View Full Version : Who thinks TAPS (ghosthunters) is real

08-12-2005, 02:18 AM
For anyone who has seen the show what do you think about its legitimacy?

And I'm not referring to rather or not there are actual ghosts when they say there might be ghosts or no ghosts when they say there are no ghosts. What I am mainly talking about is do you think the show is supposed to be real with real people doing the things they do. Or do you think the show is for the most part acted out and fictional.

Though it would be easy for them to make a show like that fake. What makes me think it possibly real is how legitimate the people seem on the show. They really seem to act real. And if it does happen to be fake the guys on the show should be applauded for how good of job they do.

So what do you guys think about the legitimacy of the show?