View Full Version : I never thought this would happen.

08-17-2005, 04:57 AM
I've been near the end of Disc I since a week or so ago. Now I've lost all motivation to continue. This is my favorite game ever and I don't understand how this could possibly happen.


08-17-2005, 04:59 AM
I have very little urge to go very far in RPGs at all. Last summer I think I was right around the same place as you and gave up, it's probably just being bored with a game you've played before. That's how I am, anyway.

08-17-2005, 04:59 AM
It's a sign that you should have done a challenge instead, totally revitalizes the experience.

08-17-2005, 05:02 AM
Happens to me all the time. Its really bad when its my first playthrough (FFX and XenoSaga 1 are still waiting for me). And my latest playthroughs of Xenogears and Beyond Good and Evil bottomed out too, they're not such a big deal, because I still love them and already know what happens anyway. Though I too have no clue why motivation drops out like that. Even now I think about those games, and kinda want to play, and just don't. But in my case I think I'm just different. I've sorta dropped out of being a gamer all together. It takes a really rare gem to capture my interest enough to complete a game. Ones that have already been beaten sorta default to the back of my collection.

08-17-2005, 05:53 AM
I can't even get out of the opening Midgar sequence anymore because it's so damn boring and run through the city and crap.

08-17-2005, 06:00 AM
that happened to me the first time i played FF7. i was supposed to be in the Temple of the Ancients, but never did for a really long time b/c i didn't want Aeris to die [watched bro/cousin play before]. i used the area around Cosmo Canyon/Wutai for most of my training before discovering new spots, and maxed out everyone's HP/MP.

it takes me a long time to move on to a new place/chapter in most RPGs i've played. i jus like to pick out a good spot and stay there for weeks or months.

08-17-2005, 06:13 AM
I can't even get out of the opening Midgar sequence anymore because it's so damn boring and run through the city and crap.
I though I was close to beating the game when I got to the Shinra Tower, since I was used to platformers (Crash, Spyro, Mario, all that jazz) which were much shorter. I didn't know what to think of Disk 2 and 3 at the time.

08-17-2005, 06:31 AM
yea it's like "what I'm already going to fight the President of ShinRa?"

08-17-2005, 07:06 AM
But then the plot expands to so much more, and it gets so much deeper and darker, and that's so awesome! Why don't I care anymore?

08-17-2005, 07:07 AM
because you aren't stoned enough.

08-17-2005, 08:03 AM
It happens. Just leave it for a while. Then come back to it and see if its fun again. If not then wait longer. You may be 50 by the time you continue but hey, at least it'll be fun again

boys from the dwarf
08-17-2005, 11:16 AM
it happens sometimes.i cant be bothered to complete FF 4,5 and six now but i swear i will someday. you just need a little motivation.

08-17-2005, 11:39 AM
:love: motivation! :love: just do a funky dance and your world will return to normal! :D

by the way can anyone see my sig?

08-17-2005, 12:38 PM
The same happened to me lately during my last FFX playthrough. I'll get back to it when I feel like it. I'm currently replaying FFVIII, and then maybe I'll do FFVII.

08-17-2005, 12:42 PM
happens to me sometimes, but never to FFVII, I can play that game all my life and never get bored of Aeris death, Midgar, The Weapons etc
I think I gave up on Grandia one time, but I came back and beat it.....coolio game

The Jamie Star Scenario
08-17-2005, 02:36 PM
Because there is no replay value, well to me there isn't. I pretty much did everything first time round and while there are things that you can do different like the dates etc. it changes nothing, the story stays the same. For the next FF they need some alternative endings and more user selectable options so you can change the story more with your choices.

08-17-2005, 02:39 PM
That's why CT has the best replay value. Now, where is Magus's castle?

Cloud Lionheart
08-17-2005, 04:24 PM
Ive gone through 7 four or five times, but each time i start i try to do a little more training at the beggining, i was lev 23 b4 i went against the first boss... man that took, ages, but i was with a freind at the time and we just talked and played for ages. But when i get bored i set a lev to get to , about 5 levs up, then you kind of get an inccentive to go to the next place in the game, so you can get more EXP, and diff enemys. Works for me, but you cant do that when your level 99, but then again i have nowere next to go so....meh

08-17-2005, 04:57 PM
because you aren't stoned enough.As sad as that is, it's probably true. :o

08-17-2005, 10:09 PM
The ONLY RPG I went completely through more than once was "EOFF: Sick Irony", because it was very short and full of wit and puns.
Even games I loved crazily. I started FF IV three times, but only because I got myself a better version of the game (Easytype-->Anthology---->Original Japanese hardtype with translation patch). It's only normal.
It happens often even with games I never played before. I set aside Breath of Fire II for months in mid-game before ending it and I'm doing the same with Final Fantasy 1 and 3.
Just wait, you'll be wanting to go on in the end.