View Full Version : Wiegraf/Velius Chapter 3

09-10-2005, 09:24 AM
I'm having to quit this game because I simply cannot beat him. My party just takes too much damage too fast with the impossible onslaught of dark magic / cyclops summons. Oh yeah and all the traditional strats I hear for beating him I cannot use because my last save is right before the fight so using anything outside of what I already have is out of the option. sigh..

09-10-2005, 04:08 PM
I hate suggesting this, but could you start a new game? It's certainly a game worth playing over.

Azure Chrysanthemum
09-10-2005, 07:16 PM
That may not necessary. Do you have the Squire skill Yell for Ramza, or at least 200 JP to get it?

09-11-2005, 02:09 PM
Ummmmm.....i suggest auto potion.....and having Ramza on knight......

09-11-2005, 03:42 PM
Do you have the Squire skill Yell for Ramza, or at least 200 JP to get it?

yes, I have somewhere around 500 jp points to use in ramza's squire class. Recently ive used it to get auto potion and it helps vs wiegraf but I still lose on the 2nd part of the battle =p

09-12-2005, 01:00 AM
I have somewhere around 500 jp points to use in ramza's squire class. Recently ive used it to get auto potion and it helps vs wiegraf but I still lose on the 2nd part of the battle =p
So, is your saved game before Wiegraf, or before Velius? :confused: If it's saved right before you fight Wiegraf, you've got a lot of options. Use the Yell, Accumulate strategy! ;) (We'll give you more detail on that strategy if you are indeed saved before the 1 on 1 battle against Wiegraf.) If it's saved just before the battle against the Velius Lucavi form, you will have a tough time. :( Try making a party of mostly Lancers, and a couple of Chemists. Keep everyone spread as far apart as possible so that the Cyclops summon will only hit one or two at a time. The Lancers must jump after every move they make, even if they won't hit anybody. That'll keep them off the board and in the air for many of Velius' attacks. Keep the Chemists way to the back and use them to revive people and occasionally to take a shot at Velius with a gun. And if you have any Calculators, well they would help tremendously...

I just went and took a look at a walkthrough on Gamefaqs, and it doesn't say you can save between the two fights. So apparently you are saved right before the battle with Wiegraf. Here's the Yell/Accumulate strategy: During the one on one battle, make Ramza a Ninja with Guts subset (Equip Sword, Auto X-Potion, and Move +3 if you have them). Keep as far away from Wiegraf as possible while you Yell to increase your speed to about 30+. When you have 2 or 3 moves to every one that Wiegraf gets, then start Accumulating to increase Attack Power also to about 30+. Remember to keep away from him the whole time you're doing this. If you get hit, the auto potion ought to restore 150 if you only have X-potions. If you have regular 30 point potions, don't use Auto Potion use Abandon or Speed Save. The best part about this strategy is the increased Speed and PA carry over into the 2nd part of the battle. Killing Velius before he even gets a chance to act shouldn't be a problem now. :evilking:

09-12-2005, 05:02 AM
appreciate the advice ... guess i'll have another shot at it.

Azure Chrysanthemum
09-12-2005, 07:17 AM
If you use Yell/Accumulate enough, Ramza will waste Wiegraf in one turn and Velius in the next.

09-13-2005, 04:04 AM
I was stuck on this battle as well. The yell accumulate strategy WILL win you this battle.

09-16-2005, 02:20 AM
The Velius battle ultimate strategy is to hgave a summoner with lich casting lich every turn, I don't think lich always hits but Velius takes 500ish damage every time. If thats unavailable then try having a group of lancers rapidly jumping on Velius as they cannot be hurt while in mid air and take little damage this way. OR a great thing for the Weigraf part as im not sure if it continues into the Velius part is to hjave Ramza yell alot while healing when needed untill he gets to go around 5 times everytime each unit goes once. There may be better ways I guess but this is least time consuming then using yell/accumulate for like a half hour.

10-01-2005, 08:21 AM
Use Silence.

10-02-2005, 12:22 PM
Use the 9999 jp cheat

10-31-2005, 02:29 AM
For Velius, spread your party out and use as many strong ranged attacks as you can.

11-04-2005, 10:31 PM
i cant remeber how exactly i did it. its been awhile. but when fighting wiegraf i had ramza as a monk with the two swords ability but no swords equipped so he would punch twice and my ramza was strong enough so that if one of the punches was blocked by wiegraf the 2nd one if succesful would kil him. when he turned into velius i left the arc demons alone pretty much and went straight for velius. had everyone with long ranged attacks set there sights on him and did my best to get ramza to punhc him twice.