View Full Version : Favorite Webcomics

11-25-2005, 05:58 PM
<A HREF="http://www.rpgworldcomic.com/iancomix/d/20001101.html">1. Ian Comix</A>
2. RPG World Comic (Old (The new <img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif"> they call comics suck))
3. 8-bit Theater

Why I enlarge the link is because that comic deserves recognization. Read it. It's good...

11-25-2005, 06:00 PM
Ctrl Alt Delete (http://cad-comic.com)
Penny Arcade (http://penny-arcade.com)
RPG World (I used to love RPG World Comics so much, but they're kinda postponed/over now.)

11-25-2005, 06:06 PM
The ones Rye mentioned along with:

VG Cats (http://www.vgcats.com/)
SinFest (http://www.sinfest.net/)
And this one isn't exactly a webcomic but I discovered it online, The Perry Bible Fellowship (http://www.cheston.com/pbf/).

11-25-2005, 06:11 PM
Ctrl alt del
Sexy Losers (I would post a link but it's a 18+ comic only.)
Twelve Dragons is probably the best "fantasy" style webcomic i've found, though it too has some adult scripts and quite gory violence in some parts, however the artwork, story and back history to the comic are all amazing, the writing is great, some of it is laugh out loud stuff, some of it is very sad. The characters are all brilliant, too. Definitly worth checking out.
http://www.biggercheese.com/ <-- Bigger than Cheeses is just funny as hell.

11-25-2005, 06:23 PM
And this one isn't exactly a webcomic but I discovered it online, The Perry Bible Fellowship (http://www.cheston.com/pbf/).
Oh man, I keep forgetting about those xD I need to bookmark that site so I don't forget about it.

I only read Penny-Arcade and Ganalath the Extraordinary.

11-25-2005, 06:26 PM
Yeah, me too! I was always forgetting what the comic was called and kept calling it, "that comic, you know THAT one comic with the kinda sadistic and twisted satire!"

So now I have the site bookmarked and I think it's incredibly brilliant.

11-25-2005, 08:31 PM
I have a list on The Web Comics listing (http://www.thewebcomiclist.com/share.php?id=8574), so I don't have to type.
But, for the link-hating among you, I'd say:
Penny-Arcade, Ctrl-Alt-Del, VGCats, Punks 'n Nerds, Moe, Dinosaur Comics, Mac Hall, Bunny, and, of course, my own Frankenstein's Monster, Traitorfish Comics. (http://www.freewebs.com/traitorfish/)

11-25-2005, 10:40 PM
Woo 8-bit theatre!! Its always worth a laugh.

Azure Chrysanthemum
11-25-2005, 10:48 PM
Mine, Ganalath the Extraordinary, (http://www.ganalath.com) Belgephor, (http://belphegor.sanguinis.net/) Ctrl+Alt+Del, (http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com) Dominic Deegan, (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/) Megatoyko, (http://www.megatokyo.com/) 8-Bit Theater, (http://nuklearpower.com/) Order of the Stick, (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/GiantITP/ootscript) and VG Cats. (http://www.vgcats.com/)

11-26-2005, 01:07 AM
All of mine and have been mentioned. But I reckon special attention should go to VGCats (http://www.vgcats.com). Although the web comics that are about gamers are funny in their on way, I much prefer the way VGCats does parodies of video games instead.

Oh and 8-bit theatre (http://www.nuklearpower.com) ownz too.

11-26-2005, 01:12 AM
White Ninja. (http://www.whiteninjacomics.com/index.shtml)

11-26-2005, 01:18 AM
The only ones I read on a regular basis are 8-bit theater, Misfile, and Fortuna Saga. Anyone who's a fan of FF6 (and even if you're not) should read Fortuna Saga. Very well written, and it's more of a drama type thing, not a funny webcomic (though it has plenty of humour in there too at times). http://www.fortunasaga.com/

Big D
11-26-2005, 04:38 AM
8-Bit is great, but there are so many episodes I've never read through them all. I only drop by now and then, and usually can't be bothered checking through several months of back-issues to find out what's actually going on :p

Been following Ganalath the Extraordinary closely, though, and loving it.

11-26-2005, 05:39 AM

The Summoner of Leviathan
11-26-2005, 05:43 AM
I only read 8-Bit...

11-26-2005, 06:35 AM
sundownercomic.com was good up until kell stopped working on it:]

then megatokyo, ctrl+alt+del, 8-bit, penny arcade like you've said.

Crushed Hope
11-26-2005, 06:50 AM
I have kept up with Megatokyo since the begining. <3

11-26-2005, 03:01 PM
I have to start reading that again...

11-26-2005, 07:06 PM
All been linked to, but I read the following regularly:
Penny Arcade
8-Bit Theater
VG Cats
RPG World (Well, I don't read this regularly anymore as it isn't updated anymore, but I would if it was)

11-26-2005, 08:13 PM
You know which webcomic sucks? PvP Online. Over-rated, godawful junk.

11-26-2005, 08:56 PM
Angels 2200 (http://peter.haynes.iconz.co.nz/)
Big Cheese Press (http://www.bigcheesepress.com/index.php) - I like all three comics on here
Errant Story (http://www.errantstory.com/)
Flem (http://flem.keenspace.com/) - I warn you now, this is pretty gross
Inverloch (http://www.seraph-inn.com/)
Something Positive (http://www.somethingpositive.net/) - Most awesome webcomic ever
The Last Days of FOXHOUND (http://www.gigaville.com/)
The Midlands (http://themidlands.net/)

That's just a very small selection of all the webcomics I read.

11-27-2005, 09:06 AM
Evacomics is alright, but the author has only writen about 20 strips in the last year...

11-27-2005, 05:45 PM
I read around 20 or so different webcomics, I dont have any of the links on my pc, ill edit this post later with unmentioned links, but on a regular basis I read

Orrder of the Stick
Devil's Panties
Dominic Deegan
Questionable content
Geebus on Parade

the list could go on, but i cant rememebr any more at the moment.

Winter Nights
11-29-2005, 03:18 AM
I have prolly over 50 webcomics in my favorites at home... Some faves include:

Penny Arcade
Ctrl Alt Del
VG Cats
Dominic Deegan
Something Positive
Queen of Wands (Only webcomic I know that's in reruns)
Questionable Content
Penny and Aggie
Diesel Sweeties
Apple Geeks
Real Life
8-bit Theater

These are the ones I read at work.

black orb
11-29-2005, 06:05 AM
>>> http://ribaldyouth.com

11-29-2005, 08:12 AM
My list:

Something Positive (http://www.somethingpositive.net/)
Queen of Wands (http://www.queenofwands.net/)
Girly (http://www.go-girly.com/)
Crap I Drew on my Lunch Break (http://crap.jinwicked.com/)
Girl Genius (http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/) (Praise be to the Foglio, for he giveth us this daily bread)
Sinfest (http://sinfest.net/)
Count Your Sheep (http://www.countyoursheep.com/) (Yeah, yeah, can't resist the cute...)