View Full Version : How to Draw in MS Paint

11-08-2005, 06:57 AM

OK, It seems alot of you people are wowed by people drawing in MS Paint. I can assure you that its not tough at all. It's just a matter of using the program to its fullest, and a few little tricks.

First things first, you'll have to sketch something out. Generally, this is tough. Use the bright green color and the pencil to rough sketch you concept. For the example I'm using my RP character the Sarge.

Next, in red make a go over your rough lines and make something thats a bit more finalized.

Now that we have our good copy, we can get rid of the green rough copy. To do this the easy way. Click on the eraser tool. Make your color boxes match the ones in the diagram. Now use the right mouse button to erase the green lines only. Easy huh?

Next you'll want to thicken your lines. This is really a style issue, but it does make you lines look better than just one thin line. So Copy your drawing. and paste it of to the side. Remove all the inside detail or anything that you dont want to be thick. Then simply overlay the lines on top of the original drawing. Make sure you have your copy and paste settings on trasparent and not solid.

Now we are really rolling along. Let's make these lines black. Select red in your top box and black as your under color. Once again use the right mouse button and the eraser tool. This time it will change your red line into a black one.

Coloring in is the next step, and you can be messy. Just make sure that white is the top color and the color you want to color with is on the bottom. Then use the right click eraser trick again. The black outline will not be affected.

Last you can go in a little closer and add any extra details that you may have left out in the first few steps and polish and holes in the outline.

And there you have it, one sexy MS paint Drawing. I'd love to see some stabs at trying this. If you have any questions feel free to ask me.

11-08-2005, 10:39 AM
cool technique, I like it, I might try it some time, but at the moment, I like to be able to clasify my stuff as "pixel" art. Cause i just like pixels! :D But if i ever get around to doin one, and it turns out decent, I'll have you to thank :)
That's the style I have now, it takes a fair bit more time ^^;
But it's pixel art, not Oekaki, so it's ok! :D But i think i've always been a bigger fan of Oekaki....*has fight with self in head*
Oh, and another exampl of something in paint is my sig pic, but naturally, I used a reference pic!

11-08-2005, 10:45 AM
I didn't even know Paint could do half of that stuff.

11-08-2005, 11:01 AM
right, in the 10-20 mins after reading this, i decided to try it out. Seriousy, i knew all those tricks but i never thought of using em in that way! :D So, he's my lil character Odie, based on a guy i know at school who scares everyone, i draw this dude in the margines of my school book XD
heh heh, I tutorial I found useful! celebrate with me!
Odie the kid told me once he doesn't like spoons, so, Odie the character doesn't like em either! XD

11-08-2005, 12:21 PM
Gotta try it out later. ^_^
Thanx for all the tips!

11-08-2005, 01:50 PM
not a problem folks, drawings all look good too.

11-08-2005, 01:56 PM
Hey, I always wanted to know how to draw word bubbles on MS paint...

11-08-2005, 02:35 PM
Well, Speech bubbles arent hard either. I recomend having a template ready. So insted of making them on the fly you can cut and paste them in. I genereally use the rounded rectangle for my bubbles, but any of the shape tools will suffice. You can just free hand the bubble tail. One you have a bubble you're happy with just edit it a bunch of times so that you have a bunch of them ready for any amount of text. The thought bubble was basically just a bunch of interconected circles. I removed the center and bam, dream/thought cloud. It the radio cloud is the same as the voice cloud only with a lighting bolt tail.

Now, altough I forgot to do it, make your background the green so that when you take it out you can leave the white as a solid. To do that just make the green your under color in the MS Paint window you plan to paste it into.


11-08-2005, 06:26 PM
Thanks!! Is there another method??

11-08-2005, 06:39 PM
I'm sure there is, but thats just the one I use. You can always try testing things out on your won to see what works. Thats basically how I figured alot of things out.

Agent Proto
11-08-2005, 06:44 PM
Haha, impressive stuff Callahan. Fortunately for me, I knew about the technique, I'm just too lazy and/or unmotivated to use MSPaint. I did use a similar technique on Photoshop though, basically, which is a lot more convenient because of layers.

<3 Layers. I do not believe MSPaint ever had layers.

Anyway, here's some pictures I've done using the techniques on Photoshop



11-08-2005, 06:48 PM

Think joel will masterbate to that?? He did claim he likes drawn pics better than real life. But then again it's drawn by you, so he might feel down. Yiou never know...[/!]That is off topic and inappropriate to discuss in this thread. -eestlinc

11-08-2005, 08:22 PM
This just shows how to work in layers in MS paint. The drawing is crappy and I was too lazy to finish the thing, but it works as a great example.


11-08-2005, 09:00 PM
God... still impressed *stares in awe*

11-09-2005, 12:35 AM
I finished off the drawing. Woot

11-09-2005, 02:39 AM
im hopeing to draw my rp lazerus kimory soon your techniqes you showed will probebly help

11-09-2005, 06:19 AM
^_^ they helped me with a pic ive been wanting to do for a long time.
But i have to agree with Agent Proto, that separate layers really do help!