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View Full Version : This game hard?

07-22-2005, 03:01 AM
Is this game hard..because I read a thread where if one of your members die they are gone forever and cant be revived.And if that is so then i will stick to Tactics advanced.

Prancing Mad
07-22-2005, 03:13 AM
This game is like FFT advance, but multiply its goodness by an exponent of at least 10. I highly recommend it. It is diificult at first, but once you get some good strategy, it is the best game ever in my opinion. I might add, your characters are only ever gone for good if they have spent three turns in the wounded/dead position. you have 3 turns to revive them, then they are gone. But this is not as daunting as it sounds. It does make for some very scary fights though lol.

Lord Xehanort
07-22-2005, 03:32 AM
The final dungeon kicked my ass. The first battle tore me to shreds in seconds... but everything before that was simple...

oh... and Cloud sux.

07-22-2005, 04:33 AM
It may be hard at times but anything difficult you go through is worth it, my advice is just a few simple rules

1)Make sure at least 1 person in your team can revive
2)If the game asks if you want to save...SAVE no matter how easy you think it might be
3)accept any and all special characters, even simple ones like Boco, they can save your life

I hope you enjoy the game, it's got great music, great characters and an awsome storyline, just have as much fun as you can

07-22-2005, 04:49 AM
Is this game hard..because I read a thread where if one of your members die they are gone forever and cant be revived.And if that is so then i will stick to Tactics advanced.

Let me address your central concern. If character reaches 0 hit points, they slump over, and a counter appears over them that counts down three battle rounds. You have that amount of time to revive them with either a spell, skill or pheonix down. If the counter reaches zero, they turn into a crystal or a treasure chest. It is only if the counter reaches 0 that you lose the character forever.

Don't let this from dissuade you from playing the best FF ever! :D

07-23-2005, 07:05 AM
FFTA is nothing compared to FFT.

07-23-2005, 08:24 AM
This is the most difficult FF there is. I just started playing it recently, and I am really enjoying it. You should definetly play this game. It's really quite good. :up:

07-24-2005, 01:48 AM
You will most definitely be frustrated your first playthrough.

07-28-2005, 12:20 AM
Ok ill give it a try.

07-28-2005, 01:37 AM
You'll be happy you did.

07-28-2005, 01:53 AM
It's hard for those willing to achieve high levels and beating the crap out of every monster...The more levels you gain, the hardest the game gets. You must develop your characters really well, without wasting too much JPs and only learning useful skills...And I still haven't beaten it. :D

FFTA wasn't very easy by itself, but it's definitely easier than FFT. It's a rounded down FFT, I'd say. My opinion: GO FOR BOTH!

07-28-2005, 08:24 AM
at least theres no laws proventing you from doing what you want.

Raven Bladewind
07-28-2005, 10:28 PM
This game is like FFT advance, but multiply its goodness by an exponent of at least 10. I highly recommend it. It is diificult at first, but once you get some good strategy, it is the best game ever in my opinion. I might add, your characters are only ever gone for good if they have spent three turns in the wounded/dead position. you have 3 turns to revive them, then they are gone. But this is not as daunting as it sounds. It does make for some very scary fights though lol.Its always a pretty tough game i like the fac that enemy levels grow with your to keep the game hard unlike ffta where they stop at like level 30

08-05-2005, 07:17 AM
First off, my friend and i have been visiting this forum for about a week now. I finally got fed up and joined.. so.. .hi! :D


to get through the game, get your lv to 60 in the first chapter. This is not hard.. just fight at the plains a lot. Keep your characters in the corner, and always have 1-2 healers. Around lv 60, or sooner, humans should start appearing in the battles, change a couple of characters to theives or mediators, either invite the humans or rob them blind. If you invite them, take their stuff, drop them. Then it is time to do the storyline battles. The humans in these battles will be around lv 10 in the first chapter, nothing to worry about. If your having trouble getting your characters up, remember this... Monks are godly, chakra + accumulate = invincible characters. Change 1 character to a monk, put him at the corner, and just keep chakra-ing. You can then have all their characters accumulate till you gain 2-5 lvs in a battle and then when u get out their jobs should be getting close to master. I do this everytime i start a new game and I have NEVER had trouble with a storyline battle... EVER... By the time i get to chapter 4 I'm nearly lv 99 and most of my jobs are maxed out. Nothing beats a battle w/ 3 mimes 1 dancer takng off HP and 1 bard singing the praise of power... :D

ok.. I'm done.. yall can go back to the game.. I'm gonna go play San andreas, I'll check in if yall got some questions..

Azure Chrysanthemum
08-05-2005, 08:44 AM
Correction, FFT is not hard if you powerlevel and know what classes are good. For a new player, it is quite difficult indeed.

08-06-2005, 12:10 AM
The general idea in the final fantasy series is to get a higher lv than the bosses you fight at that point in the game. In FF7 I'm usually lv 60 before i get past the golden saucer.... in FF9 I was lv 60 right after fighting my first black mages. In 10 i was lv... well that doesn't really go by lv's but i could whoop sin easily by the time I got to him. FF8 is the only exceptions.. you could go through the whole game spending very little time actually lving. Tho it's still more fun fighting at lv 100.. :D

08-06-2005, 03:54 AM
I'm sure being lvl 60 in chapter one is all fun and dandy but to me the funnest parts of FFT have been the battles where I go "Oh crap, glad I saved" I've always loved the challenges, so it really depends on how you play the game