View Full Version : Satanism in Rock and Roll

Buster Sword Strike
08-07-2005, 06:23 AM
WARNING: The following topic is going to be a deep discussion about the topic and similar topics. If you do not know much about Rock and Roll you probably won't know a lot of things metioned in the following topic. Also the following topic might be disturbing to some people who do not wish to hear about Satan, Hell, Evil elements, or The Occult.


It all started when I was listening to Stairway to Heaven(If you don't know that song you don't belong in this thread) and my Dad says that if you play the song backwards you uncover a message about satan. So being a typical curious teenager I look it up and find some info in Wikipedia. Aparently if you reverse the part of the song "If there's a bustle in your hedge row" you hear the message "This is to my sweet Satan!". I return to Yahoo search results and find different variations of this rumor along with other examples.

The Search (http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=backmasking+in+heavy+metal+and+rock+and+roll&sm=Yahoo%21+Search&fr=FP-tab-web-t&toggle=1&cop=&ei=UTF-8)

Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backward_message)

I learn that Judas Priest was sued because of a backmasking, actually the correct word is backwards or reverse messaging. The backmasking was the words "Do it" over and over again that the prossicuters (sp?) reffering to the letters S-U-I on the sleeve artwork.

Then I find several pages written by Christians about these legends taking both sides in the arguments. The first ideas about rockstars working for the devil begin to surface.

Backmasking on records: Real, or hoax? (http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_cul5.htm)

I start to get nervous and find this essay.

Essay (http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Rhodes/7895/rocksecu.htm)

I'm a rocker, I play the electric guitar, I love my bands from the rock and roll days, I'm taking a course next year called Rock School. So I'm sort of freaking out thinking about this. Then I find this page. It just makes me quiver when I see the words. I don't go to sleep till' late that night cause of the thoughts stirring in my head.

Warning: long read but essential to conversation.

Hell's Bells -The Dangers of Rock and Roll. (Part IV)
(the page) (http://www.inplainsite.org/html/rock_and_the_occult.html)

I thought about it the next day and thought that maybe Christians are just a little to controlling with their people and have a grudge against rock and roll. Then took their case to far but I would like to hear your opinions on it.

Thanks for taking the time to read this,


08-07-2005, 06:39 AM
It all began when Jimi Hendrix sold his soul to the devil....

And that Stairway to Heaven thing is kinda true but it's only one line and it's only just able to be understood as 'I sing because I love with Satan' in short, it's BS

08-07-2005, 06:49 AM
Is this similar to all the Christian babble I hear when I hear country...except, I don't have to bother playing it backwards?

I've played Stairway to Heaven backwards, and I think it's just coincidence and it arises from expecting and imagining thats what you hear, and thats what you want to hear. The only TRUE, without a doubt backmasking I've ever heard that I am 100% convinced was done intentionally and is actual words, is the backmasking Pink Floyd did in some of their songs...none of it is evil or anything...infact, it's humorous.

But people have said they hear crap backwards in Tupac songs, in Queen songs, and well, damn near everyone else who was ever really big. It's kind of like when you look at clouds and think you see the face of an animal or something, but you don't...it's just using your imagination and one of your five senses to make something out of something less than what it is - a randomly, shapeless cloud, and nothing more.

08-07-2005, 09:45 AM
The only TRUE, without a doubt backmasking I've ever heard that I am 100% convinced was done intentionally and is actual words, is the backmasking Pink Floyd did in some of their songs...none of it is evil or anything...infact, it's humorous.I'm not entitely sure, but Marilyn Manson has probably done it intentionally. Not that I'm complaining. It's one of my favorite bands. It's just that on Anti-christ Superstar there are some parts that when played regular sound like something is being said in reverse, so if it was played in reverse real words would be heard. I've never figured out a way to test it out though.

Tell me, how did you play zepplin backwards?

Kawaii Ryűkishi
08-07-2005, 09:48 AM
What can I say? Satan rocks.

Meat Puppet
08-07-2005, 10:21 AM
that's just what the guys in suits want you to think

08-07-2005, 11:46 AM
The Pink Floyd one is true.

On the begining of Empty Spaces there is an intentional backwards message.

And on 'Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In A Cave and Grooving With a Pict' there is a hidden (not sure if its backwards) thing of one Mr Gilmour saying something along the lines of 'Well that's all rather avande garde isn't it?'

08-07-2005, 02:36 PM
I've heard the Stairway to Heaven one. I believe I may still have the clip on my computer. Frankly, some of it sounds like actual words, but the rest is so unintelligable that it's more than a stretch to say there's a hidden message there. Even looking at what it was supposed to be saying while listening to it, I could only make out a few things that sounded like actual words. It was coincidence if you ask me, and people tend to read to much into it.

That said though, Satan does indeed rock. And he should with the souls of so many evil rockbands in his possession.

Pure Strife
08-07-2005, 03:37 PM
Never really looked into the rumours and don't care to. I like rock, I'm not a satanist and I'm not suicidal. I see no problem, messages or no messages.

Brian The Pink Shark
08-07-2005, 06:02 PM
Rock music has always been a hated genre amongst strict religious types, personnaly i dont believe much of it and any intentional stuff is just a way of screwing these guys, or not :choc:

Buster Sword Strike
08-07-2005, 07:10 PM
I thought the Pink Floyd one was funny as well. That Hells Bells thing I thought was so onesided that you could tell this guy was trying to make you scared of rock. On one of the pages of my search there was a page with a guy who went to catholic school and the video (Hells Bells) caused him to love rock and he also believed what the video stated, that listeners are told to do drugs to enjoy it more.

I have tried Stairway to Heaven backwards and it sounds like they're saying some form of english muttering. It kind of makes me wanna go get the recod and try it out on my Grandma's record player. Also I had no clue the piper in the song was refering to Pan.

The sign of the devil was a surprise. My parents both told me it was a surfing sign and my friends told me it ment rock on, but the sign of the devil? I didn't think something like this would happen with the all so mighty Christian church which is able to control peoples lives and "protect them from rock music" would let the symbol spread out world wide. Don't get me wrong, I'm catholic, but if I had no clue, my parents had no clue, hell even my grandparents thought it ment hang-ten or rock on.

Jimmy Page, part-time rocker, full time satanist. Thats a lot of crap. Mr. Crowley is his role model? If Jimmy Page was that much of a satanist he would come out and make it show in his songs like Marilyn Manson and, to some extent, AC/DC. With lyrics like:
"There's a lady thats sure that all glitters with gold"

"Their are two paths you can go by but in the long run there's still time to change the road your on"

And finally,
"There walks a lady we all know that shines white light and wants to show all things still turn to gold"

Although somewhat against christians to believe you can change your life path, but definatly not satanic. The lady the song is about seems to be heavenly and last time I checked that isn't satanic.

Pure Strife
08-07-2005, 07:50 PM
Marilyn Manson has stated a number of times he's not a satanist. I highly doubt AC/DC were into Satanism. Metallica aren't satanists, but their (arguably) best known song, Master Of Puppets, is about how the devil can twist and control people. Just because someone sings about wanting to kill someone doesn't mean they're a murderer. It's entertainment, treat it as such.

The only band I know of that aren't into the whole Black Metal thing that refer to themselves as satanists are Alkaline Trio, and I would never have guessed as their music has nothing to do with it. Even then, they're into the athiest "enjoy the pleasures of the flesh" element of it, not the actual worshipping of the devil.

It doesn't matter. That's all there is to the subject, because we all know rock music in general isn't satanic, but some people will pick at anything they don't like even if there is no logical reason. There's a frickin laundry list of crap organised religion denounces for reasons that the rest of the thinking world would consider rediculous. If you're worried about rock music tunring you into a devil worshipper look around and see if it's had that effect on anyone else. And if it still worries you, just listen to classical or some <img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif">. Unless that automatically makes you unpatriotic or something because it's mostly European.

08-07-2005, 08:47 PM
Marilyn Manson has stated a number of times he's not a satanist. I highly doubt AC/DC were into Satanism. Metallica aren't satanists, but their (arguably) best known song, Master Of Puppets, is about how the devil can twist and control people.

Wrong, it's about drug abuse.

08-07-2005, 08:48 PM
There is no way that I would go to a Christian site to get information on anything, let along rock. And I really couldn't care less what is on these songs that could be heard backwards. The music is great and if putting something backwards on an album will help sell the music, well then that's good business sense.

Buster Sword Strike
08-07-2005, 09:07 PM
Yeah its kinda funny how christians twist things so people are scared of them, just because the church doesn't like it.

08-07-2005, 09:52 PM
Tell me, how did you play zepplin backwards?
I downloaded the song, opened it in Audacity (an audio editng/recording program), and selected the entire track, and made it reverse the entire track. There's a million (free) programs that can do it now.

I've heard people say Manson had backmasking in some of his music too...though I never bothered to check.

08-07-2005, 10:50 PM
<i>Empty Spaces</i> backwards message: "Congratulations. You have just discovered the secret message. Please send your answer to Old Pink, care of the Funny Farm, Chalfont."

Very Satanic.

Buster Sword Strike
08-07-2005, 11:26 PM
Lol thats the best one!!

08-07-2005, 11:55 PM
The only band I know of that aren't into the whole Black Metal thing that refer to themselves as satanists are Alkaline Trio, and I would never have guessed as their music has nothing to do with it. Even then, they're into the athiest "enjoy the pleasures of the flesh" element of it, not the actual worshipping of the devil.

<i>Step one, slit my throat. Step two, bathe in my blood. Step three, cover me with bloody sheets and run laughing out of the house.</i>
Good old Alkaline Trio. Not satanistic, just....dark lyrics. I haven't heard them say they are Satanists, but pfft just because I haven't heard it doesnt mean it isnt.

I watched some program on the Judas Priest backwards song court thing. They were let off as it was discovered they did not put backwards messages in their songs. They claimed that yes, you would hear messages if you wanted to. To prove a point they played a bit of music and asked the jury if they could hear anything. The jury said no. (Maybe it wasn't the jury...it was someone though...) Then they played it again, saying, ah, but there is a message, it's "Dogs go bark" Or something. It may not of been that, but it was something in that vein. Anyway, thats what the jury heard, thus proving that people are suggestible idiots who believe stuff.

Or something. The program put it a lot more eloquently, but basically it's all tripe.


Buster Sword Strike
08-08-2005, 12:29 AM
If you think about it christians are actually creating satan in music. They lead others to believe he's there essentially contaminating rock with all this satan crap.

08-08-2005, 12:36 AM
It's not all bad. Franz Ferdinand's Michael has a backward masking that says 'Call your mother, she misses you.'

And who says rock and roll can't be a force for good?

08-08-2005, 12:36 AM
not all christians
ultimately it's up to you what kind of message you see in music or any other form of art/entertainment

08-08-2005, 12:39 AM

Buster Sword Strike
08-08-2005, 12:43 AM
Thats it!! I'm forming a satanic cult of EoFFers!! We can sacrafice each other and listen to rock for 48 hours straight on weekends!! Whoever wants to join has to slit their wrists and record one backmasking!!

08-08-2005, 01:28 AM
the articulations of speech aren't the same backwards and forwards, so it only sounds normal one way or the other. However, your mind takes in sounds it hears and tries to match them with sounds you've heard before, so if you think you hear a message when playing something backwards, your mind can help fill in the rough edges.

08-08-2005, 01:52 AM
<i>Empty Spaces</i> backwards message: "Congratulations. You have just discovered the secret message. Please send your answer to Old Pink, care of the Funny Farm, Chalfont."

Very Satanic.
Yep, I heard that one. :D

08-08-2005, 04:50 AM
Marilyn Manson has stated a number of times he's not a satanist.Which doesn't change anything considering his interest in manipulation and desire to make music hated by parents "cause that's what Rock and Roll is supposed to be all about".

The best example I can think of right now is at the beginning of either Get Your Gunn or Wrapped in Plastic on the portrait CD. I can't remember which right now but listen and you'll hear.

Edit: Okay, so it was neither of those. Try track 4 :) It had been too long since I heard that CD.

08-08-2005, 05:12 AM
Never trust any Christian propaganda preaching about how 'evil' or 'anti christian' something is. It's always just a bunch of stupid conservative christians doing what they do best: mindless bitching.

Buster Sword Strike
08-08-2005, 09:04 PM
:angel: :shoot:

Heh Heh... :radred: = Mr.Crowley

Meat Puppet
08-08-2005, 09:41 PM
I remember someone telling me that satanism in rock n' roll probably hailed from people trying to get people not to listen to black music.

Actually, I think it was my mum.

Nevermind then.

08-08-2005, 10:17 PM
:angel: :shoot:

I'm a Christian, and I like rock.... personally I dislike Christian music... I like the old hymns, but this new contemporary crap just irritates me. I'll listen to any rock, 'long as it doesn't suck.

So leave t3h angels alone. :hot:

Buster Sword Strike
08-08-2005, 10:40 PM
Don't worry about it!! I'm a christian too. I'm just messin' around.
Its the ones that think they're allowed to control the stuff people do that piss me off.

08-09-2005, 12:59 AM
as DMC said, when you look at the clouds you can see lots of stuff. this is because our brain is programed to recognise patterns because its so important to the human species to recognise faces and other stuff. guess what: it works for sounds too! someone metioned it. so... does repeating what others said counts as a post?

Buster Sword Strike
08-09-2005, 05:48 AM
Yeah, a lot of it is about imagination. I think the dude was high who discovered it (It was the 70's) and he told a friend, as stated earlier the friend imagined it like his friend told him and so on.

08-09-2005, 05:50 AM
Yes if oyu listen to Blink182 then you worship satan himself!!!! dont listen to Blink182...save your souls!!! listen to system of a down to fight off the minions of satan.

08-09-2005, 08:04 AM
What about KANSAS? Haven't you ever seen Little Nicky?

Buster Sword Strike
08-09-2005, 10:38 PM
Satan seems really kind in Little Nicky. If it was real, he would be my Grandpa's bitch.