:11 AM
Yup, #3 is what I believe for the most part, but:
What I said in the other thread, it has no physical manifestation, it is a state of mind. A state of feeling supreme happiness.

A question, however: I don't think that there is any mention that finding the promised land is only "accessible" by Ancients, is there?