View Full Version : Materia Resources.....

09-27-2005, 06:48 AM
Hmm....i wonder if there's a planet in any of the Galexies that has a Resource like Materia...maybe not orbs...but rocks of some sort that hold such emence power....after all Earth isn't the only Planet and our Galexy isn't the only one out there...there for i dout we are the only liveing things in the universe (s)

09-27-2005, 08:01 AM
I have my doubts about materia, but you I guess you just never know.

Captain Maxx Power
09-27-2005, 10:57 AM
You mean a highly concentrated energy reaction contained within a suitable substance or element, capable of imbuing a carbon-based lifeform with equal amounts of energy without causing harm to said lifeform? No, I don't think it's possible.

d£v!l'$ ph0£n!x
09-27-2005, 12:18 PM
. . . umm . . . yeh . . . that

09-27-2005, 06:38 PM
well you have to assume that there will be some sort of Materia like power out there cause im sure Races like the Cetra have lived down the ages in some distant or our own galexy.

I believe there is some planets within the many galexies kinda like Clouds own world in some ways if not all ways we the humans prolly wont find it cause it normally takes us 100 years just to come up with an invention that alters the Human Races Future. The thought of such an Space Craft to be able to travel to distant Galexies is bout as unlikely as there being some Meneral like Materia wouldn't you think??

Light Mage
09-27-2005, 06:51 PM
Yeah, it's called Naquadah and is used in the construction of Stargates... ;-)

09-27-2005, 07:24 PM
Yeah, it's called Naquadah and is used in the construction of Stargates... ;-)

eh....well i wasn't really talkin about somethin like that i was just giveing a point that you cant just say.....i dout it....cause if you dout it then that pretty much means your imagination is dull = / so i must believe that out there in the known/unknown galaxies there's Materia Power hehehe trust me there has to be somethin like that cause how else would the planets and such been created.....oh yea...lemme guess its god? even if he did do all this he woulda left behind some traces of his supplies ?

09-28-2005, 12:27 AM
We have no way of knowing for sure if other undetected parts of the universe operate in the same way our part does, but it's reasonable to assume so. So I doubt that mako literally exists.

I always thought that mako was a metaphor for nonrenewable resources that our countries are carelessly extracting and using with little consideration for the long-term consequences.

09-28-2005, 06:56 AM
Yeah, it's called Naquadah and is used in the construction of Stargates... ;-)

A Stargate/FFVII crossover... That would be interesting, that's for sure. Not a whole lot of similarity to go on, unless you argue that the Cetra (the Ancients from FFVII) are the same as the Altarans (the Ancients from Stargate). It could actually work fairly well. The Ancients roamed the galaxy for a time (using the Stargates), and eventually found the Promised Land, a place of bountiful energy (they Ascended and live as energy in another plain of existence). Which would make Aeris and Ifalna un-Ascended Ancients. Jenova could be seen as a sort of proto-Goa'uld, except far too powerful. If it wasn't for the fact that Jenova was definitely not one of the Cetra, we could even argue that Jenova is one of the Ori. This deserves more thought, but it has potential...

Though if I were going to connect the Stargate universe to a Square-Enix game, I'd go with KHs. A man in a dark cloak is noticed in the gate room, and he says:
"I've come to see the doorway to this world..."

This could make for some very interesting crossover fanfiction. I will have to think about it some more...

Light Mage
09-28-2005, 04:15 PM
Yeah, it's called Naquadah and is used in the construction of Stargates... ;-)

A Stargate/FFVII crossover... That would be interesting, that's for sure. Not a whole lot of similarity to go on, unless you argue that the Cetra (the Ancients from FFVII) are the same as the Altarans (the Ancients from Stargate). It could actually work fairly well. The Ancients roamed the galaxy for a time (using the Stargates), and eventually found the Promised Land, a place of bountiful energy (they Ascended and live as energy in another plain of existence). Which would make Aeris and Ifalna un-Ascended Ancients. Jenova could be seen as a sort of proto-Goa'uld, except far too powerful. If it wasn't for the fact that Jenova was definitely not one of the Cetra, we could even argue that Jenova is one of the Aur'ai (spelling?). This deserves more thought, but it has potential...

Though if I were going to connect the Stargate universe to a Square-Enix game, I'd go with KHs. A man in a dark cloak is noticed in the gate room, and he says:
"I've come to see the doorway to this world..."

This could make for some very interesting crossover fanfiction. I will have to think about it some more...
Yay! I demand royalties. Or chocolate. Chocolate is good. Maybe Jenova is a Furling...