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08-05-2005, 11:57 PM
My dog dog died yesterday, August 5th 2005... i loved her a lot, and knew her my whole life, we were even the same age, 15...

i'm sure a lot of people know how it feels to lose someone in their family or their pets or anything, so if anybody wants to pay respect, please do... and even honor ur own loved one's death... never forget. always remember the good things about them.
and some people might not think that losing a pet is not a big of a deal as other things, but to me, i was really close to my dog... and i was gone for a whole month and didn't even get to say bye, because she was being taken care of by my uncle. and it sux a lot to not be able to say goodbye or spend the last days with someone... so everybody cherish the ones they have now...please.

also, if u wanna talk about lost loved ones or say anything about them, u can right here, everybody's listening...

08-05-2005, 11:59 PM
First of all, I'm sorry for your loss. Anyways, I've lost quite a few people in my family, strange I never felt sad; mainly because I'm as strong as I am. I learned how to accept death as a part of life, by accepting death, you won't get sad or disappointed in life.

08-06-2005, 12:00 AM
:( I feel for you. I've lost a pet, and family members, and yeah, it hurts, but it gets a lot easier to handle as time goes on. The first few days are always the hardest.

RIP G SpOtZ's dog.


08-06-2005, 12:35 AM
Sorry for your loss. :(

08-06-2005, 12:50 AM
I feel really sorry for you, I have lost pets in the past. Also, just earlier today I found out that a good friend of mine passed away from cancer, though, she died in June. I just didn't know. I even changed the quote in my sig to show how I feel about these twists in fate.

mike without a hat
08-06-2005, 01:42 AM
my grandmother died like 6 years ago or something and thats really the only time i was really sad that someone died to the point that i cried cause we were really close

then at the beginning of the year my best friends dad died, it wasnt that sad but just one of those things that makes you say wow and really think
and he was to all of his friends too like we would talk and hang out with him when we were all over, so...

08-06-2005, 01:47 AM
I'm sorry, GS. Animals are just like part of the family, at least for me, and it really hard when they pass away. I've lost a lot of family members, as well as pets, and it is never easy. But time does help to ease the pain a lot.

08-06-2005, 02:19 AM
i know how u feel, my dog, the one in the middle, is not dead but almost, im scared an dont want him to die, but i think it might be for the best, he is in pain because of infections that keep coming back an hes almost blind an deaf

08-06-2005, 02:23 AM
That's really sad. My fiance's dog is about 15 or older and I'm afraid of the day he'll go because I know how much my fiance loves him. You'll never forget your first doggy.

08-06-2005, 02:26 AM
thats true, from now on im wont moan when he farts on me or tries to hump me cuz i never know when hes gonna go

08-06-2005, 02:39 AM
it's always the worst when they're suffering... my dog was supposed to have passed away earlier than she did, but she hung in there. she was diagnosed with cancer and diabetes, and begun to grow a tumor on her neck. she really hung in there and i'm really proud of her, but the tumor grew too large and punctured the skin from inside out... that's when we had to put her to sleep. i just hope everybody has been able to say goodbye to their loved ones and at leasat spend their days with them...

thx everybody so far who's payed their respects...

08-06-2005, 02:44 AM
she sounds like she sufferd a great deal and u did the right thing to put her down, i hope she has gone to doggy heaven and remember it will get better over time, she will always be in your heart.

Selphie Fan
08-06-2005, 02:57 AM
I lost my cat 2 or 3 years ago. The night before we put him asleep I cried so hard. He was my first cat. We think he died from kidney failure or something like that. Then we got a guinea pig but she died a few weeks ago. So I know how you feel.

08-06-2005, 02:59 AM
*repeats Nas song*

Can we please have a moment to mourn??

08-06-2005, 03:39 AM
it's always the worst when they're suffering... my dog was supposed to have passed away earlier than she did, but she hung in there. she was diagnosed with cancer and diabetes, and begun to grow a tumor on her neck. she really hung in there and i'm really proud of her, but the tumor grew too large and punctured the skin from inside out... that's when we had to put her to sleep. i just hope everybody has been able to say goodbye to their loved ones and at leasat spend their days with them...

thx everybody so far who's payed their respects...

That's a lot like what happened to my friend, I call her my friend because she was a good friend with all of her students, she was my Spanish teacher. If you look in my profile you will see that my favorite subject is Spanish. She was a great teacher and made it really fun. I was really looking forward to be in her class again this fall. The first month of last year she was gone because she was in chemotherapy because she had breast cancer. Throughout the year she tried her best to make everyone happy, even with her sickness. A another friend e-mailed me earlier because she was worried about me, because she thought I had known. "She's in a better place now, with God, no more pain, no more cancer..." I've reflected upon these words but still, I wish I could have said goodbye. At least I got to say goodbye to all of my grandparents who've died in the past.

08-06-2005, 04:28 AM
My sympathies. That should suffice it as I've discussed my own difficulties and tragedies on these forums enough as it is. I seem to come off as an overexaggerative emo attention-freak. Anyway, you'll get over it.

Meat Puppet
08-06-2005, 05:26 AM
I didn't love her enough.

08-06-2005, 05:41 AM
My dog almost died today. She had a heart attack and passed out on the floor of the vet's office. We really thought she was done.

I've lost 2 dogs in my lifetime, both of which I grew up with. I was about 15 too, and they were about 15, so I have been in your situation.

Losing friends/family has been more painful for me. I lost a foster sister and one of my best friends. Just makes you stronger in the long run I guess. (RIP TKP i still love you sooo much girl)

08-06-2005, 06:41 AM
I remember during the school year we had a cat that lived on our porch, because my mom started feeding it and it liked it there. My step-dad didn't like this, so we were forced to give it away.

I thought I didn't care, I mean I'm not really the type of person to get attached to pets, especially one I knew wouldn't stay very long either way (it was a stray). But everyday when I got home from school something was always missing. I kept on walking in as though I thought it were there. Sometimes a branch would brush against my window and I'd think it was her (or him I hadn't even checked), because it use to paw my window for attention late at night. I kept on, day in and day out disappointing myself by checking for it on the porch. I'm really sorry for your loss, I know it can hurt a lot.

08-06-2005, 06:52 AM
to lose a loved one is to lose a part of your soul.

I lost an aunt ,about 50 cousins,20 of them died in iraq.hmm three great grandmothers 1 great grandfather.

:( :(

08-06-2005, 08:10 AM
I had a cat since I was 4 who passed away last summer. I took it the worst way possible, I didn't cry or show any signs of remorse. My dog who never got along with my cat sensed that she was dead under the patio and started whimpering. He lives with my grandmother now, but when he comes to visit our house, he'll go around sniffing everything trying to find her and then acts sadly when he doesn't. They seemed to have some kind of understanding before she passed away, even if they fought all the time.
My cat was pretty much my best friend and I hardly like cats. She had always taken a liking to me over anyone else, even when I pestered her as a child. She'd lay on my head when I were sleeping and I used to use her as transportation for my barbie dolls and tie them to her. But most importantly, when I were sick, she'd stick around and watch over me.
Then she started acting strange, she's been through so much with moving from house to house, she kind of went crazy. She lost her vision in one eye (in the dark only one eye would shimmer and I'd call her cyclops kitty as a nickname) and started messing in the house. So we had to put her in the garage and eventually died.

EDIT: remembered something.
She had small seizure and afterwards wouldn't stop twitching, so my parents called me on my cell phone and I quickly got back home to see her. When I arrived she started acting normal again and even started to purr and rub against my leg. My parents were contemplating whether or not to put her down, but when she saw me walk through the door she seemed happy, so they let her die naturally on her own.

08-06-2005, 08:14 AM
I had a cat & she died a year ago!I was really sad........

08-06-2005, 08:30 AM
I remember when my grandad died. It was really surreal. My frined was over and we were eating pizza and my mum crashed in crying. I'd never ever seen her cry and she hugged me. Shes never really hugged me either (I know that sounds weird but it's true. We've never really gotten along) but then 10 mins later she was fine and back to normal. I didn't feel anything because I didn't know my grandad at all. Him and my Gradma always travelled and he was in great health. He had collapsed in a supermarket carpark after buying a newspaper for my grandma, he died if Deep Vein Thrombosis because he had just been on a plane back from Austrailia. I didn't go to his funeral, I didn't see the point really. Everyone would be making speeeches about how much they knew him and loved him and I'd be a fake. Anyways, I miss my hamster more. It's stomach blew up :(

Kagga :love:

Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World
08-06-2005, 09:32 AM
Im not sure whats worse, to lose a dog youve spent most of your life with, or a puppy whose life has just begun. Ive lost both and they were very sad times. Ive grown since then, now when I get sad about something, like my grandfather passed away before I had a chance to ever meet him face to face, I seem to be much more physical and angry about what could have happend but cant now. I seem to ok running/working it out of my system, but it takes a few hours.

G Spot, I really am sorry for your loss. I offer you my condolenses.

08-06-2005, 09:50 AM
I'm really sorry for your loss.

Personally, I've lost fish, a bird and three grandparents.