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08-07-2005, 08:22 AM
Okay, so tonight, I learned a Lesson of Life. And that lesson for me is, NEVER, EVER, eat and Italian BMT (http://subway.com/applications/menu/frmMenuPanel.aspx?menuId=2&countryCode=USA&languageCode=ENG) around midnight. It makes my stomach VERY unhappy. :barf:

So, post a lesson that life has taught you hard way.

Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World
08-07-2005, 08:40 AM
I once learned that the subway sucks and quiznos rocks, screw the bmt and eat a classic italian. or any italian really, they taste like cajun chicken.

08-07-2005, 08:45 AM
Well, since I work at a Subway, I get a free 6" sandwich everyday I work, and I like the BMT, along with a variety of other sandwiches.

Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World
08-07-2005, 08:50 AM
the bmt had been my favorite sub, until I went to quiznos. the classic italian has some sort of oil on it and its really good, i think it has 1 more type of meat too.I can never remember what kind of oil it is when I go to subway, so i dont get it.

boris no no
08-07-2005, 09:04 AM
never cross a maddend chicken.......

its an ebil flurry of raging feathers

08-07-2005, 10:13 AM
Don't go in the deep end of a wave pool, and don't tie a rope to a rock that tie to a tree and swing on it. Both of those situations didn't work out very well when I was younger. :p

08-07-2005, 10:52 AM
I went to Quiznos and Subway and learned the lesson that Togos reigns supreme.

Laugh at face of Danger
08-07-2005, 12:08 PM
dont put your foot behind your head

it gets stuck and you have to roll around

08-07-2005, 05:24 PM
If a girl tells you she's just "really close friends" with a guy she met as recently as she met you, and she's in a relationship with you, she's in a relationship with him too.

Meat Puppet
08-07-2005, 06:10 PM
If a girl tells you she's a guy she's probably right.

The Summoner of Leviathan
08-07-2005, 06:44 PM
A hole in the ground plus kleenex equals pain...underground hornets aren't fun when you block their hole...

08-07-2005, 07:36 PM
(1) sentences have = signs.
(2) Always put dots & lines on number lines, no matter how hard they are to see
(3) Do not make stupid mistakes (see 20)
(4) Always triple check operations with matrices (See 15)
(5) When subtracting integers, feel free to add the opposites. Much less confusion
(6) When simplifying, ALWAYS solve COMPLETELY. ALL like terms, even if they don't have a variable (See 7) (See 9)
(7) All numbers are like terms. Always solve them when simplifying. (See 6) (See 9)
(8) Pay attention in class & Take Notes (see 20)
(9) When square roots involve multiple numbers, all of which are squares, simply simplify them, (Ex. sqrt(36/49) = sqrt(6/7)) (See 6 & 7)
(10) Dots in the middle of the line don't mean the same as dots at the bottom of the line
(11) Include formulas, givens and givesn plugged into the formula.
(12) Smallest numbers two numbers can divide into will never be smaller than either of the two numbers.
(13) Fractions can be improper (see 18)
(14) When coming to the Middle of the Chapter, always take time to do the midchapter review.
(15) Double check your signs (See 4)
(16) Include unit of measurement in answers Always.
(17) When the variable is on both sides, try to get it on just one side.
(18) Using improper fractions as an answer for a variable is perfectly acceptable (See 13)
(19) Try to move smaller quantities first when solving for a variable.
(20) Be quiet in class & pay attention (See 3 & 8)
(21) Try to put letters before numbers, in alphabetical order.
(22) Make sure to use teh opposite operation on both sides of an equation.
(23) To find the number of years before a steadily rising rate meets a steadily shrinking rate, subtract the low inital amount from the higher initial amount, then add the two rates together and divide
(24) When given a number as compared to a value to anothe rnumber, dont' give it a variable (Ex. a, a+5, not a, b)
(25) If you plan on missing the day before a Health test, make excessive notes.
(26) Exponents can be added or subtracted if they are identical
(27) For problems in proportions with the variable on two parts of the same fraction (See #33 p. 205) ie. (9/3)=(39+d/d) == 9d=3(39+d) or 19.5
(28) Beware of Polyatomic thingies
(29) THou shalt not kill thineself.
(30) Always label axises

And from Sophomore year

Always point out the difference between PQ-- and PQ<-->
Always put the unit.
Always mark the exponent
D= sqrt((xsub2 - xsub1)^2+)ysub2 - ysub1)^2)
Always put 2 answers when solving sqrt(x)
Negate the conclusion, not hte hypothesis!

And these are the reasons I've gotten two A's in two years in Mr. Cato's pre ap math classes. A rare accomplishmen, even if I do say so myself.

08-08-2005, 12:33 AM
I'm allergic to Bee's.
They bring me out in hives :(

08-08-2005, 12:34 AM
If a girl tells you she's a guy she's probably right.
La-la-la-lola! xDDDDDD

08-08-2005, 12:34 AM
Don't umm... well, I can't remember now haha...

Buster Sword Strike
08-08-2005, 12:35 AM
Don't eat rocks!!

08-08-2005, 01:00 AM
Dont call your mom stupid, supposedly its funny, trust me its not. :mad:

faster skating penguin
08-08-2005, 02:16 AM
Today I learned you people are morons, subway pwns all

08-08-2005, 02:18 AM
Today I learned I am a moron, subway pwns all
Knowing is the first step.

08-08-2005, 07:28 AM
Never try to stuff a stick of homemade caramel in your mouth unless you want to die slowly by starvation and have your teeth dissolved.