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08-25-2005, 12:39 AM
:confused: make your team better in blitz ball and how do u make better shots
on tidus like the jecht shot or the volly shot?

08-25-2005, 06:50 AM
Practice, practice, practice.

As for the Jecht Shot, you can get the upgrade, Jecht Shot 2, by getting all three of Tidus' key techniques and winning it as a prize.

08-26-2005, 08:30 AM
:confused: make your team better in blitz ball and how do u make better shots
on tidus like the jecht shot or the volly shot?
spend one game on passing.. the best way is to go near you goal post (this is a bug, i think) and start passing the ball.. the enemy players will circle around the other side of the court while you do the passing. they will level up faster than playing the game itself. once your leve is pretty much higher than other players, you could win any match without losing. blitz is easy when you level up. note: recruit brother as MF

08-26-2005, 02:47 PM
:confused: make your team better in blitz ball and how do u make better shots
on tidus like the jecht shot or the volly shot?
spend one game on passing.. the best way is to go near you goal post (this is a bug, i think) and start passing the ball.. the enemy players will circle around the other side of the court while you do the passing. they will level up faster than playing the game itself. once your leve is pretty much higher than other players, you could win any match without losing. blitz is easy when you level up. note: recruit brother as MF
how do i find brother? let me rephrase that where do i find brother?

08-26-2005, 02:58 PM
Just remember the name "Brother", if you want an unstoppable mid-fielder, or centreman, as I like to call him :p . If you don't want to find out anything about the game towards the end, then don't read the following.

You find Brother when you get the airship, near the end of the game. He's the pilot of the airship.

08-26-2005, 04:52 PM
oh yes practice!play alot and practice! that is the meaning of life! blitzball! woohoo! me shut up again.

08-26-2005, 07:53 PM
Practice, practice, practice.

08-26-2005, 09:22 PM
Reset your data and get wedge who starts with 18 shot then play the phsycs until they give you Nimrook the best goalie alive. And get Kyou from the Djose and remember to recruit with square.