View Full Version : LV7 Tifa vs. Emerald Weapon (Solo Victory)

12-03-2005, 07:40 PM

12-03-2005, 07:57 PM
thats as cool as the level ones killing omza! =p

12-03-2005, 08:00 PM
That is SO cool! Emerald got PWNED.

And what's the song in the video? Me likes it

12-03-2005, 08:22 PM
who thinks that was edited? cus no way can tifa be hit by emerald and still have some hp but that's only what i think

12-03-2005, 08:26 PM
not as good as lv1 ozma

d£v!l'$ ph0£n!x
12-03-2005, 08:31 PM
i think the vid is authentic actually, am a little confuzzled as to how emeralds attack only did like 20 damage, but i til think it's all legit

EDIT: ive jus realised that wen tifa uses KotR it doesn't use any MP. can sum1 explain this please!!!

12-03-2005, 09:22 PM
I did not see the video, but Tifa could have had MP absorb Materia.

12-03-2005, 09:47 PM
um the attack emerald beam takes a percentage of the character's current hp (I believe it's 2/3) usually taking about 6,000 from your character(that is when you have 9999 hp and nobody thinks of going into a fight with emerald at anything lower than 9000 hp), but because tifa's hp is 63 at the time, it only took like 40 hp. In synthesis you can never be killed by this attack.

EDIT: If you look at it closely, the first KOTR does use MP, the rest don't because it's mime.

Yet there is something that is weird. When Tifa dies and casts Life2 on herself, she then mimes KOTR seeing as it doesn't use MP. But if she DID mime it, it should have mimed Life2 instead of KOTR. there's something weird about that. If anyone has an explanation for this please explain.

12-03-2005, 09:59 PM
who thinks that was edited?
This video is 100% legit.

ive jus realised that wen tifa uses KotR it doesn't use any MP. can sum1 explain this please!!!
The first time KotR is W-Summoned it does use MP. All subsequent castings are Mimed or performed with the Mime=Counter and Mime=Final Attack combinations.

Cruise Control
12-03-2005, 10:07 PM
um the attack emerald beam takes a percentage of the character's current hp (I believe it's 2/3) usually taking about 6,000 from your character(that is when you have 9999 hp and nobody thinks of going into a fight with emerald at anything lower than 9000 hp), but because tifa's hp is 63 at the time, it only took like 40 hp. In synthesis you can never be killed by this attack.
Exactly, he had to keep trying til all emerald did was emerald beam.

boys from the dwarf
12-03-2005, 10:40 PM
either hacks or skills and luck.

12-03-2005, 10:43 PM
Skills, with a bit of luck thrown in for good measure. Definitely no hacks.

12-03-2005, 10:59 PM
That's cool, but all she did was summon KotR. :kaosleep:

12-03-2005, 11:00 PM
All she did? You give it a go then, see if you can make it any harder.

Sain Cai
12-03-2005, 11:46 PM
All she did? You give it a go then, see if you can make it any harder.
LOL :chuckle: :hahaha:

Also, how does a lvl 7 character hit for 9000 when my 50+ cannot?

Edit by Kishi: Don't double-post.

12-03-2005, 11:51 PM
That's cool, but all she did was summon KotR. :kaosleep:

Wrong, at one poitn she casted Life2 to revive.

Exactly, he had to keep trying til all emerald did was emerald beam.

Not completely right, you can see that Emerald uses an attack that killed tifa.

Like I said before...

Yet there is something that is weird. When Tifa dies and casts Life2 on herself, she then mimes KOTR seeing as it doesn't use MP. But if she DID mime it, it should have mimed Life2 instead of KOTR. there's something weird about that.

If anyone has an explanation for this please explain.

EDIT: It's not your character's strength it's KOTR. MP Turbo being linked to KOTR and the Magic plus materia might have had something to do with all hits being over 9000.

12-04-2005, 12:01 AM
I may be wrong, but I don't think Final Attacks can be Mimed.

12-04-2005, 12:11 AM
Oh they most certainly can be mimed. That happens all the time. I use choose KOTR then Mime for another character then Mime for the other character. KOTR is used, then emerald attacks and kill the guy. Phoenix - Final Attack revives him, then the other two mime Phoenix instead of KOTR.

12-04-2005, 12:22 AM
Perhaps it is different for solo battles. I know that Death Force works differently for solo battles. I'll test it next time I'm playing.

12-04-2005, 06:47 AM
hmm interesting, maybe you're right.

12-04-2005, 09:11 AM
that...was...very...cool. was it the same people who killed ozma at level one?

also...does anyone know where i can find the video of emmy being killed in like a minute twelve seconds or whatever? (barret counter miming ungarmax?)

12-04-2005, 01:13 PM
that video is at the same site as this one. http://n.ethz.ch/student/wmartin

Cruise Control
12-04-2005, 06:54 PM
Not completely right, you can see that Emerald uses an attack that killed tifa.
I missed that.

I attempted to recreate that and got aobut halfway, so it's definitely do-able, I'm just not very lucky, I got Aire-Tam Storm.

Edit: That shouldn't have mattered, I messed something up.
Edit 2: Heres the Barret Video: http://www.metacrawler.com/info.metac/clickit/search?r_aid=FF77BC30FE3641079C41F90526A72C90&r_eop=1&r_sacop=1&r_spf=0&r_cop=main-title&r_snpp=1&r_spp=0&qqn=ep_GdvjK&r_coid=372376&rawto=http://pyer4.free.fr/FFVII-Beating-Emerald-Weapon-(in1.18min).avi
Can someone who undersetands Japanese Give me the setup

12-04-2005, 09:33 PM
Mime=Counter x8

Cruise Control
12-04-2005, 10:24 PM
I so should have known that. XD

Night Strife
12-05-2005, 03:36 AM
I'm gonna try that sometime on Ruby instead.

12-05-2005, 07:40 PM
wow tifa looks good on your sig

Night Strife
12-05-2005, 10:56 PM
I made it.

Tifa's Real Lover(really
12-05-2005, 11:28 PM
wut does legit meen

Night Strife
12-05-2005, 11:33 PM
It means like not illegal or cheating or something similar. Done by realistic means or something.

Cruise Control
12-05-2005, 11:33 PM
Legitimate. Real, not fake. In this case, it means it wasn't edited.

Tifa's Real Lover(really
12-05-2005, 11:36 PM
kk, thought it was the opposite

12-06-2005, 01:18 AM
Wrong, at one poitn she casted Life2 to revive.

Not completely right, you can see that Emerald uses an attack that killed tifa.

Like I said before...

Yet there is something that is weird. When Tifa dies and casts Life2 on herself, she then mimes KOTR seeing as it doesn't use MP. But if she DID mime it, it should have mimed Life2 instead of KOTR. there's something weird about that.

If anyone has an explanation for this please explain.

EDIT: It's not your character's strength it's KOTR. MP Turbo being linked to KOTR and the Magic plus materia might have had something to do with all hits being over 9000.

I'm not 100% sure but I think it has something to do with the Materia combinations.

Counter + Mime
Final Attack + Mime
Final Attack + Revive

Let me try to get this:
*First turn W-Summon KoTR.
*Next Emerald attacks, Tifa dies.
*Final Attack-Revive + Counter-Mime

This only covers the first part cause it, IMO, would have happened a couple of times. I might be wrong but there is no other explanation for this. It seems that Tifa casted Life then counters with a Mime (she used a KoTR right?).

12-06-2005, 02:58 AM
This only covers the first part cause it, IMO, would have happened a couple of times. I might be wrong but there is no other explanation for this. It seems that Tifa casted Life then counters with a Mime (she used a KoTR right?).

But that's what's confusing how could she have casted Life and then counter with KOTR. This isn't possible because
1 - She doesn't have enough MP to counter with KOTR
2 - She can't mime KOTR because she has just casted Life. Mime repeats only the spell right before, which in this case is Life. So if it was Mime then it would have mimed Life and not KOTR.

This is what is weird about this.

12-06-2005, 04:01 AM
I think it's some sort of glitch or something cause I watched it again, I saw her casting 4 KoTR's after using Life. Meaning the game 'remembered' her use of Mime before getting KO'd. Do you get my drift? It seems that she countered with KoTR (2x) at the same time used Final Attack with Life.

12-09-2005, 11:16 PM

This link isn't working anymore....any info?

12-09-2005, 11:42 PM
it works but it doesn't take you another link it just opens your wmplayer.

12-10-2005, 12:46 AM
Also, how does a lvl 7 character hit for 9000 when my 50+ cannot?
Tifa has the following equipped:
Premium Heart: Magic +32
Circlet: Magic & Spirit +30
Revive: Gives Magic +2
Knights of the Round: Gives Magic +8
Mastered MP Turbo: Uses extra MP to increase linked spell's Power
Mastered Magic Plus x2: Magic +50% x2

So, lets say her Magic stat is like 20 (probably about right).

Increase by 100%=184 (not bad for level 7)

I don't know how exactly MP Turbo works, but I can imagine it's something like increasing the power 10% for each level. It's mastered, so it probably increases the power by 50% for an additional 5 MP cost.

And that is how.

12-10-2005, 01:57 AM
now can some one do a ruby weapon vid?

12-14-2005, 08:53 AM
Definitely no hacks.
Actually, there was to an extent, seeing as getting to the point that you can get a gold chocobo to go get the KotR materia would make it virtually impossible for Tifa to still be level 7.

12-14-2005, 06:14 PM
Well, I saw this movie a while back, and it made me sad.

I spent hours trying to kill that beast. I maxed my characters, and didn't use any cheap tricks, well other than KotR... and it took me almost the entire timer to beat the damned guy.

And then this, and that 1.5 minute or whatever video along with it comes out, and destroys my perception of accomplishment.

What have I accomplished? NOTHING. I spent hours trying to defeat the emerald weapon, and this guy does it so easily, making my accomplishment seem like a pile of crap.

I think, I will go cry now.

12-14-2005, 07:17 PM
Actually, there was to an extent, seeing as getting to the point that you can get a gold chocobo to go get the KotR materia would make it virtually impossible for Tifa to still be level 7.

it's possible you just can't train Tifa very much I think when I opened the north crater my tifa was lv.20 and you get the highwind a fairly good time earlier and of course I trained my charcters to be equal not that it worked cloud-72 vincent-69 Red XII-71 Cait sith-35ish Tifa-20 Barret-45 yuffie-58(I beat the pagoda at this level somehow without the dreaded game over) so possible not plausble but possible course you did say virtually well anyways CMX the movie was sped up KoTR does not move that fast and he had the underwater materia on so the timer wasn't there meaning it's proably took a lot more time then what it looked like. Watching Emerald get owned was fun

Cruise Control
12-14-2005, 09:19 PM
Tifa would still level even if she's not in your party, only at 1/2 (or is it 3/4 or 2/3) the speed of your party, but if you had Tifa in your party the whole game, and she was constantly dead, then Level 7 becomes possible.

Ultima Shadow
12-14-2005, 09:19 PM
Not impressed. *starts braging about his own accomplishments until everyone else falls asleep* :p

12-14-2005, 10:40 PM
Thats freaking awsome!!!! That dude rocks.

Shin Gouken
12-14-2005, 11:57 PM
Not impressed. *starts braging about his own accomplishments until everyone else falls asleep* :p

i would like to hear more tbh

Cruise Control
12-15-2005, 12:03 AM
I'm playing item command only and are mastering HP Plus materia to make Carry Armor a bit easier

x Quistis x
12-15-2005, 12:38 AM
vids like this make me realise how crummy i am at FF7 :D

12-15-2005, 09:59 AM
the only thing you have to do is keep Tifa in your party always, but keep her dead, that way she doesn't level up.

12-15-2005, 10:33 AM
That is SO cool! Emerald got PWNED.

And what's the song in the video? Me likes it
not sure if it matters anymore but the song is Drain by X-Japan

and me likes it too

i cant even last a few rounds with emerald and this guy smashes it with one player, shows how bad i am

12-15-2005, 02:34 PM
Great video, very cool to see Emerald get knocked around like that :). I was just wondering though, how come Emerald only had like two turns throughout the entire battle? I have yet to fight him so if his speed is that low I apologize

Cruise Control
12-15-2005, 08:55 PM
It's cause Tifa spends her time W-Summoning KOTR (Summon twice at once), miming the W-Summon, and counter-attacking with mime, allowing yet ANOTHER W-Summon.

Ronald McDonald
12-17-2005, 02:04 AM
Tifa has equipped Final Attack+Mine followed by Final Attack+Life. I would assume that all subsequent Mimes would only Mime one of the Final Attacks, in this case, I would assume the first one in order from left-to-right in her weapon. I suppose that's the answer then. Mime can't Mime two things (i.e. two Final Attacks), so it has to Mime only one of them. Obviously this person figured out which one it will be.

12-18-2005, 02:37 PM
One, I bet you that was edited
Two, my window's media player won't allow .wmv extensions

12-18-2005, 08:26 PM
It hasn't been edited or augmented in any way.

12-18-2005, 08:44 PM
Looks great but, some people keep saying it's not as good as the Ozma level 1 video?

Where can I find that then?

12-19-2005, 07:55 AM
How does barret keep using his limit break in that second video? I haven't played ff7 for awhile, enlighten me please.

12-19-2005, 05:39 PM
Probably the guy has several Counter+Mime combos on Barret.

12-19-2005, 08:15 PM
last I heard you can't mime a limit break, and emerald only attacks like twice throughout the whole 2 minute video, yet barret used his limit break like 7 times, one right after the other.

12-19-2005, 09:06 PM
You can Mime a Limit Break as long as the Limit Break you are Miming belongs to the character. You saw Barret perform Ungarmax more than once because he had multiple Mime materia equipped.

12-19-2005, 11:04 PM
Whats the link to see barret do it and if there are more characters doing it can you give those too. PLEASE!!!!????

12-19-2005, 11:06 PM
http://n.ethz.ch/student/wmartin/ and Ctrl+F.

Tamaki sagaku
12-26-2005, 07:59 AM
i did it. i know how to do it.
only use revive on herself, let other 2 die, then cast the kotr then mime twice. i mean, cast kotr(it take mp, after that, w-summon is next then while she die, she cast revive auto then mime"which mean free mp on kotr", which is take 2 times(after first mime is done,then use the second time. then that it, victory. that is waht i did. in the video, tifa casted 9 times in kotr. 2 time in w-summon, 4 time in first mime 3 time in second mime. so am i, it cast 9 time. no questions ask.

**Notes: there is no hack, editing, etc... it a prove. he right. lvl 7 tifa beat him.**:tongue: :choc:

Shin Gouken
12-26-2005, 02:22 PM
i would just like to point out, NOBODY can prove that wasnt edited. it might be possible to accomplish but that does not nessessarily mean that this is genuine. unless you have proof, no-one here can make that claim

12-27-2005, 03:06 AM
LOL :chuckle: :hahaha:

Also, how does a lvl 7 character hit for 9000 when my 50+ cannot?

Edit by Kishi: Don't double-post.

In addition to the +MA materia/items, I'm guessing Magic Sources.

12-27-2005, 11:34 AM
As shinangel2292 said there is no proof that wasnt edited and personally i think it was.

12-28-2005, 04:51 PM
Just watch it and you'll know it wasn't... just one thing bothering me about it... yet it IS real, because it IS doable.

Shin Gouken
12-28-2005, 09:44 PM
Just watch it and you'll know it wasn't... just one thing bothering me about it... yet it IS real, because it IS doable.

thats the stupidest thing ever!! just because it is acomplishable does not mean that this is genuine. i myself am undecided and dont care much tbh. but you cant prove its genuine so shut up

12-28-2005, 10:02 PM
Good job to that guy for beating Emerald with solo level 7 Tifa...but why do people feel the need to add some awful song to their video? One step forward, two steps back.

12-28-2005, 11:22 PM
Yep that was so cool.

Lone Gunman
01-01-2006, 07:16 PM
Hmh. Some people apparently don't know what to do with their life.

Blitz Ace
01-03-2006, 10:23 AM
wow... someone spent ages maxing stats or something... but impressive none the less

01-03-2006, 06:13 PM
No, there's just a combination of items and materia that have raised her magic stat by 160-180, depending on what her initial magic stat was.

a nirvana fan
01-03-2006, 06:41 PM
who thinks that was edited? cus no way can tifa be hit by emerald and still have some hp but that's only what i think

I think it's edited somehow yeah.

01-04-2006, 12:38 AM
Did anyone else notice she used KotR a few times without losing MP?

01-04-2006, 01:25 AM
Did anyone else notice she used KotR a few times without losing MP?
she mimed (or often counter-mimed) those. (mime uses up no resources.)

Desert Wolf
01-04-2006, 01:25 AM
Yeah.I did actaully.They obviously cheated to get there on lv.7.Id be really impressed if someone beat him without Knights of the Round.I started a new game so i can do it.

01-04-2006, 08:00 AM
It looks way sped up and rushed. Then again, I've never gotten or seen KotR before.

Well, congrats to that Genji person.

Setzer Gabianni
01-04-2006, 08:15 AM
thats the stupidest thing ever!! just because it is acomplishable does not mean that this is genuine. i myself am undecided and dont care much tbh. but you cant prove its genuine so shut up

I suggest you shut up. No need to treat other members so rudely.

Interesting video, but it still does not give me the courage to go back underwater..

01-04-2006, 08:32 AM
Desert Wolf, tifa was most likely killed off throughout the whole game to make sure she was at level 7.

Xaven, if the video wasn't sped up, then it could take 20 minutes to half an hour to watch:D

yet, after watching it, i dont really feel proud killing that emerald monstrosity with three high level characters...:mad:

but i still love watching these "challenge" videos. id like to see one of somebody beating kefka with a low level party...or of just setzer, celes, and edgar! (someone has done this. they must have entirely too much free time...)

Markus. D
01-05-2006, 02:20 AM
boring... alls it is is KotR spammage.

01-05-2006, 02:42 AM
how else do you think a level 7 tifa could kill emmy?:rolleyes2

01-05-2006, 03:10 AM
I am not sure if anyone had noticed this.. I got bored of reading everyone going back and forth.. I just have one thing I noticed.. that makes no sense to me.. -at all-

Cloud is at an HP of like.. 300.. Tifa is at 66, and Vincent is at 6000 something.
Going off that, I can't help but wonder.. why the hell Cloud is at 300, because Cloud gets out of your party -very- rarely, and even if you wanted him gone to not level up, you can't because he's Cloud, and Cloud does what Cloud wants. Vincent.. yeah.. makes no sense.. because his HP is -very- high. Tifa they could have just left her out of the party the entire game. So.. unless her HP was edited via an Emulator or something, then I am throughly confused and would like some explaining...
Honestly.. I wanna know how Cloud isn't insanely leveled up, To be more specific... I want him out of my party, if you can answer that, then I -may- believe this.

Edit: We could always do it this way... The only way I'll believe it, is if Tifa throws an actually attack in, no magic attack, just Tifa punches, I mean.. at this point, with materia and all that, her magic could be raised insanely, but unless she can throw a punch that -should- hit Emerald Weapon with 1..2...3 Hp damage, then she can't be only a Lvl.7... It -could- be possible, if I didn't see Cloud only have 300+ HP, and yeah.. you could have him dead the entire time.. but then that makes me wonder, why would you get that far in a game to show something like.. KotR repeating itself for a while... just so there can be alot of people Ooo-ing and Aww-ing.. Kinda seems like a waste of life. =[

Thank you. ^^

01-05-2006, 05:11 AM
Tifa they could have just left her out of the party the entire game.
FYI, inactive party members still gain experience. Dead party members on the other hand...

Desert Wolf
01-05-2006, 02:51 PM
But about Cloud.He should still have much more health.Unless he has loads of materia bringing his health down.Didnt one of Emeralds attacks on Tifa do like 60 damage or something?How the hell was that?I was on lv.99 and he was kicking my ass!

Shin Gouken
01-05-2006, 03:30 PM
I suggest you shut up. No need to treat other members so rudely.

Interesting video, but it still does not give me the courage to go back underwater..

omg i so apologise i must have offended you :eek:

:mad: bite me tbh

Setzer Gabianni
01-05-2006, 04:04 PM
You are a clever little person aren't you?

You have not offended me as such, but speaking to other members using language like that is inappropriate.

I will not "bite u". Wouldn't go that far.

Azure Chrysanthemum
01-05-2006, 04:13 PM
Raphael Sorel, please just warn the posts when they are offensive. No need to try to handle it yourself.

Shinangel, this is your warning. We do not tolerate that kind of an attitude towards other members.

Shin Gouken
01-05-2006, 04:40 PM
oh dear i apologise

01-05-2006, 08:15 PM
someone asked why the attack only did 60 dmg... its because that was emerald beam or whatever the attack that knocks off an amount proportional to X% of max hp or something... this looks pretty legit and thats cool... even if he cheated to get there it still shows it can be done and that really cool

P.S. : I beleive that he didnt cheat in anyway to get there/ get the materias or the magic + items

01-05-2006, 10:15 PM
What the hell does tbh mean?

Shin Gouken
01-05-2006, 11:04 PM
What the hell does tbh mean?

tbh you should ask a little nicer

01-06-2006, 03:10 AM
I didn't watch the video, but can someone answer me how he managed to keep his MP high enough for life2+Final Attack, when Emerald has an attack that drains 500 MPs and he does that twice (or more) before killing you with Aire Tam? Even if he used HP<->MP he would need tons of HP Up so that his Mp would be higher than 1,000. Also, he need to cast KOTR, and, if he had W-Summon it would cost 500 MPs.

Someone plz explain this to me.

01-06-2006, 03:12 AM
MP Plus and mime did most of the work.

01-06-2006, 03:25 AM
But how much MP Tifa had? 5000 or something?

01-06-2006, 06:24 AM
But how much MP Tifa had? 5000 or something?
Tifa had 592 MP, and HP was at 66.

01-06-2006, 06:45 AM
Tifa used up MP until she reached 48 MP, after that she summoned KotR 6 times from what I counted with out any MP what so ever, around the 4th time, Emerald Weapon attacked, so I would think that her next round of summons would use MP on atleast the first attack after Emerald Weapon hit her.

Master HP plus, 2 of them +50%MaxHp
Master MP plus, 2 of them +50%MaxMP


HP <-> MP. Gone by so fast that it's nearly skipped over. x x;
592 HP//66 Mp makes alot more sense then 66 HP//592Mp

Edit: By the way, I am completely Neutral on all this, regardless of what I seem to be saying, I just want to point out what I see, and other's arn't, as to be of some help.. For those wanting to make a war out of this. =}

01-06-2006, 08:01 AM
Master MP plus, 2 of them +50%MaxMP
There's no MP+ just Magic Plus materia. If she put MP+ in it her HP won't be lower than 100

01-06-2006, 07:29 PM
can someone answer me how he managed to keep his MP high enough for life2+Final Attack, when Emerald has an attack that drains 500 MPs and he does that twice (or more) before killing you with Aire Tam? Even if he used HP<->MP he would need tons of HP Up so that his Mp would be higher than 1,000. Also, he need to cast KOTR, and, if he had W-Summon it would cost 500 MPs.

Someone plz explain this to me.
First, she doesn't cast Life2, she casts Life, the Revive materia has no AP on it yet. Emerald has an attack that drains 500 MP yes, but it doesn't have chance to cast it. Tifa goes first, 2 KOTRs, then Emerald does an attack that kills Tifa. Tifa then Final Attacks with both Life (for a grand total of 544 MP, KOTR has MP Turbo linked) and Mime at the same time, which baffles people as to how she didn't mime the Life command.

My theory is that both Final Attacks happened at the same time. When the Mime was activated, it was activated at the same that the Revive was activated, and the last things Tifa did when Mime was activated was 2 KOTRs. This wouldn't work normally, but since it was just her actions, and the two Final Attacks happening at the same time, the timing worked differently than it normally would and resulted in Tifa miming the summon.

Anyway, Tifa then Mimed 2 KOTRs, which cost her nothing, as casting Mime uses no resources. After the first KOTR, she has time to input another command, Mime. So she was able to use 4 KOTRs in a row before Emerald had its next turn. When Emerald had its next turn, those four orbs lit up, and the first one attacked, doing percentage damage to Tifa. This triggered Counter + Mime, and before the other three orbs had a chance to attack, Tifa countered with 2 KOTRs, again using no MP. After the first one, the orbs were gone and the other three had no chance to attack, and Tifa also had time to input another Mime command. 2 more KOTRs later and Emerald was dead.

And that is how she could do this fight with a mere 600ish MP. She only paid for the first 2 KOTRs and Life.

01-06-2006, 07:31 PM
I think it's gamesharked or something, because how can you get to the point where the weapons show up and only be level 7 to begin with?! OMGWTF. So, anyway, I can get to the end below level 25. That's it. And I had to run a lot to do it.

01-06-2006, 08:53 PM
Tifa has to always be in your party through the whole game to that point, and always has to be dead. It's doable.

01-06-2006, 10:18 PM
the Revive materia only has no AP on it yet.Only.

01-07-2006, 08:35 PM
Ok, I watched the video now. But I noticed two things. First, it took me many tries to kill Emerald and he ALWAYS attacks first, with Emerald shot I think. Maybe he had a preemptive materia (the video was too fast, I couldn't see all the materias). And, everytime I destroyed Emerald's eyes, he counter-attacked with Revenge Stamp or Emerald Shoot.

Also, Emerald attacked 2 or 3 times in the whole battle, how's that possible?

Shin Gouken
01-07-2006, 08:59 PM
Ok, I watched the video now. But I noticed two things. First, it took me many tries to kill Emerald and he ALWAYS attacks first, with Emerald shot I think. Maybe he had a preemptive materia (the video was too fast, I couldn't see all the materias). And, everytime I destroyed Emerald's eyes, he counter-attacked with Revenge Stamp or Emerald Shoot.

Also, Emerald attacked 2 or 3 times in the whole battle, how's that possible?

actually this raises a valid point. emerald counter attacks after every attack he receives if i am not mistaken

01-09-2006, 09:31 PM
actually this raises a valid point. emerald counter attacks after every attack he receives if i am not mistaken
Yes, but Emerald doesn't counter a counter, which is what Tifa is doing half the time.

Shin Gouken
01-10-2006, 01:30 AM
Yes, but Emerald doesn't counter a counter, which is what Tifa is doing half the time.

Tifa opens the battle with 2xKotr and emerald doesn't counter. His counter attack is his revenge stamp. It isnt used

01-10-2006, 10:01 PM
I've only ever seen Emerald use Revenge Stamp if one of the orbs is active.

Shin Gouken
01-10-2006, 10:23 PM
I've only ever seen Emerald use Revenge Stamp if one of the orbs is active.

actually that might be true. i'll have to go fight the bitch now to be sure :D

01-10-2006, 10:48 PM
Nice video, though the music was a bit annoying. Great job by Genji. :thumb: I wonder how Emerald Weapon didn't counter with Aire Tam Storm when the orbs died.

01-11-2006, 12:15 AM
hmm there were no timer..

01-11-2006, 03:15 AM
hmm there were no timer..
Equipped with Underwater materia...

01-11-2006, 03:31 AM
oh yeah forgot...i mustve skipped that part :D

Markus. D
01-11-2006, 09:06 AM
how else do you think a level 7 tifa could kill emmy?:rolleyes2

vissually though, its boring, might aswell watch a video of a maple story newbie killing things.

01-12-2006, 02:32 AM
actually that might be true. i'll have to go fight the bitch now to be sure :D
Emmy also counter attacked me with Emerald Shot. I W-Summoned KOTR with Barret, then mimed with Cloud, but after he mimed the first KOTR (obviously before the second KOTR), the bastard counter attacked me with Emerald Shot, killing Cloud. I don't know if it happens a lot, but it didn't happen with Genji..

04-17-2006, 01:48 AM
Wrong, at one poitn she casted Life2 to revive.

Not completely right, you can see that Emerald uses an attack that killed tifa.

Like I said before...

Yet there is something that is weird. When Tifa dies and casts Life2 on herself, she then mimes KOTR seeing as it doesn't use MP. But if she DID mime it, it should have mimed Life2 instead of KOTR. there's something weird about that.

If anyone has an explanation for this please explain.

EDIT: It's not your character's strength it's KOTR. MP Turbo being linked to KOTR and the Magic plus materia might have had something to do with all hits being over 9000.

It was Life not Life2.

04-17-2006, 02:01 AM
This thread has gotten a bit too old to be revived.