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View Full Version : How can I put usernotes on my forum?

11-25-2005, 05:25 PM
By any chance, do any of you know how I can make usernotes on my proboards forum? Is there some kind of javascript for it..or is it impossible to put it on a basic forum? If you know of any way I can, please tell me!!:D

~Thank you..:)

11-25-2005, 06:46 PM
You can't do it on Proboards, or at the very least not on their free service. Without it being a built-in function of the board software, it'd require a PHP/MySQL hack, which you wouldn't be able to do on a freely hosted board.

11-25-2005, 06:51 PM
Um...what is a PHP/MySQL??

11-25-2005, 06:54 PM
PHP is a scripting language for the web. Most message boards and a lot of websites use PHP for their sites.

MySQL is a type of database that's used a lot when mass amounts of information has to be stored and utilized on websites, like message boards or e-commerce sites.

11-25-2005, 06:56 PM
Oh...heh...where could I find a PHP for usernotes? XD

11-25-2005, 07:14 PM
Well, you can't. You're hosted on a free account, which means you don't have any FTP or MySQL access beyond what the admin control panel gives you.

Besides that, I don't even know if Proboards has a standalone version of their message board software that you could use on your own host, so it's doubtful that anyone has written any hacks for it.

11-25-2005, 07:25 PM
Aww...oh well..thanks anyway..

11-26-2005, 12:08 AM
You may be able to do some coding in the headers or something..... Go to the support board and ask. ( I shut down my proboard!!!! YAY!! I've left my main one open though...i dont really like it...)

11-26-2005, 01:04 AM
What support board??

11-28-2005, 07:53 PM
If you have an always on internet connection (DSL preferable, (well t1 or better but DSL will do over cable)) and a spare computer (preferably 433 or better) you can install Linux php, mysql, and download phpBB2 and install that. Then you have the ability to learn how to code, and create your own forum system at no direct cost (- minus the hardware and internet connection). I am pretty sure there was a note mod out there for phpBB.

This all takes a little time, know how, and a can do attitude. If your patient, the learning curve isn't too steep. If your interested, I can try and help ya get it going.
