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12-06-2005, 01:24 AM
I dunno why I'm posting this here (Maybe because I need some help) but here. Me and my friends are thinking of forming a band. But we don't plan on getting big or anything, as usual. Especially since we're only 12 year olds, except for me because Im turning 13 in january and Im the oldest in month of the members so far. So I'll break it down and crap.

So far the name of the band is "I.Q.52", and let me tell you, we had a lot of trouble figuring out a name. We even wondered how bands thought of such great name's such as "Nirvana" and "Greenday". Those are some pretty unique names. Our previous thought's for names were (Though there were a lot more)

Brain Death
Static Coarse
Into The Underground
I.Q. In Question
Initial Question
I.Q. 15

We might change the name again to one of the previous thoughts. Here's my first question. Which do you think is better, IQ 15, or IQ 52?? There's something about IQ 15 that shows some power to it. But in IQ 52, we liked it because it rhymes. So there's the first question.

Next up, the band members. There is 5 so far but might turn out to 4 because one of the members might be leaving in two years. Which sucks because we're all in this together. Here's are type of personalities.

Douglas (Me): My favorite bands are (In order) Blink 182, Nirvana, Radio Head, & Sum 41. So you can kind of tell my favorite type of rock is punk rock. A lot of my friends think Im funny and most think Im one of the funniest in the class. I can agree seeing how there aren't much that are funny in the first place. Im also that fun type of person to hang out with.

David: One of my best friends, an OK funny guy but can be really funny so and then. he's one of those friends I don't want to lose because no matter how many jokes that I make that are about him he doesn't give a damn. He knows I don't mean. Hell, he even does it back to me. Me and my friends are kinda like that. So yeah. Cool guy. His favorite band at the moment is System Of A Down.

Stephen: This is the poor chap that might be leaving. He's cool. Me and him love to draw. But that's way beside the point. Not much to say about him. He claims his favorite song to be "Iris" by Goo Goo Dolls. He also says that there are just songs that he likes. He doesn't pay attention to who makes them. And his brother used to be in a band called "No Excuses". His brother's favorite band was also Blink 182.

Thomas: This guy is short but one of the coolest kids I know. He's one of my best friends aswell. Funny, smart, and helpful in some terms. He tries to rap sometimes as a joke but I always tell him to quit it. He has 4 or 5 guiatars. I think 3 acoustics and 1 or 2 electrics. So he has some experience. His dad's favorite band is Pink Floyd.

So that's just a round up on the members so you can try to give us some advice.

I don't have a guitar yet but I'm getting one somewhere THIS week, and my mom might put me up for guitar lessons. Thing is I dunno what to get. I know an Acoustic is great for beginners but I have something else to clearify. The Acoustic Guitars at Wallmart are only $49.99. But then again I also saw an Acoustic Electric Guitar. Is that a good mix?? So my second question is, is an acoustic electric that different from a regular acoustic guitar?? And David has an Acoustic that can play electric sounds, from what he says, but he doesn't know what it is. L ol. Anyone can help??

So yeah. There are my questions. Can you please kill some time and try to help on my questions?? And can a mod please chaperone this thread from time to time to stop dumb remarks or flames toward me and my friends?? Especially since this is in the Help forum so spam really isn't allowed, but just incase??

Please and thank you...

12-06-2005, 03:20 AM
First rule of buying musical instruments is to not buy from wal*mart.

aside from that, good luck.

12-06-2005, 03:25 AM
Why is that so bad??

12-06-2005, 03:31 AM
Why is that so bad??
They're made to be sold at bargain prices, and the craftsmanship will show.

If you want to just play around, I suppose it might be alright, but if you have any intent of playing seriously, at least check out some of Fender's starter packs at a real music store.

12-06-2005, 03:44 AM
My favorite bands are (In order) Blink 182, Nirvana, Radio Head, & Sum 41. So you can kind of tell my favorite type of rock is punk rockWait, how are we supposed to know that?

Rubah is right. DO NOT buy an instrument at wal-mart. If you want the worst of the worst.. pure trash when it comes to instruments, then buy from walmart. Don't buy one of those ridiculous starter kits either. Those things are fucking trash. Buy an instrument, and an amp, and a cable, by themselves. You are going to want a semi decent instrument. Maybe not a top of the line instrument, but a decent one. A bad guitar will go out of tune if you sneeze on it. The sound quality you're going to get is simply monstrous, and it's going to be very difficult to play. How an instrument feels, in my opinion, is the single most important factor when selecting an instrument.

Can you borrow one of your friends guitars for a little bit? That is what I recommend you do first.

Dude, take lessons. You are going to suck for a long time regardless, but if you don't take lessons, you'll probably suck forever. I cannot emphasize the importance of taking lessons for at least a year or two.

Does your band have a bass player and a drummer? You aren't considering having a band with 5 guitarists, are you?

What kind of music do you want to play? If you want to play the music that you described you shouldn't get an acoustic guitar. That comes later, when and if you get into folk and/or classical. (Although you don't necessarily need an acoustic for that)

12-06-2005, 12:47 PM
Rubah is right. DO NOT buy an instrument at wal-mart. If you want the worst of the worst.. pure trash when it comes to instruments, then buy from walmart. Don't buy one of those ridiculous starter kits either. Those things are smurfing trash. Buy an instrument, and an amp, and a cable, by themselves. You are going to want a semi decent instrument. Maybe not a top of the line instrument, but a decent one. A bad guitar will go out of tune if you sneeze on it. The sound quality you're going to get is simply monstrous, and it's going to be very difficult to play. How an instrument feels, in my opinion, is the single most important factor when selecting an instrument.

But they have the same brand and box as the acoustics in marshall's...

Can you borrow one of your friends guitars for a little bit? That is what I recommend you do first.

Yes. Prolly this weekend I'll try it...

Dude, take lessons. You are going to suck for a long time regardless, but if you don't take lessons, you'll probably suck forever. I cannot emphasize the importance of taking lessons for at least a year or two.

God, Nik0tine. I know, man. I know.

Does your band have a bass player and a drummer? You aren't considering having a band with 5 guitarists, are you?
We're going over that later. Prolly today. We're thinking of putting Thomas as the Bass player. And the Drummer is david. Nik, I know a band is bad with only 5 guitars, calm down...

What kind of music do you want to play? If you want to play the music that you described you shouldn't get an acoustic guitar. That comes later, when and if you get into folk and/or classical. (Although you don't necessarily need an acoustic for that)I'll get back to you on that...

Meat Puppet
12-06-2005, 01:34 PM
in my experience bands made up from all friends end up over in little time. But I guess there MUST be many that haven't so go for it
I've never met a band that has formed without knowing what music they want to play
you should really think of what you want your band to be before thinking up a name
but it's all about breaking the mold I guess
also, are you wanting to be the lead guitar and vocalist or what? I assume you are. i can't play guitar and sing at the same time. I can sing and I can play guitar, but not at the same time. not well, anyway. I've never met any of your band members, but if you were doing lead vocals I would think thomas would make lead guitarist. that's just imo, though
don't not learn guitar though
do you take music lessons at school? it may be a good idea to learn how to play other instruments as well (keyboard, drums, bass, other s, accordion etc)
you get the picture little buddy
I hope you're making this band because you guys love music, and the girls and money would be a thing on the side, you know, as opposed to getting in a band just to impress some girl you like

about the name
I think for some bands it can take a long time for the members to settle on a band name they all think is fitting. the band that my little brother plays drums for changes it's name every week. or day. something like that (I don't like him)
write down any name that come to your head. they don't have to be about being stupid ffs

I'm not going to go into songwriting at the moment

I'm trying to help you out here, little buddy, but just so you know none of the bands I've made or have been in have stuck together.

EDIT: phew, nobody burned me :lol:

12-06-2005, 01:53 PM
Most importantly, always do what you do for fun. Get a mediator if you ever get half serious, and keep your friendships strong. Sounds corny as hell, but if you all hate eachother and simply 'put up' with eachother, your music will suffer.

Start choir now. I don't know if you have choir in your school or what, but take it. Learn to sing and vocalize music. While you are in choir, learn the piano, and learn to tune your voice to the piano. (the piano is the easiest insturment to tune to. (lol to tune to). From there, study the different styles and eras (classical, <b>baroque</b>, modern, classical, romantic, etc) of music, learn much about em, as even punk rock shares a lot of influence from earlier music. It will also teach you a thing or ten about variety. Choir will also help you work on your voice, and overall confidence as a musician.

Take writing classes like poetry and such. Really learn how to use words to express emotion. Also make sure to take a very good literature class or 10, Learn of Romance, Satire, tragedy, comedy, and inrony. These are all sweet classes you would prolly enjoy, and you may even be able to talk like Big D when you are done. To the point - your writing will get ten times better, and you will gain an apreciation for symbolism, recursive plotlines, and just better way to potray exactly what it is you would want a song to say.

The name would have to be Crash and the Random Numbers... hands down ... no.. prolly not. Keepo the name atuned to what ever the sound of your band is. If you take that poetry class, you will learn more about sexy pesonification, and making shtuff sound cool. see! school is cool!

I know it's not what you were looking for exactly, but it is advice.

12-06-2005, 08:58 PM
The Donnas started when they were 13, look at them now.

U2's drummer was 14 when they started and look at them now.

When I started my first band I was 15. I couldn't play guitar to save my life, the drummer was pretty good and the bassist had taken a few guitar lessons a few years ago so you can imagine the state of affairs going on there.

Although we sucked balls, we still had a great time messing around, writing some silly songs and we even played a gig in support of a much better, older band at school.

So as long as you are willing to have FUN then do not hesitate to make a band with your friends.

Learn a few chords on guitar (that's all you need at first) and take lessons. Gradually, you will get better at your instrument and so will your songs.

It doesn't matter if the band doesn't last. Being in a band improves your playing a lot especially if you are just starting out. The band might break up in a few months, a few years or it might last forever and you become the next big thing. Either way, make sure you have fun!

Your first band should always be with friends. If you enlist someone in your band just because they are a good musician, it will normally end badly (happened to me plenty of times).

And as for the name, it sounds pretty cool, but bands like Greenday and Nirvana probarbly would not always have been called Greenday or Nirvana. They stumble across these names when something inspires them appropriatley.

I think that is the longest post I have ever made on this website. Hope it helps.

12-06-2005, 08:58 PM
I hope you're making this band because you guys love music
Of course, MP!! :)

12-06-2005, 09:16 PM
Also, it could be a good idea to do a few cover songs to start off with. Nice, easy songs will help you get to know your instrument and your bandmates better.

12-06-2005, 09:43 PM
That's a good idea, Mitch!! I'll try that...

12-07-2005, 04:26 AM
But they have the same brand and box as the acoustics in marshall's...No kidding?? :p

From there, study the different styles and eras (classical, baroque, modern, classical, romantic, etc) of music, learn much about em, as even punk rock shares a lot of influence from earlier music.I couldn't agree with bipper more. However, Im a realistic person and I realize that most people are not going to share the love of music like I do. Odds are you aren't going to want to do this, but it is still recommended that you do.

The name would have to be Crash and the Random Numbers... hands down ... Yes.

12-07-2005, 04:38 AM
Dude, take lessons. You are going to suck for a long time regardless, but if you don't take lessons, you'll probably suck forever. I cannot emphasize the importance of taking lessons for at least a year or two.

Not always true. Ya never know they may have actual musical talent. My friend eddie has never had a drum lesson in his life and can play drums better then any person I have ever heard live and that includes concerts I've been to. He's friggin amazing. Going to school for music production too :D. He can make up a solo for a half hour just going and going and it sounds as if it's right from a song. You'd never know.

12-07-2005, 04:40 AM
Me and ed make the greatest songs ever. All you need is a four string guitar, a 15 year old keyboard, and maybe a box for a drum (or use one of the 12 programmed beats in the keyboard)! Make sure you have your instruments sound like they are having sex, too.

ed and I have some big record deal going because of our amazing talent.

12-07-2005, 04:56 AM
Not always true. Ya never know they may have actual musical talent. My friend eddie has never had a drum lesson in his life and can play drums better then any person I have ever heard live and that includes concerts I've been to. He's friggin amazing. Going to school for music production too :D. He can make up a solo for a half hour just going and going and it sounds as if it's right from a song. You'd never know.
That is true. However, regardless of what latent talents you may have music lessons will always help. It simply cannot hurt to take lessons.

Azure Chrysanthemum
12-07-2005, 05:41 AM
I need to know how serious you are about this, because there are two possible sets of advice I can give.

12-07-2005, 08:18 AM
You band name is going to change about 15 times before you pick one to stick with, and by then you'll probably have different members and play different stuff , but don't worry. It all just comes together in time, man.

If you want to play guitar than it takes dedication more than anything. At times, especially at first, your going to be so frustrated you'll wanna take your guitar and punish the wall with it for being painted white. Take a break, but don't quit. Practice switching chords and your scales unconsiously. Do it while watching tv, talking on the phone, talking to other people. It needs to become a habitual reaction instead of something you concentrate on.

Start writing songs now. You have no idea how hard this can be until you start.

12-07-2005, 09:53 AM
Most importantly, always do what you do for fun. Get a mediator if you ever get half serious, and keep your friendships strong. Sounds corny as hell, but if you all hate eachother and simply 'put up' with eachother, your music will suffer.

Start choir now. I don't know if you have choir in your school or what, but take it. Learn to sing and vocalize music. While you are in choir, learn the piano, and learn to tune your voice to the piano. (the piano is the easiest insturment to tune to. (I cried aloud with mirth and merriment to tune to). From there, study the different styles and eras (classical, <b>baroque</b>, modern, classical, romantic, etc) of music, learn much about em, as even punk rock shares a lot of influence from earlier music. It will also teach you a thing or ten about variety. Choir will also help you work on your voice, and overall confidence as a musician.

Take writing classes like poetry and such. Really learn how to use words to express emotion. Also make sure to take a very good literature class or 10, Learn of Romance, Satire, tragedy, comedy, and inrony. These are all sweet classes you would prolly enjoy, and you may even be able to talk like Big D when you are done. To the point - your writing will get ten times better, and you will gain an apreciation for symbolism, recursive plotlines, and just better way to potray exactly what it is you would want a song to say.

The name would have to be Crash and the Random Numbers... hands down ... no.. prolly not. Keepo the name atuned to what ever the sound of your band is. If you take that poetry class, you will learn more about sexy pesonification, and making shtuff sound cool. see! school is cool!

I know it's not what you were looking for exactly, but it is advice.

This is some very good advice.

Personally I wish I had this advice when I was younger, I even tried to get into it later on for a few years, but now I'm taking a completely different angle into the audio world by studying audio engineering.

But hey, if you ever need some advice with the guitar, don't be afraid to ask. Lately I've just been playing a lot of blues/roots and folk rock on the good old acoustic guitar.

If you're starting out on guitar, I'd suggest taking up piano while you're at it. And I'd also suggest starting on an acoustic guitar, seriously. It doesn't matter if you're heading out to play your punk (which I don't know how you got Radiohead and Nirvana into that), you will defenately benefit from learning an acoustic instrument a lot more than thrashing an electric (although that's fun too).

Also, never limit the music you listen to. Listen to everything and anything you can. Soul, rock, blues, world, funk, jazz, punk, whatever music.

Anyways, just my two cents.

12-07-2005, 12:43 PM
I need to know how serious you are about this, because there are two possible sets of advice I can give.
How serious now??

If you're starting out on guitar, I'd suggest taking up piano while you're at it. And I'd also suggest starting on an acoustic guitar, seriously. It doesn't matter if you're heading out to play your punk (which I don't know how you got Radiohead and Nirvana into that), you will defenately benefit from learning an acoustic instrument a lot more than thrashing an electric (although that's fun too).

Exactly what Im doing. But Im questioning the fact if an Acoustic Guitar and an Acoustic Electric are that far apart. And Radio Head's just a good slow band to get into. Nirvana?? They're Grunge and they say grunge is a half punk and half something else gendre...

Also, never limit the music you listen to. Listen to everything and anything you can. Soul, rock, blues, world, funk, jazz, punk, whatever music.
I listen to a lot of music but I'll try listening to more. Like what you listed. That might help a ton...

12-12-2005, 05:05 AM
Do not be limited by genres.

Do not set out specifically to write a 'slow song' or a 'heavy song'.

When you are playing your instrument at home by yourself, sounds will come out of it. You will like some of those sounds, you will not like some other sounds.

The noises you do like will possibly go on to create a song. This is the best way to write music. It may not be the most productive, but in my experience the best songs come like this. If you try and force it you might come out with inferior music.

I suppose this could be good at first, but the best thing I think you can do is to play covers, then write songs as they come to you.

All killer, no filler.

12-12-2005, 12:27 PM
XD I love that album. Yeah. Im getting an electric at a guitar center in fairfield this wednsday for $150. Im taking lessons aswell...

Spiffing Cheese
12-12-2005, 04:24 PM
Good luck with your band! I think I.Q. 52 sounds better. And yeah; basically, take lessons. Otherwise it's going to take you a long, long, LONG time to be good enough for gigs.

And I like how you called Blink 182 and Sum 41 'punk-rock'. :rolleyes2


12-12-2005, 07:03 PM
Don't do it to be Rich and Famous. Music should be a hobby for you. Something that when you wake up you'd jump out of bed for.

I want to form a band myself. ^_^ An Evanescence/Within Temptation style band.

Good luck!

12-12-2005, 09:14 PM
Wait, how are we supposed to know that?

Rubah is right. DO NOT buy an instrument at wal-mart. If you want the worst of the worst.. pure trash when it comes to instruments, then buy from walmart. Don't buy one of those ridiculous starter kits either. Those things are smurfing trash. Buy an instrument, and an amp, and a cable, by themselves. You are going to want a semi decent instrument. Maybe not a top of the line instrument, but a decent one. A bad guitar will go out of tune if you sneeze on it. The sound quality you're going to get is simply monstrous, and it's going to be very difficult to play. How an instrument feels, in my opinion, is the single most important factor when selecting an instrument.

Can you borrow one of your friends guitars for a little bit? That is what I recommend you do first.

Dude, take lessons. You are going to suck for a long time regardless, but if you don't take lessons, you'll probably suck forever. I cannot emphasize the importance of taking lessons for at least a year or two.

Does your band have a bass player and a drummer? You aren't considering having a band with 5 guitarists, are you?

What kind of music do you want to play? If you want to play the music that you described you shouldn't get an acoustic guitar. That comes later, when and if you get into folk and/or classical. (Although you don't necessarily need an acoustic for that)

12-12-2005, 10:11 PM
And I like how you called Blink 182 and Sum 41 'punk-rock'. :rolleyes2

Maybe 'cause they are XP

Don't do it to be Rich and Famous. Music should be a hobby for you. Something that when you wake up you'd jump out of bed for.
Of course. I won't do it for a sole purpose of money...

Oh yeah. My friend, Thomas, his mom get's him everything. He asked her for a Bass and she's gonna get it for him. L-Ol. She's even giving him 2 bucks everytime he takes the lessons. Awsome..

12-13-2005, 12:56 AM
A rich friend in a band is always good :P

Do you have a place to practice? You will need this as well as some amps that are good enough to jam on.

Also, if you are going to be a singer you will need a microphone. I cannot count the number of singers I have jammed with who think that just because all they need to do is sing, they don't need to invest any money in an instrument. This is not true.

Not many people like singers as it is, so they will need to do all they can to get on people's good sides (especially if they are asshole, egotistical guitarists such as myself).

Make sure that when you practice, everything can be heard, though maybe not by the neighbours for a little while (until you get good)

12-13-2005, 01:16 AM
I can't help but think that it'd be more advantageous to you to learn how to play on an acoustic first.

And can any of y'all sing? Learning how to sing is just as important as learning how to play your instrument. Voice lessons will teach you how to warm up your voice (just singing will strain vocal cords), how to change from middle tones to falsetto and vice-versa, and how to breathe correctly.

12-13-2005, 01:49 AM
Yeah, I also agree with KayBee. Singing Lessons are pretty vital, since singing is much MUCH harder than people think. And acoustic guitar is good to learn first.

12-13-2005, 03:08 PM
what i heard is that when you start on guitar practice make sure you sing the song your playing this will be hell to learn when you finally got to play. so when ever your playing a exsisting song sing while you play

oh and when you got something post it hear as far as i know there are lots of people who can judge your songs honestly

good luck with it

12-13-2005, 09:11 PM
Yeah, I also agree with KayBee. Singing Lessons are pretty vital, since singing is much MUCH harder than people think. And acoustic guitar is good to learn first.
I'm joining Chorus class. And I tried my friends (David) acoustic but I found it a little gay in a sense of tease. I find it confusing on how people like Thom Yorke play an acoustic so well. But when I went over Thomas' house, I messed with his electric. His amp was missing a wire so we couldn't use it. I tried it without. I fell in love. It's just the feel of it. Then my fingers started to hurt but I folded a piece of paper until it was a thick pick. It was fun...

Tailz, I already posted a lyric of mine. Go check it out...

12-14-2005, 12:08 AM
I was serious about the name. Something dumb, then numbers are just used and abused in the emo punk rock world. Thats why I think that crash and the random numbers would not be a half bad choice :)


12-14-2005, 05:49 AM
And can any of y'all sing? Learning how to sing is just as important as learning how to play your instrument. Voice lessons will teach you how to warm up your voice (just singing will strain vocal cords), how to change from middle tones to falsetto and vice-versa, and how to breathe correctly.Not if he's playing punk rawx. :p

And I tried my friends (David) acoustic but I found it a little gay in a sense of tease.what??

12-14-2005, 12:50 PM
I was serious about the name. Something dumb, then numbers are just used and abused in the emo punk rock world.

12-14-2005, 02:42 PM

Don't get emotional :) I did not entirley mean it was emo punk rock, but more punk rock fueled stricly by pop style lyrics - like some of Blink 182, Sum 41, and SR 71 or w/e they were. Just the whole name.randomnumbers is kinda stupid imo. That is why I thought a good satirical and rooted name like Crash and the random numbers (along those lines) would be humorous, at least.

Bip ;)

12-14-2005, 10:41 PM
You could always call your band "Two-six-eight-two-one".

12-14-2005, 10:43 PM
Then why would you want to use an emo naming schema?

Think about it.

12-15-2005, 12:59 AM

Spiffing Cheese
12-15-2005, 08:57 PM
Crash, Blink and Sum 41 are NOT punk rock.

12-15-2005, 09:02 PM
Yeah they are XD

12-16-2005, 12:23 AM
No they're not XD

Meat Puppet
12-16-2005, 03:32 AM
Punk or not, they're junk (imo).

12-16-2005, 12:38 PM
They're punk, alright. Now let's get back on topic...

Spiffing Cheese
12-17-2005, 08:21 PM
Crash: Blink 182 and Sum 41 are in no way punk. They are far more pop than they are punk, and they're hardly even rock.

12-17-2005, 10:38 PM
Put it this way. My mind says they are, yours doesn't. Opinions. Now lets get back on topic, please...

Spiffing Cheese
12-18-2005, 10:58 AM
But it's not opinions! The fact that Blink 182 are not punk is not an opinion, it's a fact!

12-18-2005, 02:14 PM
Spiffy, please T_T Get back on topic. My threads being ruined...

12-20-2005, 04:55 AM

12-20-2005, 12:30 PM
Is that advice?? And if so specify a little more so I can break it down to multiple advice...