View Full Version : sailor stars

08-23-2005, 04:58 PM
is this not available at all? Ive seen it them on ebay, but doubt that they are legit. China is well known for its piracy. Ive read that it was made on laser disk. And cloveway (dudes that control rightd) lost them. So We will never have a dvd of sailor stars? we must rely only on VVLK? (fan dubs?)

just wondering i need the last season!

eternal sailor moon is so cool!

Yuna Braska 19
08-28-2005, 06:22 AM
Here is a site where I got the Sailor Stars


08-28-2005, 11:59 AM
It should be available from ADV, I know they did the rest of the series.

Cloverway wont touch Sailorstars because of the Starlights gender issues.

08-29-2005, 08:21 AM
It should be available from ADV, I know they did the rest of the series.

Cloverway wont touch Sailorstars because of the Starlights gender issues.
No it isn't. No one seems to want to touch it, I assume for the same reason. And all four American companies that had any form of a license for any part of the series (those compainies being Dic who had a sub license with ADV, and Cloverway who had a sub liscense with Pioneer/Genon) have all lost their licenses (they expired). There is currently no Sailor Moon being distributed in the states commercially other than what stock is still left on the shelves, and to this day Stars, Ami's First Love, and the Sailor Moon Super S Chibiusa TV specials are the only installments of the anime that have never been liscensed in America.

So the short answer to your question is "no". I suggest getting fansubs from VKLL (he has a site, and they're very good quality, but you can download them aswell)...because frankly, I don't see it every getting released here. And if you want any of the first four seasons (Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon R, Sailor Moon S, Sailor Moon Super S) or the movies (R: The Promise of the Rose, S: Hearts in Ice, Super S: Black Dream Hole) I suggest grabbing them now, because once they're gone, they're gone.


08-29-2005, 08:26 AM
Ah, well I just download them all. The animeavatar group has released all of the episodes subbed, including the Ami's First Love special and the missing episode from the R set ADV released.

08-29-2005, 08:28 AM
Ah, well I just download them all. The animeavatar group has released all of the episodes subbed, including the Ami's First Love special and the missing episode from the R set ADV released.
Ah yes, I forgot about that episode! The long fabled episode including swimsuited senshi and a baby dinosaur!

Yeah that one hasn't ever been released here either, which is just stupid.

08-29-2005, 08:29 AM
I think it's cause the episode is just so stupid. Seriously, I'm a huge Sailormoon fan but that episode is just... ugh. From what I remember reading, even Takeuchi hated it.

08-29-2005, 08:32 AM
I think it's cause the episode is just so stupid. Seriously, I'm a huge Sailormoon fan but that episode is just... ugh. From what I remember reading, even Takeuchi hated it.
Yeah, that's partially why it wasn't released here. I downloaded it and finally saw it (in terrible real media quality, none the less), and yeah, it was really the most meaningless, souless episode ever.

08-29-2005, 08:35 AM
Ah, I know what set you downloaded it from. Go over to mininova.org and get the [avatar] sets, they're actually good quality. <3