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Forever Waiting
08-03-2005, 05:37 AM
I had a question of if Sephiroth had achieved what he had wanted. As should be obvious, he summoned Meteor to create a massive "injury" to the planet, therefore causing the lifestream to gather to a place so that he could obtain the knowledge of the Cetra (the ancients). What ended up happening was that not only the Lifestream, but Holy as well gathered at the same place. As you see in the end movie, the Lifestream, Holy, and Meteor meet at the same place....... this seems to lead to nowhere because if Sephiroth died at the end, why would he want this to happen? I believe that Square could have had an interesting twist by having Jenova in Midgar while Holy, Meteor, and the Lifestream collide. Would that cause Jenova to recieve the knowledge of the ancients? Is this making sense or have I gone too far?

08-03-2005, 06:35 AM
Sephiroth made clear his intention to use Meteor as a means to wound the planet and induce an artificial apotheosis in the Temple of the Ancients. Aeris attempted to counteract this by praying for Holy at the Water Altar. This prayer was sufficient; even if Aeris hadn't died, the prayer would have reached the planet and the White Materia would have been activated.

However, the actual Holy magic was being blocked by Sephiroth. We're told as much during the Key of the Ancients sequence on Disc 2.

Cloud: Thank you... Aeris. Aeris' voice has already reached the Planet. Just
look at the glow of the White Materia. But...... how about Holy? How come Holy
isn't moving? Why?

Bugenhagen: Something's getting in its way.

Cloud: ......Him...... He's the only one that could do it....Sephiroth. Where
are you?

Sephiroth never intended for Holy to actually be used. He was successful in blocking it; only his defeat (which he obviously didn't intend) allowed the Magic to take effect.

As to your overall theory, there are several problems, I'm afraid. For one, JENOVA wasn't in Midgar. The being was at the Crater (where the Sephiroth Clones were summoned and where the battles with Jenova∙SYNTHESIS and Bizarro and Safer Sephiroth took place). Second, JENOVA is completely incompatible with Gaia's Lifestream. It's possible that JENOVA needed Sephiroth to utilize the knowledge and wisdom of the Cetra, but direct use is definitely impossible.

In the end, Sephiroth's stated intent was no deception. He intended to make use of the concentration of the Lifestream and, in effect, become a God. JENOVA, often argued to be manipulating Sephiroth's actions, would have been able to take advantage of this power. Meteor was needed for all this to take place, though, and Holy could have prevented the desired results.

08-03-2005, 08:35 AM

geez. and i thought it was a good question, but it just ended with the first reply LOL. crazy. but good to know ^_^

08-03-2005, 03:40 PM
that was a really good ? ive played ff7 for a while and i couldnt hardly understand the ? lol :D

08-07-2005, 06:32 AM
Sephiroth couldn't become God, but a very powerful creature with great knowledge and ability to destroy planets (Death Star:)).

08-07-2005, 06:54 PM
You mean he became somewhat of a demi-god.Like Kratos in God of War.

08-07-2005, 10:59 PM
what masamune1600 said :/