View Full Version : The Ring vs. The Grudge

09-06-2005, 09:26 AM
I recently saw both movies and both movies are very similar to eachother (I wonder if all Japanese horror movies are similar to the premise of the Ring and the Grudge).

Which one did you guys like better if you have seen both movies. I personally liked The Ring alot better. The Ring spent alot more time developing its characters than The Grudge did (The Grudge spent so much time in flashbacks that it eventually became kind of hard to follow).

And one thing though that really in my mind made The Ring alot better movie is that by the end of the movie you know exactly who the villian is and for the most part why she is doing the things she is doing. By the end of The Grudge you are still almost as clueless as to who the main villian is and their motives as you were at the beginning of the movie.

09-06-2005, 09:33 AM
I wonder if all Japanese horror movies are similar to the premise of the Ring and the Grudge.They aren't.
Which one did you guys like betterThe Grudge.
The Ring alot better movie is that by the end of the movie you know exactly who the villian is and for the most part why she is doing the things she is doing. By the end of The Grudge you are still almost as clueless as to who the main villian is and their motives as you were at the beginning of the movie.The Grudge was a pretty faithful and good adaptation from Ju-on, where as The Ring was a terrible, butchered, and ruined adaptation of Ringu. Although, I liked Ju-on better than Ringu also... It's like the payoff of Ringu throughout the entire movie.

09-06-2005, 09:40 AM
i liked The Grudge a twee better. good plot/storyline. The Ring is somewhat scary, but i didn't quite like it b/c it was confusing the first few times i saw it.

09-06-2005, 11:01 AM
I'd say The Grudge took the cake on this one. I'd be way more terrified of a girl following me around than the circumstances of watching a tape, then dying. ;P

09-06-2005, 11:04 AM
Oh, the Grudge most definately.

Scared the crap outta me.

09-06-2005, 05:27 PM
I prefered the Ring, better story, maybe dosent have all the boo scares. But it definatly had a scarier atmosphere and the ending was really cool.....

09-06-2005, 05:28 PM
i hate them both >_< hate all scary movies with a passion they give me nightmares (yet i still end up watchin them O_o)
but i was more freaked out by that girl from the ring then the kid that made dodgy noises from the grudge

Madame Adequate
09-06-2005, 05:35 PM
I like The Grudge much more than The Ring, but I like Ringu much more than Ju-on.

09-06-2005, 08:39 PM
The Grudge's story was stupid. I've never seen The Ring, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that the story isn't dumb.

09-06-2005, 09:18 PM
Didn't really like any of them. The Ring was decent, but The Grudge was a monument of llama excrement.

09-06-2005, 09:21 PM
The spirits of people who have been murdered haunting the place they were murdered in and killing anyone who enters that place, isn't as stupid as a girl climbing out of a TV and killing people.

09-06-2005, 09:24 PM
The spirits of people who have been murdered haunting the place they were murdered in and killing anyone who enters that place, isn't as stupid as a girl climbing out of a TV and killing people.
And it sure as Wisconsin isn't more original.

Meat Puppet
09-06-2005, 09:44 PM
i liked that little bipolar leper, he was hilarious

Pure Strife
09-06-2005, 10:10 PM
The Ring. The Grudge was confusing and somewhat dull. Plus the characters were retards. The Ring had a cool story running through it, even if the TV bit was a bit over the top.

09-06-2005, 10:27 PM
I haven't seen Ju-On or Ringu, so I can't comment on which is the better adaptation. That said, I enjoyed The Ring a whole lot more. The Grudge was scarier for me, personally, but I like my horror to be more suspenseful, rather than all out pee-in-your-pants-and-scream-like-a-small girl scary. The Grudge isn't the freakiest move I've ever seen, but I'm a wuss, and The Ring did a lot better job at entertaining me.

Marshall Banana
09-06-2005, 10:41 PM
I liked Ju-On, but hated The Grudge. And I liked The Ring (well, sorta) but hated Ringu.

The little girl freaks me out.

09-06-2005, 11:07 PM
I didnt think either was that great. I pick the ring.

09-07-2005, 01:25 AM
ok, most people seem to like the grudge and the ring quite alot so i won't go into much detail here.
i have seen them both. and where people think their good and scary i rekon that they are both hugely missed oppertunities.

the grudge.:- ok the most i can say for this one is the ghost looked like micheal jackson on drugs....they could have developed that a little bit more.

the ring:- i couldn't stop laughing at it. The stroyline was amazing. but the film was a huge miss. the girl crawling from the TV yeah right like that would ever happen..they could have at least come up with somthing a bit more realistic...and better. I liked the fact they died after watching a video though that is origonal from what i see.

Black Mage FF1
09-07-2005, 01:30 AM
Ju-on > The Grudge > The Ring > Ringu

And to the guy above. Watch the original grudge. Ju-on. It explains a lot more and goes more into depth with the characters. Plus it has a lot more scary moments IMO.

Sephiroths Clone
09-07-2005, 03:01 AM
Well i saw the Ring when i was still quite immature (not sayin im mature now) and i found it quite scary back then but now that i watch it again it really is quite hilarious and so is the ring 2, and when i saw the grudge it really was funny as well. When i saw the "ghost" i couldnt stop laughing at the way it looks. I think sephiroth9006 said it the best though. So i say both of them were quite stupid...but the grudge's story line seemed a little more realistic.

09-07-2005, 03:14 AM
When the horse is thrown off the boat or whatever, I laughed my ass off :cool:

09-07-2005, 05:24 AM
Even if some of the things that happened in The Ring were over the top I still think the Ring did a much better job of explaining it's characters and getting you to care a little bit about them than the Grudge did.

By the way what Horror movies aren't a little bit over the top. Horror movies are supposed to bring our nightmares to life. And having a nightmare where a creepy little girl walks out of a t.v. and kills you is completely plausible.

09-07-2005, 06:31 AM
I liked the Ring more because I found myself scared throughout it a lot more than The Grudge. I do think the Grudge had more interesting ways of being creepy though.

Germ Hamee
09-07-2005, 09:53 PM
I recently saw both movies and both movies are very similar to eachother (I wonder if all Japanese horror movies are similar to the premise of the Ring and the Grudge).

How in the world are they similar? I hate it when people compare those movies. As far as plot goes, Ring was actually quite original... it was still your basic dead girl is pissed that she's dead story, but the way they went about telling it is like nothing like I've ever seen before. The Grudge, on the other hand, was nothing more than a haunted house movie. The only way that they're similar is, A) they're both based on Japanese horror films, B) they both have dead chicks that emphasize the long black hair in the face thing... point B is irrelevant, considering ghosts in white nightgowns and long black hair in the face is just how ghosts look in asian culture and they're JAPANESE MOVIES. Check out any asian ghost movie or book or whatever and you'll see it. That's like comparing Underworld with Interview With the Vampire.

Anyway. I really loved both movies. I was fascinated with The Ring and how stylish the movie was. I was really interested in what was going on through the entire movie. The Ring Two does not exist. The Grudge, I found had a very dull plot, but it scared the crap out of me in a way that The Ring never came close to. So I like them both equally.

And when it comes to adaptions... I thought Ju-On was an okay movie. It really wasn't a movie as much as it was a collection of short-stories, but it was really hard to take the scary scenes seriously when the monster was a chick with bad make up and a photoshop blur for a body. The story was never interesting in the first place. Ringu and The Ring were pretty much exactly the same word for word (and I don't care what anybody tells me!) except a few culture specific things... ie horse island vs volcano island. It was still all the same. You want to see a horrible adaption? Compare Ringu to the novel it was based on. COMPLETELY different. Ring was originally all about science and a sort of supernatural virus with a male lead charactor.

K, I'm done. ^.^

09-07-2005, 10:18 PM
The Ring was a terrible, butchered, and ruined adaptation of Ringu.
I saw Ringu and The Ring. They were both exactly the same, save for music, setting, and characters. I found much of the dialogue similar, as well. Ringu had music that was far creepier than the Ring's, I'll admit. But overall, the Ring had the scarier Sadako.

To answer the OP's question, the Grudge was infinitely scarier for me. After seeing the movie in theaters, I couldn't sleep on my own will for a week.

09-07-2005, 10:29 PM
I couldnt find the ring scary since I'd seen scary movie 3 before it. I love scary movie 3....