View Full Version : Is this a good idea?

10-17-2005, 08:11 PM
I'm about ready to take on Lunatic Pandora, beyond which point there aren't any safe levelling areas (or so I'm told), and I read that entering Ultimecia's Realm at the end, you have to work with all six characters. I have 3 drastically high level characters, and three drastically low level characters. Would it be a good idea to just leave the three underleveled characters the way they are (considering enemy stats change based on the party average), or should I level them up some?

Here are my levels:

Squall - 100
Zell - 98
Quistis - 83

Rinoa - 22
Irvine - 18
Selphie - 15

I have Squall, Zell and Quistis all with HP% and STR% bonuses, and 100 of ultimate magic (Ultima, Meteor, Pain, Flare, Holy, Triple) junctioned to their stats, so this would help out my secondary party a lot with a junction exchange, would it not?

10-17-2005, 08:12 PM
its okay
u dont need to level them
just be sure to learn Enc-none by Diablos so that ur low level charcters dont run into any enemies in the last dungeon

10-17-2005, 10:04 PM
it's all good just make sure you can get through the final boss and to tell you he can take away some of the magic you have stock piled... which is really annoying...