View Full Version : Hypnotize (please keep the flaming out!)

11-27-2005, 05:32 PM
So, for some musical discussion, I present System of a Down's newest album, Hypnotize, 39 minutes of exquisite metal that defies sub-genre classification (aka: no comments from Crushed Hope :p)

I've listened to it 9 times since wednesday when I got it (along with a free t-shirt), and can honestly say it's all good. Not quite the level of Mezmerize, but that album was more of a hit-you-in-the-face-so-hard-you'll-never-forget-it kind of thing... a non stop barrage of metal, with only songs like "Radio/Video" "Question" and "Lost in Hollywood" providing room to breathe (those are probably the best on the album, for that matter).

So- what are your favorite songs on Hypnotize? How would you rank the album against other SOAD releases?

My favorites have to be Attack, Dreaming, the title track, Viscinity of Obscenity, and Soldier Side (such an emotional ending!). While the album doesn't flow quite like Mezmerize, all the songs still run together well, and there are plenty of great vocal melodies to sing along to. There's even more interplay between Daron and Serj's voices on this one, and overall a wider use of sounds and styles in the songs than they've had before. This one is closer to Steal This Album as far as being all over the place, but even more so.
I've noticed Serj sings higher for the most part, and the album is much more treble than bass. Though it sounds great blasted way up, I prefer it on headphones for all the things going on in the songs.
The lyrics, while still random as hell and having both extreme political messages and the usual SOAD obscenities, are better than they have been for a while (probably since Toxicity), and easily better than Mezmerize (which had too few).

Here's how I'd rank the albums now, mind you, all good:

1. Mezmerize
2. Toxicity
3. Hypnotize
4. Steal This Album / Self-Titled.

Go ahead, discuss, but keep politics and metal sub-genres out of it!

Social Moon Firesky
11-27-2005, 07:13 PM
I love everything SOAD puts out. My favourites on Mezmerize are probably 'She's Like Heroine' (I've recorded that onto my phone) 'Viscinity Of Obscenity' (Pure random) and 'Lonely Day'. <33333

11-27-2005, 07:21 PM
I've loved SOAD since their first album came out in 1998, and I still love them totally. Though I myself would rank the albums as follows:
1. System of a Down.
2. Toxicity
3. Mezmerize.
4. Hypnotize.
5. Steal this album!

11-27-2005, 07:27 PM
They're one of my favourite bands, SoaD. I love'em. I'm more into their old sound, however.

1. System of a Down
2. Steal this Album!
3. Hypnotize
4. Toxicity
5. Mezmerize

That's my order of preference. :)

11-27-2005, 07:32 PM
I love everything SOAD puts out. My favourites on Mezmerize are probably 'She's Like Heroine' (I've recorded that onto my phone) 'Viscinity Of Obscenity' (Pure random) and 'Lonely Day'. <33333

Wrong one :p That's Hypnotize.

Zell's Fists of Fury
11-27-2005, 08:05 PM
Having never heard 'Steal the Album' aside, this is the most dissappointing album SoaD has put out for me. Don't get me worng, I like it alright, it's just not as good as I hoped it will be. Nontheless, I'm still rocking out to it right now.

Project G
11-28-2005, 10:27 AM
I think that Hypnotize aint as good as Mezmerize!

1. Toxicity
2. System Of A Down
3. Mezmerize
4. Steal This Album
5. Hypnotize

11-28-2005, 12:53 PM
I haven't got it yet. I'll probably get it for christmas. Or, I might just go buy it on Wednesday, ugh!

Order of preference so far:

2.System of a Down
4.Steal this Album!