View Full Version : Most Unfair Things in Story Battles?

Dark Messenger
09-04-2005, 01:15 PM
This is for Unfair Things that Story Battle and Sidequest Enemies do. No random battles like the Grog Hill Monks or the Araguay Ninjas (sounds like footbal teams... meh).

-Izlude having that souped-up Jump.
-The Assassins having Instant Perfect Death/Stop/ attacks.

-And the MOST UNFAIR BATTLE IS (I think I speak for everyone...)

ROOF OF RIOVANES CASTLE! Where Rafa is suicidal... stupid Assassins being so fast that I need Ninjas and Red Chocobos to even injure one. Luckily, Ramza had Concentrate...

Prancing Mad
09-04-2005, 05:04 PM
definitely the assassins, or how Velius gets guys to come help him out. Which is technically, well, fair, actually. but it just makes it harder. Or whenever you put ramza somehwere before a battle, and then, due to storyline, he ends up way over in hell's half-acre.

10-02-2005, 04:15 PM
I don't think the assassins are unfair. It is because their team is only 3, while you are 5. And for Izlude, I think that is unfair, but that part of the game is easy, for me.

10-09-2005, 04:10 AM
no the assassins are way unfair, instant kill, hard as hell to hit...strong to boot? yeah...plus Rafa being crazy and TRYING to get herself killed

10-09-2005, 04:13 AM
Only part of the game that I felt was unfair was...

ROOF OF RIOVANES CASTLE! Where Rafa is suicidal...

You can ask my stepmother, I nearly commited sucide myself over this one. I spent five hours one time trying to beat this.

Azure Chrysanthemum
10-09-2005, 07:33 AM
Generally any mission that involves Rafa will at least once end something like this:

Rafa moves at the enemy.

Enemy kills Rafa.

You lose without even having touched a button.

Beyond that, it's all fair game. Izlude's jump is hardly a problem, I could easily have that much jumping ability by the fourth or fifth battle on FFT if I so chose. The assassin's 100% kill can also be easily avoided with the proper equipment. You just need to know how to play the game.

10-09-2005, 12:56 PM
Yup, there is no unfair thing in FFT

10-10-2005, 01:25 PM
I had issues with the ineffectiveness of pheonix down on Teta. For all intents and purposes she's a guest character where normal rules don't apply for the sake of the plot. I can understand why, but the inconsistency bothers me.

10-16-2005, 06:35 PM
no the assassins are way unfair, instant kill, hard as hell to hit...strong to boot? yeah...plus Rafa being crazy and TRYING to get herself killed
Honestly, the only way to win that fight on the roof is to hope to god that Rafa runs toward you guys. Otherwise, she'll get killed. That battle has nothing to do with skill, and everything to do with luck.

I had issues with the ineffectiveness of pheonix down on Teta. For all intents and purposes she's a guest character where normal rules don't apply for the sake of the plot. I can understand why, but the inconsistency bothers me.

Not really.

When a character's HP runs out, they don't die. They become too wounded to fight and defend themselves, thus making them as good as dead. But in the case of Teta, she was too wounded to be revived by a Phoenix Down. So it's totally consistent, because the same applies to any other time a character dies, like, well, anyone else who dies. You can't just bring them back to life with a Phoenix Down.

That's why I don't like that the status is called "Dead" in FFT, because they're not dead. In a lot of the other games, they're called "swoon" or "unconsious" or something besides "dead".

10-16-2005, 07:13 PM
Whenever a guest character's HP fall to 0 they fall over and stars appear over their head instead of the counter. That happened in this case. The stars are there so the character doesn't crystalize and can make an appearance after the battle, which again was the case.

So either dispense with the stars or make pheonix down unusable. The programmers chose the latter. They simply changed the guest conditions so the plot would flow in one direction only.

I consider it one of the few weaknesses of the plot. It could have been handled better.

10-16-2005, 07:58 PM
Any battle where you have to rescue a character is potentially unfair, because most of the time, they'll wander right into the danger zone and get themselves killed. I can't count the number of times I had to retry the Goug Machine City battle because Olan kept placing himself where everyone could get him.

The Ramza vs Wiegraf solo battle is also kind of unfair, because Wiegraf will rip out all the Holy Sword skills he wants on you, while you're left to chase after him with nothing but a 56% hit rate. If you don't have the Monk's HP Restore reaction skill or some kind of powerful magic, you're screwed.

The following Velius battle was hard, but I wouldn't it call it unfair. It's all a matter of planning.

10-24-2005, 09:33 AM
The assassins are not unfair, you just have to make sure you strike before rafa can kill herself, speed and mobility and the key in this battle, not necissarily strength.

10-30-2005, 06:37 AM
I think saving is the most unfair thing about this game. All of the other FF games are designed so you can still go back and level up if you can’t beat a particular battle. However, in FFT you could end up being forced to restart your game if you save right before a difficult battle with undesirable classes *coughVeliouscough*.

10-30-2005, 02:44 PM
one word. Wiegraf.

10-30-2005, 04:29 PM
I think saving is the most unfair thing about this game. All of the other FF games are designed so you can still go back and level up if you can’t beat a particular battle. However, in FFT you could end up being forced to restart your game if you save right before a difficult battle with undesirable classes *coughVeliouscough

indeed, i was like noooo, so many hours ! eventally i did beat him but after really thinking of what classes to put.