View Full Version : Perfect Combo Skill

10-02-2005, 12:14 PM
This is My Perfect Combo Skill:

Any Jobs
Primary Skill: According to Job
Secondary Skill: Draw Out
Reaction Skill: HP Restore
Support Skill: Any Thing
Move Skill: Move+3

This is my combo Skill. If there is someone who wants to challenge this, ok.(beat it please.....I love to know other combo skills)This is the ultimate warrior in FFT :D

10-02-2005, 10:06 PM
Best Setups?

I'm keen on this one:

Job: Ninja
Skill: Throw
Secondary Skill: Math Skill
Reaction Skill: Hamedo
Support Skill: Equip Sword
Move Skill: Teleport

You have the speed of the ninja with the ability to cast status effects and spells all over the field. The power of swords which are stronger than ninja swords and the protection of hamedo IF somehow someone is alive long enough to try to hit you. I find with Ninjas, they can teleport farther than most other units too.

That will destroy your setup hands down.

Azure Chrysanthemum
10-03-2005, 05:10 AM
My money is definitely on Red Cyandranth's.

Here's a fun combination for your all-purpose magic destroyer.

Job: Summoner
Skill: Summon
Secondary Skill: Math Skills.
Reaction Skill: Blade Grasp (Assume summoner has extremely high brave) or MP Switch
Support Skill: Magic Attack Up or Equip Armor
Movement: Move +3 or Teleport

This combination has a bit of flexibility depending on how you want the focus to be. The Magic Attack Up, for example, focuses on offense, whereas Equip Armor is definitely defensive. If I recall correctly there is a suit of armor that gives auto-reflect, which, when coupled with Blade Grasp, would make the character darn hard to hit. I personally prefer Move +3, but Teleport can be good too if used properly. I know a lot of people prefer to have Wizards for this basic combination, but I feel the Black Magic is just too redundant and thus I use a summoner instead, they still have strong MA but they aren't wasting the main skill slot. Furthermore, a good summon can be equally devestating, depending on the situation. Also, with Magic Attack Up and a Chameleon Robe, there's the ever-entertaining "Math Skills Holy Spam" to consider.

10-04-2005, 01:16 PM
Wow! Those Combinations are Great!!!!! I'll try using them.
I have another combination for archers
Job: Archer
Secondary Skill: Draw Out, Battle Skill, Snipe(I prefer using Draw Out, but battle skill is good too. Snipe is only for Mustadio, but very reliable)
Reaction Skill: HP Restore (high brave recommended)
Support Skill: Attack Up, Concentrate
Move: Ignore Height, Fly

Archers are good if they are at the top of the map(battle field). So I prefer to use Ignore height to jump at great heights then attack at long distance. In case attacked and became critical, Hp Restore will help. Draw Out can also help by using Kiyomori and Masamune to Protect, Shell, Haste, and Regen. Battle Skill, well, that's not too useful specially to monsters but breaking speed and power is fun. For Mustadio, Snipe is very useful to paralyze enemies.
This combination is good for archers for me. Try using it, and enemies will have a hard time attacking you if you are at the top.

10-07-2005, 03:39 AM
for me,

Reaction Skill: Blade Grasp
Support Skill: two swords (or two hands if a lancer)
Movement: Move +2 (Move +3 is only for males right? I don't really bother with bards much, and teleport is kinda risky.)

Brave: really high
Faith: really low

straight up fighters. I don't use skills that much, except for snipe and guts and holy sword (Agrias's special, I forget if it's actually called that).

Azure Chrysanthemum
10-07-2005, 07:03 AM
Here's a Ramza-specific setting I've found to be extremely effective.

Primary: Guts
Secondary: Math Skills
Reaction: Auto-Potion or Blade Grasp
Support: Two-Swords
Move: Move+3

Now then. Guts allows for Scream. Every move you have in which you aren't doing something else, you MUST Scream.

Ramza should have the Excalibur in this combination for its auto-haste ability. And a Chaos Blade for its sheer killing power.

With this combination, Ramza's Scream increases his attack power and his magic attack, so he can either a) tear someone a new one with his two swords or b) Calculate a spell and wipe people out or spread benefits along his entire party.

For this combination Ramza works best with 97 Brave and Faith, although scream will temporarily raise the Brave to 100 for the battle.

10-08-2005, 12:01 AM
Here's a Ramza-specific setting I've found to be extremely effective.

Primary: Guts
Secondary: Math Skills
Reaction: Auto-Potion or Blade Grasp
Support: Two-Swords
Move: Move+3

Now then. Guts allows for Scream. Every move you have in which you aren't doing something else, you MUST Scream.

Ramza should have the Excalibur in this combination for its auto-haste ability. And a Chaos Blade for its sheer killing power.

With this combination, Ramza's Scream increases his attack power and his magic attack, so he can either a) tear someone a new one with his two swords or b) Calculate a spell and wipe people out or spread benefits along his entire party.

For this combination Ramza works best with 97 Brave and Faith, although scream will temporarily raise the Brave to 100 for the battle.

that's a pretty d*mn sexy setup. I'd try a solo game with that stuff. Or at least a monsters + ramza only game.

10-09-2005, 01:02 PM
Hey thats cool. With each attack, ramza can hit up to 999 damage. That one is cool.
Any combinations with a mime? Anyone who wants to give combo skills to a mime?(if possible, that is...)

Hey, I've discovered a new combination w/ equipment!:

Ramza Squire
Item(my most preferred secondary skill to all characters)
Blade Grasp, Auto Potion(X-potion), HP Restore
Concentrate, Two Swords, Two Hands, Short Charge(for Ultima)
Move+3, Ignore Height

Excalibur, Chaos Blade(haven't got one....)
Escheoteon 2(is the spelling right.... haven't got it...), or a knight sword if Two sword is set
Best Helmet(I think its grand helmet right?)
Best Armor(Maximillian?)
Angel Ring(or any ring), Germinas Boots(preferred), Feather Mantle

Your brave should be 100 to be untouchable with physical attack(if blade grasp). And be sure to use guts-scream. If magic is used, Escheoteon 2 and Feather Mantle to the rescue!(Escheoteon2 has a 50% mag-Evade right?) For HP restore and auto X potion....whatever. Ignore Height if you are fond of using Ultima from the heaven.