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View Full Version : The best and worst of FF

08-11-2005, 02:49 PM
*Copies and Pastes from Fools Gold*

Since everyones complaining about that site I sent about FF here post your oppinions. Just like that link you can only have 3 in each category...

Best 3D FF

Best 2D FF
VI -Tied wit IV
IV -Tied wit VI

Im gonna do jus' this for now. I'll post more later... I was talking about this link...


Kawaii Ryűkishi
08-11-2005, 02:56 PM
Wrong forum.

08-11-2005, 02:59 PM
Damnit!! My minds all screwed. been too long (well not exactly) since I came...

08-17-2005, 09:18 PM
interesting, but I don't agree with them rating FFT badly.

08-17-2005, 09:43 PM
The Person That Made That Should Die

FFVII....Worst Final Fantasy ?
how dare that man

Hes always putting down FFII, but then goes its the most underrated....
And they said that FFVII was one of the least entertaining FF's
And they even said that Square were racist :o
And they slagged Quina so much
They say that FFX-2 should have a sequel, they already made one and it sucked...

Hinky the Pickle
08-17-2005, 11:51 PM
Interestingly enough I disagree with that guy on almost all accounts. He picked on some of the best Final Fantasy characters ever (Quina, Zorn & Thorn) and he picked on Final Fantasy VII way too much. I agree with the fact that it's overrated, but it's not an awful game by any means. When there are games like FFII, FFX-2, FFVIII and FFXI how can he possibly say FFVII is the absolute worst Final Fantasy? :p

08-18-2005, 07:35 AM
Some things i agree with but most of it is crap.

08-18-2005, 08:11 AM
The Person That Made That Should Die

FFVII....Worst Final Fantasy ?
how dare that man

Hes always putting down FFII, but then goes its the most underrated....
And they said that FFVII was one of the least entertaining FF's
And they even said that Square were racist :o
And they slagged Quina so much
They say that FFX-2 should have a sequel, they already made one and it sucked...

JESUS i agree what a loser, FFVII was so amazing that EVERYONE wants Square to do a remake and i do too, i dont understand this "least entertaining" part what does this mean? am i crazy? least entertaining i JUST DONT UNDERSTAND WHATS GOIN THRU HIS MIND!!!!!!!

Interestingly enough I disagree with that guy on almost all accounts. He picked on some of the best Final Fantasy characters ever (Quina, Zorn & Thorn) and he picked on Final Fantasy VII way too much. I agree with the fact that it's overrated, but it's not an awful game by any means. When there are games like FFII, FFX-2, FFVIII and FFXI how can he possibly say FFVII is the absolute worst Final Fantasy? :p
as far as im concerned the only really bad FF i played was FF1 cuz no one talk, i have it and FF2 on gameboy ya see, FF1 was terrible, you never knew where you were sposed to go, FFX-2 is very good i think, bu lets not get into an argument.

08-18-2005, 10:22 AM
FFVII was so amazing that EVERYONE wants Square to do a remake

Speak for yourself. I don't agree that it was the worst one though, but not great either. It was only the first RPG for the surge of FF gamers at that time, that's all. And they all got used to that being what it was about. At the end it was an "OK" game, just like FF5.

Mr. Dardanelles
08-18-2005, 03:35 PM
I laughed. But I agree that FFIV is the best, along with FFVI.

08-18-2005, 04:14 PM
Do you guys not read the topics?? It's for your own categories. Not just discuss the link...

08-19-2005, 02:15 AM
Alright I would have to say that FF8 is the best FF and FF9 is the worst. I just don't like FF9 to much. Bleh!

08-23-2005, 04:36 PM
best final fantasy x-2 casue of paine worst final fantasy x hate the character and everything esle

Lord Magician
08-23-2005, 09:08 PM
:mad2: That man has no life, FF7 the worst?!!!

He will burn in hell, where I will laugh from above in heaven! :D

But again, I bet it's a total mentaly retarted man.


If I ever get his e-mail, oooooooohhhh he is gona pay! :mad2: BIG TIME!

08-23-2005, 09:31 PM
The guy that made that post is one of those people that think all of that "FF should stay true to it's originality from the first several FFs and shouldn't stray" crap, and thusly I disagree with pretty much everthing this person said. I mean, FFVII the worst FF? I'm not the biggest fan of that buy but it was by no means that worst, seriously.

08-23-2005, 10:44 PM
Yeah and you people who are posting now aren't going with the thread... *joy* =D

08-24-2005, 05:04 PM
what is he talking about ff6 has good graphics? The graphics in ff6 look like crap compared to ff5.

08-24-2005, 05:15 PM
Alright, I love how you people are stating your oppinions which I have no problem with but can you seriously make your own categories to go with the thread?? Maybe then I'll let you post your oppinions...

08-25-2005, 04:33 AM
Alright, I love how you people are stating your oppinions which I have no problem with but can you seriously make your own categories to go with the thread?? Maybe then I'll let you post your oppinions...

dude there are like 50 categories. no one is gonna waste their time typing up their own lists of everything on that page.

and i think FF7 is crap. And the graphics are annoying.

and you are a fucking idiot if you dont like FF1. That thing is so awesome. At least on an emulator. It's a little less fun on the gameboy/PSX.

The guy was saying that FF2 was good except for the battle sstem, which people didn't like, so it wasn't as popular as it should have been if the battle system was better, which it is on the gameboy, so that's why he's advocating that version.

so STFU. I agree with most of his stuff.

08-25-2005, 06:25 AM
Listen. If you read the thread I said make up your own categories...

08-25-2005, 02:43 PM
there aren't rules on how to reply to this thread. :D

Russ, try not to call people "smurfing idiots" just because you disagree with their taste in games.

Black Mage FF1
08-25-2005, 11:16 PM
The Person That Made That Should Die

FFVII....Worst Final Fantasy ?
how dare that man

Hes always putting down FFII, but then goes its the most underrated....
And they said that FFVII was one of the least entertaining FF's
And they even said that Square were racist :o
And they slagged Quina so much
They say that FFX-2 should have a sequel, they already made one and it sucked...

Its called an opinion. Everyone has their own, learn to accept it. And IMO I agree that FFVII is very overrated and is not even close to being the best FF game. When I played I saw nothing new or great that had not already been done in a previous FF game.

And to the guy who said "EVERYONE" wants a sequal to FFVII. You are 100% W-R-O-N-G! I dont want a sequal to FFVII and many people agree with me.

08-26-2005, 12:15 AM
Yeah. VII is overrated as hell..

Lord Magician
08-26-2005, 05:27 PM
Well, other FF games are overrated aswell. Except FFX, everyone agrees that one was at LEAST a good game.

Yes, even I have to admit it but FF7 is my most favorite game, But it's overrated aswell. Halo is WAYYY overrated! But lets stick to topic. I don't give a sh*t what that bastard who made that web says. I mean look at better graphics games. There are NES FF with better graphics than PS2 games??!!! Not a chance in hell! So the truth is, everyone has there opinion of best FF game. I think I have have made my point in this thread.

08-26-2005, 05:46 PM
That website had its own opinions and we have ours.

To me, all FF games are equally good.

08-26-2005, 06:34 PM
Well, other FF games are overrated aswell. Except FFX, everyone agrees that one was at LEAST a good game.

Yes, even I have to admit it but FF7 is my most favorite game, But it's overrated aswell. Halo is WAYYY overrated! But lets stick to topic. I don't give a sh*t what that bastard who made that web says. I mean look at better graphics games. There are NES FF with better graphics than PS2 games??!!! Not a chance in hell! So the truth is, everyone has there opinion of best FF game. I think I have have made my point in this thread.

I think he was looking at graphical advancment, rather than actual graphics, which is a far more logical approach if you think about it…

08-27-2005, 06:37 AM
They are all good, I havent played a bad FF game yet(I havent played X-2) but they all have their good and bad points. I loved FF8 but hated the card games, FF7 was great too but breeding chocobos was a drag. As far as combat systems go, my favorite was the materia system and my least favorite was the sphere. I would like to try X-2 but lots of people talk bad about it...

08-27-2005, 07:30 AM
Oh well, I would have thought much better of FF7 if it had a finished plot. The ending in that game stank up the neighborhood. I know they were going for some sort of new-age, open-ended kind of thing, but try again. Enduring through the 30 min long special moves that Sephiroth did just to see the ending was so disappointing. Because it was a very unsatisfying ending by comparison to other FF games. FF6 had the best ending so far.

08-27-2005, 08:12 AM
Alright I would have to say that FF8 is the best FF and FF9 is the worst. I just don't like FF9 to much. Bleh!

I HATE how people can say that! :mad2:
FF8 was very good but everyone has their own opinion.
O.K i haven't played all the FF's but I don't know where to get some of the older ones like FF7. :confused:

08-28-2005, 07:55 AM
best final fantasy x-2 casue of paine worst final fantasy x hate the character and everything esle


x-2=WORST(tottal joke and parody of a fantastic game)

08-28-2005, 10:43 AM
What ticks me off teh most is when he says this....

Most Final Fantasy fans in the USA have started with this game, so they have a love for this game that blinds most of them from the truth. Those fans believe that this game has the best story, characters and replay value of all the other games in the series. Unfortunately, this has made Final Fantasy VII the most overrated Final Fantasy game.

But I think it would be so cool if someone did this sort of list did taht was from eoff, but it consisted of votes from eoff members to judge who the winners and losers are......

Black Mage FF1
08-28-2005, 07:14 PM
What ticks me off teh most is when he says this....

Most Final Fantasy fans in the USA have started with this game, so they have a love for this game that blinds most of them from the truth. Those fans believe that this game has the best story, characters and replay value of all the other games in the series. Unfortunately, this has made Final Fantasy VII the most overrated Final Fantasy game.

But I think it would be so cool if someone did this sort of list did taht was from eoff, but it consisted of votes from eoff members to judge who the winners and losers are......

I actually agree with what he said right there. Its the truth IMO.

08-28-2005, 08:47 PM
blinds most of them from the truth.
You agree with that
Hes such a loser.........

Black Mage
08-28-2005, 09:18 PM
Most Final Fantasy fans in the USA have started with this game, so they have a love for this game that blinds most of them from the truth. Those fans believe that this game has the best story, characters and replay value of all the other games in the series. Unfortunately, this has made Final Fantasy VII the most overrated Final Fantasy game.

I agree with this statement as well. Though, I disagree with other parts of the article.

Final Fantasy Tactics is my favorite Final Fantasy, followed by Final Fantasy IV.

And for the record, I wouldn't want to see a Final Fantasy VII remake. It's bad enough they're making so many continuations as is.

08-29-2005, 08:01 AM
Most Final Fantasy fans in the USA have started with this game, so they have a love for this game that blinds most of them from the truth. Those fans believe that this game has the best story, characters and replay value of all the other games in the series. Unfortunately, this has made Final Fantasy VII the most overrated Final Fantasy game.

I disagree my first ff was ff9 than i played the others i have no attachment to that game

08-29-2005, 08:03 AM
Most Final Fantasy fans in the USA have started with this game, so they have a love for this game that blinds most of them from the truth. Those fans believe that this game has the best story, characters and replay value of all the other games in the series. Unfortunately, this has made Final Fantasy VII the most overrated Final Fantasy game.

I disagree my first ff was ff9 than i played the others i have no attachment to that game
Emphisis on most.

08-29-2005, 02:32 PM
I disagree my first ff was ff9 than i played the others i have no attachment to that game
Notice how he said Most fans, Not all...

08-29-2005, 08:16 PM
he said that FFX-2 should have a sequel........
Hes a loser, end of..

08-29-2005, 10:12 PM
If you've read it he said that because FFX was supposed to have 2 sequels. A yuna and Rikku version. In his oppinion he said he would've thought the Rikku version would've been interesting to see how it would turn out. He never said he would like it..

08-29-2005, 11:34 PM
oh sorri
But anywayz, hes stupid enough in wanting a Rikku Version........

08-30-2005, 12:55 AM