View Full Version : UK TV > American TV

08-01-2005, 07:04 PM
I wondered quite alot when I read a metro like 2 months ago which had a Interview with Jerry Springer
He, as everyone knows, after the success of the Jerry Springer Opera, came to UK to do his show it ( mildly good, dosent scratch Trisha )
He said in his interview

American TV is years Ahead of British TV
Most of British TV, is British. But alot of American Shows come over to UK. I watch alot of TV, and say that British TV is the one that is Years ahead of American. We do everything better, plus, America Steal Television shows, have there own ( which sucks ) and then it comes to UK and makes us look bad.
Take for instance Playing It Straight, Wife Swap, Who Wants to be a Millionare ( I think that went to America )
We come up with much better shows ( Big Brother, TV Soaps, Comedy ( The Office, Extras, Peep Show ) )
America came up with TV which just isnt funny compared. They had there Comdey fad with friends, but similer shows ( Will and Grace, Scrubs ) they dont make it funny anymore
We do shows with style and we can do it in 5 channels while America has 100's+ channels which bring all crap

Im gonna stick it with that.....

08-01-2005, 07:15 PM
Considering most TV, reality television in particular, is crap, you're not saying much. Several shows that are popular here were taken from Britain, and I imagine it goes the other way as well. But most of the shows you listed--especially Jerry Springer--are garbage.

08-01-2005, 07:18 PM
I think American TV is fine, though it's the only TV I know. I think all countries have good and bad TV and movies.

I love Seinfeld, Lost and House. All those shows are American. And yes I know a British person is in House.

Jerry Springer is an abomination. It's like... too pathetic for words.

08-01-2005, 07:26 PM
American TV is crap outside of a few programs. I suppose you could say that about all TV, though.

08-01-2005, 07:28 PM
American TV came up with 24...so it is automatically better even if everything else is in the dumpster.

Itsunari 2000
08-01-2005, 07:46 PM

08-01-2005, 07:48 PM
Big Brother is Dutch, I believe, we didn't invent that, and I thank whatever deity is listening for that fact.

08-01-2005, 07:50 PM
American TV is crap outside of a few programs. I suppose you could say that about all TV, though.I was just about to post but then I read the the end of your post xD. I dont know if I watch enough tv to give much of an opinion. Well the UK pimp my ride was much better than the american pimp my ride. Yeah thats all Ive got right now.

08-01-2005, 07:58 PM
America has family guy,futurama and simpsons which means it's supieror (sp?)

08-01-2005, 08:09 PM
The way it works is like this :

English programmes, especially comedy, rarely translates or succeeds in America (or any other country for that matter) because English humour is usually very dry, or based entirely on English things, for example how awful England is. You can't be a good English comedian without insulting your own country and culture. It's not because Americans are "too dumb" and English comedy is "too smart", it's just based on things Americans would have no idea or concept of unless they've lived in, or been to England often.

American programmes, especially comedy, translate well over the world because the humour and style is far less specific, it covers a broader spectrum, and even if there are jokes that are specifically American, they do not make up a large quantity of the total.

You can't say which is superior, since it's a purely subjective concept, though one could say that the widespread nature of American comedy and programmes has made them more successful.

08-01-2005, 08:49 PM
The way it works is like this :

English programmes, especially comedy, rarely translates or succeeds in America (or any other country for that matter) because English humour is usually very dry, or based entirely on English things, for example how awful England is. You can't be a good English comedian without insulting your own country and culture. It's not because Americans are "too dumb" and English comedy is "too smart", it's just based on things Americans would have no idea or concept of unless they've lived in, or been to England often.

American programmes, especially comedy, translate well over the world because the humour and style is far less specific, it covers a broader spectrum, and even if there are jokes that are specifically American, they do not make up a large quantity of the total.

You can't say which is superior, since it's a purely subjective concept, though one could say that the widespread nature of American comedy and programmes has made them more successful.

You win.

08-01-2005, 09:09 PM
Who's Line it is Anyways rocked until it came to America. Carrey sucks. lol
Would you consider Canadian TV, British TV?

08-01-2005, 09:15 PM
All im saying is is that American TV is now mindless garbage, But good comes out of it ( Six Feet Under, Nip/Tuck , Desperate Housewives )
i only like American drama truthfully

08-01-2005, 09:16 PM
Who's Line it is Anyways rocked until it came to America. Carrey sucks. lol
Would you consider Canadian TV, British TV?
...No, I'd consider it Canadian TV since, you know, it's Canadian.

08-01-2005, 09:32 PM
The way it works is like this :

English programmes, especially comedy, rarely translates or succeeds in America (or any other country for that matter) because English humour is usually very dry, or based entirely on English things, for example how awful England is. You can't be a good English comedian without insulting your own country and culture. It's not because Americans are "too dumb" and English comedy is "too smart", it's just based on things Americans would have no idea or concept of unless they've lived in, or been to England often.

American programmes, especially comedy, translate well over the world because the humour and style is far less specific, it covers a broader spectrum, and even if there are jokes that are specifically American, they do not make up a large quantity of the total.

You can't say which is superior, since it's a purely subjective concept, though one could say that the widespread nature of American comedy and programmes has made them more successful.
Lindy goes for teh win.

08-01-2005, 09:36 PM
Then again, I personally really hate some American comedy. For example, I don't like Will and Grace at all because it just seems to be the same jokes over and over for about five or six seasons now.

Will : Hi, I'm gay, I like men!
Grace : Hi, I'm whiny, I really want a man but nobody ever wants me!
Jack : Hi, I'm very very gay, and I like men!
Karen : Hi, I'm very very alcoholic, don't I say funny things? LAUGH AT ME!

I'm sure some people love it, I just can't stand it any more. Also, funnily enough, it's actually a rough clone of Gimme Gimme Gimme, an awful English comedy, right down the fact that the woman has ginger hair.

But then, if I don't like it, I don't watch it, regardless of it's origins.

08-01-2005, 09:40 PM
A good example of Good British Comedy is the Office or The Royal Family. Too bad it ended

faster skating penguin
08-01-2005, 09:48 PM
Seinfeld, Simpsons, Family Guy, House, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Futurama, 24 and (the late) John Doe make that statement false.

08-01-2005, 09:52 PM
American tv is way better than British, we trump up The office ect, but we all quitely ignore such dull boring programs like My family and that hero one while america produces arrested development, sienfield, friends the simpsons curb your enthusiasm, for American CSI (brilliant even if they are stretching the format) we have slient witness(crap and un-cool). We have the bill they have the shield and NYPD, for our Dr Who they produce stargate sg1, battlestar galactica, lost. All reality tv is horrible that's a draw. American Tv is witty and impressive British tv is dreary not well writtern and the rare occasions it is good (spaced, black books ect) no one watches it and switches on to another episode of "where the heart is" ( i'd rather die then watch this drivel again). Seriously look in your tv guide the best shows on British tv at the moment are American

The simpsons

British tv is horrible if i see another drama about northeners or miners or northeners who are miners i'll get an axe and attack my TV

Couldn't be arsed with grammar or sentences today.

08-01-2005, 10:51 PM
I would like to point out that most british shows that make their way over here(as in the original and not our own version of yours) suck. Not because I don't like the humor or anything like that but for 2 reasons.

1) HORRIBLE cinemtography
2) Terrible directing

That is what I have gathered from watching most foriegn stuff in general though. I am convinced that England has a problem with lights though. That could really help their situation.

Faulty Towers rocks though.

08-01-2005, 10:53 PM
And, like you said, we have 24.

08-01-2005, 10:54 PM
We av Sugar Rush

Nuff Said

08-02-2005, 12:56 AM
Monty Python anyone?

I prefer American, but I also have my favorite British shows such as Trigger Happy and of course Python. Sure, American has its top line up (Family Guy, South Park, Beavis & Butthead), bur the same thing can be said about England.

So, i do prefer Amercian TV, but i like British very much as well.

~Keep it gooey~

08-02-2005, 01:06 AM
Will : Hi, I'm gay, I like men!
Grace : Hi, I'm whiny, I really want a man but nobody ever wants me!
Jack : Hi, I'm very very gay, and I like men!
Karen : Hi, I'm very very alcoholic, don't I say funny things? LAUGH AT ME!

I'm sure some people love it, I just can't stand it any more. Also, funnily enough, it's actually a rough clone of Gimme Gimme Gimme, an awful English comedy, right down the fact that the woman has ginger hair.
ITS TRUE xD!! I HATE both those shows by the way.

08-02-2005, 07:47 PM
I think 24 and one tree hill are the best shows in america

08-02-2005, 07:52 PM
Seinfeld, Simpsons, Family Guy, House, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Futurama, 24 and (the late) John Doe make that statement false.
Seinfeld finished.
The Simpsons is overextended, and relatively unfunny compared to earlier episodes.
Family Guy, see above
House, the main character is played by Hugh Laurie, you need an English actor for one of your most popular shows?
Futurama, also finished.
24, same thing over and over, Jack Bauer and his family get in trouble, the president also, bombs, terrorists, etc.
Never heard of John Doe or ATHF.

You can't just straight out say that American TV is better, when the shows you're citing are either finished or very much played-out already, same way you can't say that it about English TV when the few things that ARE good are relatively rare or cut short.

Itsunari 2000
08-02-2005, 07:59 PM
Britain's collective intelligence has been battered with such ferocity by the likes of " Celebrity Love Island" they lack the sense to use their remote controls.

Kawaii Ryűkishi
08-02-2005, 08:12 PM
The only thing I don't get about British comedy is its preoccupation with crossdressing. A man in a dress just isn't that funny, guys.

08-02-2005, 08:15 PM
It's a long tradition, back from the days of Shakespeare when there were no women actors, then it was further used during the many wars Britain participated in, since there were no women around, men used to pretend and it ended up being more amusing than anything.

I don't find it funny myself, just that it's rather disturbingly ingrained into the British comic psyche.

Flying Mullet
08-02-2005, 08:17 PM
we can do it in 5 channels while America has 100's+ channels which bring all crap
That line made me chuckle. :)

08-02-2005, 08:19 PM
British written comedy is far superior. However, the US has so many damn TV shows, it's statistically improbable that it also wouldn't have the best ones.

Flying Mullet
08-02-2005, 08:22 PM
British TV used to be superior, but then the US scored <i>Full House</i> and the rest is history.

08-02-2005, 09:01 PM
British TV used to be superior, but then the US scored <i>Full House</i> and the rest is history.

You win too. Full House is like... one of the most brilliant shows ever. EVER.

I dunno if anyone said Lost or if I did already, but brilliant show. That, along with House (but it has Hugh Laurie, who IS British) and Spongebob (cartoon) are my favourite shows. And Full House. <3

08-02-2005, 09:57 PM
i forgot compare ER with casualty, that's the gulf.

08-02-2005, 10:02 PM
The only thing I don't get about British comedy is its preoccupation with crossdressing. A man in a dress just isn't that funny, guys.Thank you.

08-02-2005, 11:16 PM
In my experience, British comedies tend to be superior intellectually. This isn't to say US comedies are crap, there are a good few I love, I just find myself enjoying the subtlety (sp?) and the manic alternative comedy more.

This is of course a preference of mine & my views may not be anybodies. As regards Drama, I think both have great dramas, Britain has Murphy's Law, had Cracker, both i love(d).

America has The Soprano's, 24 & Lost, all unmissable.

What I am finding recent though, whereas before the UK copied a lot of US shows & made them here, it's happening a LOT more in thew opposite direction now.

In the end it's all down to preference, nothing more & nothing less. This preference is greatly infulenced by where you live as UK & America despite it's similarities are still very different places. In the end no one is wrong here.

Del Murder
08-03-2005, 01:51 AM
The only thing I don't get about British comedy is its preoccupation with crossdressing. A man in a dress just isn't that funny, guys.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say British people will say British comedy better and American people will say American comedy is better. Shocking, I know.

I don't watch any British shows but I do like the Monty Python movies when they aren't talking in silly voices. In my opinion nothing will ever beat Seinfeld and Simpsons. Arrested Development is the funniest American show still running.

08-03-2005, 01:54 AM
British TV has sucked since the 90's. Oh come back Noel Edmonds, even you are preferable to whatever tacky gameshow they've stapled to the Lottery now.

08-03-2005, 01:54 AM
However, the US has so many damn TV shows, it's statistically improbable that it also wouldn't have the best ones.
So the Indians should have the best movies in the world?

Pure Strife
08-03-2005, 05:37 PM
I've yet to see the Americans come up with anything to match Spaced, Black Books, Coupling and Goodness Gracious Me. Even if they weren't all entirely original, these are the most entertaining things I've watched. Though virtually everything else that's any good on TV is American, and when they're good they're damn good.

So my favourites are British shows, but the majority of what I watch is American. A tie, I say.

Flying Mullet
08-03-2005, 05:50 PM
I've yet to see the Americans come up with anything to match... Coupling ...
NBC tried to copy it with American actors and such last year and it sucked in a most major way.

08-03-2005, 05:57 PM
Spaced was amazing. C4 had great comedies in Father Ted, Brassed Off, Spaced & Black Books. BBC2 had Big Train, Alan Partridge, The Office, early Little Britain (it has become pretentious now), Fast Show and Reeves & Mortimer. Ownage.

08-03-2005, 07:30 PM
I have actually seen the British coupling and it sucked. Sucked like friends sucked. CURSE YOU PBS!

What is that comedy with the Black Chef? That was okay and humorous.

Madame Adequate
08-03-2005, 07:45 PM
So what, British TV is better than American TV because we invent the crappy reality TV shows and they merely steal them? (Besides which, Wife Swap USA is about fifty times better than Wife Swap here.) Actually, we just steal them from Germany and Sweden.

Anyway, I like plenty of shows from both countries. And I dislike plenty from both countries. But I find the British far more ready to overrate and hype their own stuff, no matter how <img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif">e it is.

08-03-2005, 07:45 PM
you know Square was going to release AC in the Uk first but America bitched on

they won't have it any other way but themselves when it involves media

the UK has better comedies and classics

does American Tv have Little Britain? doubt it

i watched American Tv before too many channels for one type of show and stuff like that

thew only way american Tv is superior is they have more and better anime

08-03-2005, 07:55 PM
Shoden, in every topic you decide to deficate in you always make these vehement statements like fact, instead of opinion. Whatsmore, you always state them in the most offensive way the given topic allows you.

You're a strange wee man indeed.

08-03-2005, 08:25 PM
it's more of a moan like question than a flame

i'm not wee ;-;

08-04-2005, 01:16 AM
Well from what I saw of American TV when I was in America I must say it sucked. S-U-C-K-E-D.

But mind you, it was daytime "comedy". I think daytime comedy sucks anywhere in the world. Daytime TV is bad. We have programs such as "Bargin Hunt" and "Cash in the Attic"...which rather worryingly have got cult followings.

America has its share of classic shows, Simpsons, Futurama, South Park, Friends etc, and of course Gargoyles IMO =D.
But maybe it is my patriotism leaking through here but I think British comedy is far superior.
Brass Eye, Alan Partridge, The Office, Have I got News for you, Never mind the Buzzcocks, Extras, Royle Family to name but a few. But as people have stated, British humour doesn't translate well as it is very dry and requires a great amount of thought and concentration in some respects. To me, American humour in the popular shows, Will and Grace, Friends etc is about one liners and saying something appropiatly wacky in a given situation or the typical person walks in the room and says 'Honey I'm home' - canned laughter. (or something to that effect). Whereas in programs such as the Office more often than not the lack of words, the tension and awquardness built up by conflicting relationships and clashing personalities provides the humour.

I watched some of the American The Office and they lost what the British one was all about. I found it dull, unfunny, poorly timed and just....I dont know, not appealing in the slightest. I know personal opinon counts for a lot but pfft, it was dull.

Not saying all our shows are class, there are some which are embarrassing -My Hero for example is the worst example of standard canned laughter no brained entertainment I can think of but still, on the whole for comedy I say we are better.


08-04-2005, 02:05 AM
American TV is made for Americans, to be laughed at by Americans. So basically we won't get the joke in the UK in the first place and visa versa.

Prefere UK TV any day, c'mon, we have the mad <img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif"> himself Johnny Vegas.

The Jamie Star Scenario
08-04-2005, 03:46 AM
Oh I went to America, switched on the TV and watched an hour of adverts just trying to watch a epidsode of Fairly Odd Parents. American TV sucks! Fairly Odd Parents rulz though.

Azure Chrysanthemum
08-04-2005, 05:27 AM
I've found that there aren't enough good shows, American or British, to justify turning off the PS2.

Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World
08-04-2005, 05:47 AM
OMG are you freaking kidding me. My Hero is the only good british show ever. it is Awsome.

I have to say though, if we got rid of all our soap operas, all our reality tv shows (except fear factor), then we would have a far superior tv veiwing thinkgy. but we have them and they suck.

My favorite shows consist of:
Scrubs (which I rarely get to watch cause it and house are on at the same time)
My Hero (I love PBS)
The Red Green Show (ahh, PBS)
Shoulin Showdown (sp?)
Pokemon (there I said it)
thats all I can think of for now. and all those are really great shows.
Ill post more when I can think them up.

08-04-2005, 05:54 AM
I've yet to see the Americans come up with anything to match Spaced, Black Books, Coupling and Goodness Gracious Me. Even if they weren't all entirely original, these are the most entertaining things I've watched. Though virtually everything else that's any good on TV is American, and when they're good they're damn good.

So my favourites are British shows, but the majority of what I watch is American. A tie, I say.
Family Guy owns any show on the UK.People who say british comedy is funnier because its more intelectual.I'm sorry but stand up is the same everywhere.ITs observational jokes XD. Also I never found that weird music and 3 policemen chasing 1 guy around with a fast frame rate that funny.

Doesn't family guy make fun of britain pornography XD lol.

Anyway TV is crap anywhere you go to say its just crap in america is to just follow a fad.
The only thing that sucks about american TV is the advertising.I mean dang talk about a capitalist society.
P.S. burn MTV.

08-04-2005, 07:48 AM
Seinfeld and Aqua Teens > all

08-04-2005, 08:37 AM
Jimmy Carr > The rest.

08-04-2005, 02:37 PM
I probably prefer American TV to English, i like alot of american comedies like One-on-One, In The House, Fresh Prince of Belair, Quintuplets, 2 guys, a girl and a Pizza Place and friends but i also love Little Britain and stuff like that.

I have to admit, Americas "Worlds funniest animals" has got to be the worst show.. ever

08-04-2005, 03:13 PM
black books
little britain
pheonix nights, second series not first,
what does america have that go up against black books?

08-04-2005, 03:17 PM
black books
little britain
pheonix nights, second series not first,
what does america have that go up against black books?
Family Guy > all

08-04-2005, 03:19 PM
have you ever watched black books. Family guy is smurfing awesome, but black books is the <img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif">.

08-04-2005, 11:18 PM
Maybe the reason why I hated My hero was because it attempted to ape poor American humour.



Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World
08-05-2005, 05:40 AM
ooh ooh. I got more

Stargate SG-1 (I have yet to be able to see the Atlantis ones)
Firefly (only had 1 season, but it was a great series)