View Full Version : half life technology

Cloud No.9
08-28-2005, 09:46 PM
what games used the original and new half life engines?

08-28-2005, 10:10 PM
I'm not entirely sure, but I don't think any non-Valve games use the Half-Life engine per se. Of course the Half-Life engine is a heavily modified Quake engine with bits of Quake 2 code as well, so any game that uses the Quake engine is somewhat related to Half-Life. Currently, there are no games other than Half-Life 2 and its mods that use the Source engine, though.

EDIT: This might help (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Familytree11.png)

Cloud No.9
08-28-2005, 10:19 PM
i know gunman chronicles used the original half life engine. and vampire bloodlines uses the new one i think. any others?

08-29-2005, 05:23 AM
Wrong about Bloodlines, actually. It uses the Havok physics engine - like a lot of other games - but that's different from the Source graphics engine.

Cloud No.9
08-29-2005, 01:42 PM
it does so.


http://www.vampirebloodlines.com/entrance.html (overview-about the production - about half way down)
