View Full Version : How did you beat BGH251F2?

08-23-2005, 11:44 AM
I am at the missile base. There is a huge blue metallic boss by the end. I am causing 750 hits of damage per Quezacotl summon with Selphie. Other GFs are causing 400 hits of damage.

How do I split magic among all party members equally, but not picking them one by one? How can magic be junctioned to the strengths of all party members? How do I beat a boss without summoning GFs?

Finally, how did you beat BGH251F2?

08-23-2005, 11:57 AM
Junction 100 thundaras (or thundagas, if you have them) to elem-atk, and your strongest magic to str-j. Use trial and error to figure out which magic will work best in str-j.

You can use Quezacotl, however if everyone has the right junctions, you won't need to summon.

If you don't have 100 thundara's, then go back and do some random encounters, and draw 100 of everything you can. In particular 100 thundara's for each person, in this case.

Once you get these, just pound away.

08-23-2005, 11:34 PM
quezacoatl was doing a couple of thousand with all his summon abilities learnt and boosting up to about 140 or 150.

If you set the error ratio before you fight him, you'll have a few more minutes to battle xD

boys from the dwarf
08-24-2005, 08:27 AM
you might not be pertcularly good with juctioning or not raising your stats enough because i beat the game without summoning(exeption for when i get a summon i fight an enimies and try it out to see what it looks like but i never use them on bosses.i only use them for junctions.)

Legendary Caladbolg
08-25-2005, 07:01 AM
And if you set the time limit to 10 or 20 minutes there is a door in the same room where you set the time. It will take you to the entrance of the building, which will save you a lot of time.

Laugh at face of Danger
08-25-2005, 05:49 PM
Hit it.


<('-')> ~optimistic~

Pouring Rain
08-26-2005, 12:26 AM
Um, I always use GFs for fights. You will have to heal a lot if you have low levels. (Does 13, 14, and 16 seem low to you?). You could always have high levels, and have Thunder magics. Like Thunder, Thundara, Thundaga. That would be really easy. I also found it that if you GFs in every fight, and fight a lot, you will level up faster. My mom is like on level 60 something and all of her GFs do 9999. Of course she only has Shiva, Q dude, Ifrit, and the the Brothers, but she's doing good. Shes on level 51 on Disk 2! Thats what I call leveling up. But yeah, that'll help a lot.