View Full Version : Rating a game

09-26-2005, 03:23 AM
If you were to rate a game what slots would you use?? And you can only use 4-8...

Value (Replay)
<<Enter something I still haven't thought about>>

I would use five but I can't think of a last one at the moment. And heres a little thing I just want to say. Why rate a game on storyline?? As amatter of fact. Why rate an RPG on storyline?? Not all games are supposed to have a storyline. Like a fighting game. Storyline has no place in it. And I like to treat my game's all the same. That's my rhyming motto...

09-26-2005, 03:34 AM

Why rate a game on storyline?? As amatter of fact. Why rate an RPG on storyline?? Not all games are supposed to have a storyline. Like a fighting game. Storyline has no place in it. And I like to treat my game's all the same. That's my rhyming motto...

Because everyone has a different idea of what makes a good game. That's why you'll see multiple areas of scoring in a review, I'd reckon.

09-26-2005, 03:42 AM
Except the fact that RPGs are supposed to have a storyline. If the storyline in an RPG sucks, the game is no fun because that's a revolving factor. Comparing fighting games and RPGs is pretty non-sensical.

09-26-2005, 04:02 AM
Why rate an RPG on storyline?? Not all games are supposed to have a storyline. But RPG's are.

And I like to treat my game's all the same. That's my rhyming motto... Yes, because Xenogears and Rascal are both GREAT games, worthy of equal treatment! :p

Giga Guess
09-26-2005, 04:04 AM
It all boils down to what a person's lookinf for in a game. I look for a storyline. My stepdad can't stand a game if it has poor graphics. Others won't touch a game with poor sound. The list goes on.

CONTROL (I can't STAND games with clumsy controls)
Replay Value
Overall Enjoyability

09-26-2005, 12:25 PM
Overall is recomend. Ratings with no overall don't have a rating at all. And thanks sephO. I might use Fun... Or control. Maybe even both...

Captain Maxx Power
09-26-2005, 12:27 PM
I think games should really be catagorised into two parts. One are games I think are good, and one are games that are rubbish.

09-26-2005, 12:36 PM
That's a good way to avoid controversal crap. But I outta rate one for my own sake. So I can make a final opinion on what my favorite games are...

09-26-2005, 01:44 PM
Quantitative rating is useful as a tool for sharing one's views with others, Crash, but not necessarily as useful for personal evaluation. In other words, you shouldn't need numerical determinents to judge games for yourself. You might compare different categories, of course, but, from a personal standpoint, averaging numbers puts needless distance between oneself and the game.

09-27-2005, 03:53 AM
Graphics: In terms of design, and creativity and how to immerse yourself in the game.

Play Control: The less i have to think about the plastic i am holding in my hand, the better.

Gameplay: Clunky move designs and stuff are kinda...blah. That and does it have good satisfaction for people playing.

Sound: Does the music match the mood/enviroment?

Originality/Truth to its roots: For example FFX-2 will get a nod in this area, however if something is executed the same way over and over like Metal Slug, do they retain its goodness that made it good?

Overall feeling: dfas

Replay Value: Will i ever pick this up again?

09-27-2005, 04:11 AM
Whatever seems appropriate for the game genre.