View Full Version : Any one else see this?

08-23-2005, 04:11 AM
Many people have said about how we don’t know about many characters that will be in this game and I think I might have found another FF7 original. In the e3 trailer (available on the DOC jap website) there’s a shot of Barrett and some one I cant quite recognize in a truck. Just wondering if any body else picked it up. Sorry if this is something that’s bleedingly obvious I just wasn’t sure if it was known by all.

Edit: heres an image.


Edit: sorry just noticed same image in another post How do I get rid of this thread?

08-24-2005, 01:49 AM
I am pretty sure that its Tifa next to Barrett in the truck. I also saw the trailer and I cant think of anyone else that the person looks similar too.