View Full Version : Blitzball Player Rankings

08-20-2005, 05:01 PM
Do you agree with the order I've put these Lv 99 players in? Poor players are at the bottom of the list and are indicated through use of the dividing line. Please list any alterations you would make. Thanks.

Forward Position (LF and RF)
1. Larbeight
2. Vilucha
3. Isken
4. Nedus
5. Shaami
6. Tidus
7. Datto
8. Wakka
9. Biggs
10. Basik
11. Argai
12. Giera
13. Zazi
14. Blappa
15. Eigaar
16. Bickson
17. Abus

Midfield Position (MF)
1. Mifurey
2. Vuroja
3. Kiyuri
4. Linna
5. Svanda
6. Tatts
7. Nav
8. Zev
9. Letty
10. Brother
11. Rin
12. Berrik
13. Gazna
14. Mep
15. Graav

Defender Position (LD and RD)
1. Ropp
2. Kulukan
3. Auda
4. Irga
5. Pah
6. Judda
7. Nuvy
8. Lakkam
9. Naida
10. Kyou
11. Deim
12. Shuu
13. Jassu
14. Zalitz
15. Botta
16. Doram
17. Balgerda

Goalkeeper (GL)
1. Nimrook
2. Wedge
3. Nizarut
4. Zamzi
=5. Raudy
=5. Yuma
7. Noy
8. Jumal
9. Keepa
10. Miyu
11. Durren

08-21-2005, 01:16 PM
Wow how did you ever got the patience to get your players level 99???

My best guy now is Tidus (curently level 21) and i'm already sick of blitzball(omg i just remember that i still have to play like 2 hours blitz to get Wakka so high he gets the celestial weapon)

Are their stats at that level like 9999 HP and 99 shoot and everything?

08-21-2005, 04:11 PM
Quite a few people get 9,999 HP, Brother and Nedus have 99 SP, Isken has 99 EN, Vuroja and Linna have 99 PA, Keepa has 99 SH (Larbeight has 97 SH), Ropp has 73 AT, Nav Guado has 82 BL and Nimrook has 67 CA. They're the highest stats.

08-21-2005, 07:53 PM
What?!?!? keepa with 99 shoot?!? my keepa is level 17 now and just has 2 shoot, can't believe his will ever get higher then 25...

Old Manus
08-21-2005, 08:18 PM
I only got as far as about lvl 30 before killing myself. It seems right enough though.

08-21-2005, 10:50 PM
Keepa's SH is very unusual as it only really grows in the last 5-10 levels. Even at Lv 70 it is still a measly 18.

08-23-2005, 05:32 PM
That is evil that keepa gets full shots he was such a sad goalie I chucked him

08-24-2005, 05:47 AM
i can't believe you put brother in the last! brother is the BEST player in the game!

08-24-2005, 03:23 PM
Not at Lv 99 he isn't.

08-26-2005, 08:32 AM
huh? if you put him in MF he'll level up much faster than tidus!

08-26-2005, 12:37 PM
If all players are at Lv 99 Brother is really quite average. It is only his high SP that keeps him from being even lower in the list. What does being able to level up much faster than anyone else have to do with anything? That happens with almost every MF.

08-27-2005, 04:36 PM
yes. but brother is the best. i don't think you need to get lvl.99 of every character. you just need tidus and brother. it works for me. there is no way i'm losing a match now. besides i only play blitz after i get wakka's sigil and jecht shot 2.. imo there is no point playing until lvl.99 it'll just get boring.

sephiroth the dark angel
08-29-2005, 08:25 PM
my team


ld=brother(mf at times)



lf=argai ronso


im was level 98 with tidus and i still haven't got jecht shot so i quited blitz

09-11-2005, 05:30 AM
where u get brother??i really dont know =\

09-11-2005, 02:33 PM
He's the pilot of the Airship.

09-12-2005, 06:00 AM
But Jecht Shot II only belong to Tidus,right?
And so Tidus can beat Larbight,Mifurey,Nopp in a line and then score a goal (Nimrook there in the goal).
He is the best.No wonder.

09-14-2005, 02:32 AM
I dont bother with Blitz.

Tidus(front left)
Wakka(back right)

They my best they all level 30 execpt these three above those three are level 55

09-14-2005, 06:50 AM
yes. but brother is the best. i don't think you need to get lvl.99 of every character. you just need tidus and brother. it works for me. there is no way i'm losing a match now. besides i only play blitz after i get wakka's sigil and jecht shot 2.. imo there is no point playing until lvl.99 it'll just get boring.
Why not. If you can play from level 1 to level 30, why not all the way to 99. I know a few people who can't be arsed having to deal with players changing stats as they pass the midrange levels and have to re-hire, retrain and shuffle around but IMO, it's that part of the game that's most enjoyable.

I like your listy thing.

09-26-2005, 01:34 AM
where do u get jecht shot 1 and ii?

The Mad Dragon
09-26-2005, 02:00 AM
KH-Cloudy: You get Jecht Shot 1 when you are on the SS Winno going to Luca. You get Jecht Shot 2 after you get the key moves learned with Tidus.

Galadus: Here's a run down of Keepa's Shot stats.
Level 1: 1
5: 1
10: 1
15: 1
20: 1
25: 1
30: 1
35: 1
40: 1
45: 1
50: 4
60: 9
70: 18
80: 35
90: 63
99: 99

sephiroth the dark angel
10-02-2005, 03:59 PM
u mean hes got 99 shooting at lvl 99 man i got to spend moore time playng blitz

The Mad Dragon
10-02-2005, 04:41 PM
Yup, he's the highest shooting blitzball player.

10-02-2005, 04:45 PM
Personally I wouldn't bother with Keepa. Larbeight has more EN, AT and SP, and with a Lv1 shooting tech gets 99SH anyway.

10-04-2005, 09:09 PM
i can't believe you put brother in the last! brother is the BEST player in the game!
I quite agree i think you want a speedy player at mf my brother is level 91 but my opponets are only around level 50 :cool:

10-05-2005, 03:59 AM
woah Blitzball....let me think....

My All Star team which i win every match is...


My Really Hilarious Crap team is...

Nimrook(yup Midfielder)

I hope they make a better miniquest in FF12 :D

10-05-2005, 04:55 AM
Zev Ronso

best team ever

10-18-2005, 06:14 AM
my best team is graav brother tidus wakka rin keppa :D must keep keppa cant find anyone esle

06-02-2006, 08:53 AM
Heh, on one of my saves my team consists of Tidus, Wakka (what is thar rumour flying about that Tidus and Wakka should not be put as forwards together?), Brother, Jassu (Don't know any good replacementa yet), Botta (read Jassu's reason), Nimrook.

Though I don't play as that team anymore. Now I play Blitzball on another save, in which my team consists of the entire Besaid Aurochs (including Vilucha on special occasions, as shes part of the team in X-2). Its going well so far, though I can't get Keepa to learn Volley Shot.

06-02-2006, 03:31 PM
But Jecht Shot II only belong to Tidus,right?
And so Tidus can beat Larbight,Mifurey,Nopp in a line and then score a goal (Nimrook there in the goal).
He is the best.No wonder.

There is no competition against Jecht Shot.

Nimrook is an amazing goalie, though. Sometimes he even catches a JS!

06-02-2006, 04:06 PM
I think this thread is dead.

blue phoenix
06-02-2006, 04:30 PM
REVIVE lol. Just to say your list is excellent, but i do have one problem with it. I think Vuroja is the best midfielder, how is mifurey better?

06-02-2006, 04:45 PM
The argument of Vuroja vs Mifurey vs Linna vs Kiyuri will never be resolved.

Mifurey is the best at advancing the ball (fast, great EN, PA and decent SH).
Linna is the best offensive MF (high PA, SH, AT and BL)
Kiyuri is the best defensive MF (high PA, decent EN and SH, great AT and decent PA)
Vuroja is an all-rounder but he can't shoot.

blue phoenix
06-03-2006, 10:18 AM
Kiyuri? shes not overly great. the other 3 yes, are top class but surely if you want to shoot you use linna and if you have a more central/defensive midfield (as i do) Vuroja would be the best option

06-04-2006, 12:33 AM
I find that the good players vary with the level you are at. Brother rocks in the beginning, then he slows down. Kyou is great in the mid levels, then he peters out too. Curiously enough all of the lame Aurochs get pretty good at level 99 if you can stand training them that long. Yuck!!!

blue phoenix
06-04-2006, 09:40 AM
The aurochs are pretty good levels 15-50 but after that theyre just average, which is a pity as i like Datto, Letty and Jassu but they have less than average stats and rubbish techs (with exception of Datto). Kilika Beasts are amazing

Sergeant Hartman
06-04-2006, 02:30 PM
As if Bickson isn't amazing.

06-04-2006, 02:51 PM

I can't remember their levels but they range from 34-75...I cannot remember....

My team never loses, but I think I may replace Bickson because he's not as good as the others (his PA, ATK and Block all blow, and his shot isn't as good as Tidus's or Eigaar's), I think I may replace Eigaar soon too, and I'm going to try and get Nimrook soon. I really need Jecht Shot 2 as well.

blue phoenix
06-04-2006, 09:05 PM
hang on, Graavs a defender, Brothers a defender and Tidus is a midfield? Bicksons a swarmy git (so's Graav, but hes more tolerable). I always loved Argai Ronso, such a tank.