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12-14-2005, 04:13 AM

12-14-2005, 04:14 AM
merry christmas

The Jamie Star Scenario
12-14-2005, 04:14 AM


12-14-2005, 04:24 AM
Happy holidays, as it doesn't offend anyone. Except for those that aren't understanding of different ways of life.
For instance, the people the threw a fit when President Bush only put "Happy Holidays" on his cards and not "Merry Christmas."

12-14-2005, 04:25 AM
Merry Christmas. The obsession with being politically correct all the time drives me nuts.

12-14-2005, 04:38 AM
Happy Holidays, because I wouldn't want to offend anybody.

12-14-2005, 04:40 AM
Merry Christmas. Because it's Christmas. And it's Merry.

12-14-2005, 04:41 AM
Happy Holidays, so as not to offend and to include everything from Thanksgiving on...

12-14-2005, 04:42 AM
If there was a "man, who cares?" option, I would've voted that.

12-14-2005, 04:53 AM
Yeah, that would be option number 3. Actually, both mean the same thing, so you could change it to that. Thats the one that really matters

12-14-2005, 04:55 AM
I would just like to clarify that I was not serious about the happy holidays thing. I absolutely hate political correctness. It's nothing but insincerity.

12-14-2005, 04:58 AM
Yeah, that would be option number 3. Actually, both mean the same thing, so you could change it to that. Thats the one that really matters

Yeah, that's what I voted anyway.

12-14-2005, 04:59 AM
I don't say anything.

12-14-2005, 05:03 AM
I woulden't say anything.It's thinking too hard, Though when pressed i'd say happy holidays to avoid confrentation x.x.

12-14-2005, 06:39 AM
Merry Christmas. :)

12-14-2005, 06:47 AM
I say Merry Christmas. I'd say Happy Holiday if December 25th was Holiday Day, but it's not. It's Christmas Day.

12-14-2005, 06:52 AM
Well, Happy Holidays would be more correct, cause there's more than one of them this month. But I don't celebrate any of them except one.

So I guess Happy New Year would be the correct thing to say. :D

12-14-2005, 06:54 AM
I find it amusing that it's been Merry Christmas forever now, but suddenly people want to change it cause it's the new coolest thing to bitch about.

Meat Puppet
12-14-2005, 07:11 AM
I don't give a toss, as long as I'm getting presents.

12-14-2005, 07:13 AM
We can't just spell it all out?

12-14-2005, 07:28 AM
Merry Christmas. The obsession with being politically correct all the time drives me nuts.

Yeah. It was originally Merry Christmas, which directly reflects the historical connotations of the holiday.

Happy Holidays is fine to say, but trying to use it exclusively in place of "Merry Christmas" is really a big waste of politically correct time. :p

Old Manus
12-14-2005, 07:45 AM
Something cool (not really) (http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=5227)

12-14-2005, 07:55 AM
I honestly don't care. Well, I'll admit I get a bit miffed at the mention of Kwanzaa. Any other greeting is fine though.

Primus Inter Pares
12-14-2005, 07:56 AM
Merry Christmas, but I voted "I just avoid the situation and dont really say anything" because the page was still loading and jumping about xD

Yeah, seriously, I couldn't give the slightest damn about being politically correct anywhere.

12-14-2005, 07:58 AM
I voted "I just avoid the situation and dont really say anything"

12-14-2005, 08:20 AM
Usually "Goodbye" or "Go Away".
The only time I say "Merry Christmas" is actually on Christmas Day, and dammit I don't really care if they don't believe in Christmas, it IS Christmas Day on my calender.

And "Happy Holidays" sounds like something on a brochure or newsletter.

12-14-2005, 12:52 PM
I say BOTH >:D

Lord Xehanort
12-14-2005, 02:18 PM
Old Manus: That artile claims that 96% of americans celebrate Christmas. How the hell is that possible, when only 78% of Americans are Christian? Why would non-Christians/anti-Christians celebrate such a sickening reminder of the Christian influence that plagues this nation at every turn?

As for the topic, I usually don't say anything except 'have a good break' to my friends at school, and 'what did I get?' on December 25. I hope that one day, I will be able to adopt a child and raise him with ABSOLUTELY NO CHRISTIAN INFLUENCE WHATSOEVER! Just think of it: a child who is a free thinker, and not brainwashed by the idea of a beautiful paradise waiting for him, if he wastes his life believing in an unproven man in the sky.


12-14-2005, 02:22 PM
"Let's party"?

The Summoner of Leviathan
12-14-2005, 02:40 PM
I voted a while back: "Do we really need to argue on this subject?"

Honestly, who cares? It just came into common use; it is like Kleenex instead of tissue paper, in a certain sense. So what you call it Christmas or Holidays? The idea is still there. The most important thing is that it is a season of giving. I do not follow the faith but I still say "Merry Christmas" out of habit. My family celebrates Christmas, and I see no reason why I can't. I may not be celebrating the birth of Christ, but I have the spirit of Christmas, within me. I am happy that I will be with my family.

12-14-2005, 02:42 PM
...Happy Holidays. my family either celebrates each holiday half-way or they don't do it at all.

12-14-2005, 02:48 PM
I am offended by this topic. Where is my Krazy Kwanza?

12-14-2005, 02:54 PM
Old Manus: That artile claims that 96% of americans celebrate Christmas. How the hell is that possible, when only 78% of Americans are Christian? Why would non-Christians/anti-Christians celebrate such a sickening reminder of the Christian influence that plagues this nation at every turn.
Because you get presents, obviously. Anyone who doesn’t take advantage of Christmas just to prove a point is an idiot, or really, really cheap.

I voted for Merry Christmas. Anyone who has the audacity to complain after I went to the trouble of acknowledging their existence can <!--f@#$-->*snip* themselves.

Do NOT go around the filters ~ Leeza

Lord Xehanort
12-14-2005, 02:54 PM
I voted a while back: "Do we really need to argue on this subject?"

Honestly, who cares? It just came into common use; it is like Kleenex instead of tissue paper, in a certain sense. So what you call it Christmas or Holidays? The idea is still there. The most important thing is that it is a season of giving. I do not follow the faith but I still say "Merry Christmas" out of habit. My family celebrates Christmas, and I see no reason why I can't. I may not be celebrating the birth of Christ, but I have the spirit of Christmas, within me. I am happy that I will be with my family.

Great, now I'm stuck in a disagreement with my lover...

Kleenex=tissue, Xerox=copy and all other examples of that nature are the result of human idiocy. The assumption that saying 'Merry Christmas' will set well with anyone is just as foolish. Therein lies the need for political correctness. Without political correctness, words such as 'fag' and 'nigger' and 'chink' would be perfectly acceptable. And I'm willing to bet that the inclusion of those three words has offended 90% of readers.
Since people are (FINALLY) starting to drift away from Christian beliefs, saying 'Merry Christmas' offends more and more people every year. The best way to promote tolerance is to include all religious holidays (or spiritual holidays) in your holiday greeting.

In conclusion: 'Happy Holidays', 'Ecstatic Ex-mas', 'Chappy Chanukah' 'Kontent Kwanzaa' and 'May you have a pleasant time of materialistic delight'.

Primus Inter Pares
12-14-2005, 02:56 PM
Merry Festivous!

The Summoner of Leviathan
12-14-2005, 03:01 PM
Arguments are good and healthy between people.

Okay, Western society is built upon Christian beliefs. Most people in Western culture have been influence by Christianity, implicitly or explicitly, there is no denying that. Christianity is very much intwinned in our society. Also the majority of people are Christian. So to a stranger, I will say Merry Christmas most likely, because it is more likely than not that they do celebrate Christmas. Also if I know someone who does not celebrate Christmas I will say have a Happy Holidays or such, though I only know few people.

Also you reference to those words are out of context. The n-word (I refuse to use that word), "gay" and other slanderous words are said with malicious intent. Contrary no one that I know of would wish someone a Merry Christmas and do so with a malicious intent. There is a big difference, to me at least, for there is a HUGE difference in intent of the person saying those words. One is said out of rude, cruel, malicious ignorance whilst the other is used a kind and benevolent greeting.

Lord Xehanort
12-14-2005, 03:02 PM
Because you get presents, obviously. Anyone who doesn’t take advantage of Christmas just to prove a point is an idiot, or really, really cheap.

But is that REALLY celebrating Christmas, or is it just exploiting it? I exploit it left and right, because I am greedy and materialistic. I adore getting presents for no real reason other than the fact that my entire family is Christian and feel the need to celebrate by giving me free stuff.

TSoL: You miss my main point. Yes, the connotation may be different, but I didn't say they weren't. It is to illustrate the need for political correctness. Those among us who are not Christian, or anti-Christian, are offended by the Christian holidays being thrust in our faces. That's like thrusting homosexuality in a Catholic's face! It can be taken in a negative way.

12-14-2005, 03:06 PM
If there is a difference between the two, I and most of the West refuse to acknowledge it.

Lord Xehanort
12-14-2005, 03:11 PM
If there is a difference between the two, I and most of the West refuse to acknowledge it.

There is a definite difference between the two. One is upholding the religious traditions of centuries of followers, and the other is an excuse to revel in the delight of being materialistic. See the difference? If there were December 25th songs that don't mention the words 'Christmas', 'God', Jesus', 'Christ', or any other possible religious symbols, and instead spoke of presents, exploiting religious customs for personal gain, and materialisticism (is that even a word?), then I would be happy to sing them.

The Summoner of Leviathan
12-14-2005, 03:13 PM
In certain cases political correctness is just gets annoying and cummbersome. Sure I would never call anyone a name that would hurt them, but sometimes people take it too far with political correctness. One of my friends, a girl, hates it when I hold a door for her, she thinks I am being sexist...I hold doors for everyone! If you really are an advocat of politcal correctness then I suggest you do not learn French. As my High School French tacher said (He himself being French-Canadian) called French a "chauvenistic language", which it is, but I never heard of anyone trying to change that...So politcal correctness is good in certain cases, but sometimes it is taken too far.

Seriously, if I offend anyone by telling you with a smile on my face Merry Christmas, then tell me, and I will gladly apologize, until someone tells me otherwise I will wish them a Merry Christmas. Plus I only wish people I know a Merry Christmas, so usually I am on the dot when I say it.

EDIT: Just because you are not Christian does not mean you cannot celebrate the spirit of the holidays. To me, Christmas has become more than the presents. Sure it is nice, especially money would be since I am a student, and all but most of all I am happy to be home and be with friends and family for a brief time.

Lord Xehanort
12-14-2005, 03:21 PM
My family hates each other, and we don't get together for the holidays. What's left to celebrate but presents? Nothing.

The Summoner of Leviathan
12-14-2005, 03:28 PM
Well I know if I was with you, I would just be happy to be in your company!

That kinda does suck...*has no corny optimistic thing to say* I guess to each their own...

Happy Holidays Ansem <3!

12-14-2005, 03:29 PM
You lose either way. Saying "Merry Christmas" isn't neccessary, but try to bridge the gap with a "happy holidays" and you're slammed by the "political correctness omg dumb" people. I read in Newsweek that 31% of Americans are offended (yes, offended) by the term "happy holidays". What the hell is wrong with everybody?

No group of people should be offended by a generic 2-word formality. Say whatever you want. Whatever somebody says to you, just grin and say "you too!" . It really isn't that hard.

12-14-2005, 03:41 PM
I say both and anyone who is offended by either could use a nice punch in the throat to have something worth being offended by. :) Seriously, when people find a way to get upset over someone telling them "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays", it makes me realise people are truly scrapping at the bottom of the barrel to find things to complain about.

12-14-2005, 03:44 PM
Merry Christmas. If you don't like that, too damn bad.

"Happy Holidays" should be offensive -- why are we going out of our way to get rid of long-established traditions because they might have something to do with a religion we don't like? You don't like it, don't celebrate. Sit in your house, face east, draw out your circles, chant, do whatever you like, but don't say I'm insulting people because I mention a religious holiday.

And let's not even bring up "kwanzaa".

Old Manus
12-14-2005, 03:51 PM
Typical Labour vs Normal People debate

12-14-2005, 04:00 PM
Why the hell should it matter what anyone says, just as long as the sentiment is positive? I see no reason for people to be crybabies about any of this, but people certainly are.

Bah Humbug on all of you!

12-14-2005, 04:04 PM
I feel I should note that this thread is reminding me of the South Park episode where the school tries to put on a Christmas play, but then one of the parents complains that it is offensive to those who aren't Christian, and eventually every Christmas or religious element is stripped from the play so not to offend anyone, and the final product is nothing more than the students dressed in black dancing and singing to a minimalist song. The parents see how terrible the play is and then realize how dumb they have been for complaining.

It's strange how some of the best life lessons can be learned from South Park.

12-14-2005, 05:17 PM
Merry Christmas!

Nobody from the UK has ever said "Happy Holidays" to me.
Does anybody here from the UK say it?

12-14-2005, 05:56 PM
It's strange how some of the best life lessons can be learned from South Park.

Haha, yeah.

I don't ever remember Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays as being an issue before this year. It's weird. I guess I always say Merry Christmas when referring to Christmas. If I were to say Happy Holidays, I would be referring to the Holiday season between Thanksgiving and New Years. But that's just me, I guess.

12-14-2005, 07:35 PM
Well, I voted Happy Holidays. It seemed to make the most sense to me. Though if you don't celebrate Christmas, and someone says to you "Merry Christmas", I personally don't think one should be offended. It was all in good intent. But calling Christmas Trees "Holiday Trees" is just plain silly. :p

12-14-2005, 08:43 PM
Me says "Merry Christmas!"

My friend was suspended for saying "Merry Christmas" on the announcements last year.

War Angel
12-14-2005, 09:04 PM
I'm not even a Christian, but if I were American or been to the USA during that period, I'd most probably say Merry Christmas, 'cause that's tradition and that's what just about everyone's celebrating.

Ansem... there's so much hate in you, it's really sad to see. I would've said it's infuriating, only as I've said, I'm not nearly Christian enough for it to get to me. I do suggest, however, that you tone down your ignorant and hateful remarks towards people's beliefs and the believers themselves. It creates a tense atmosphere, and doesn't help create an enviorment of 'free-thinking' as you might think.

I do hope that if you raise a child, you will raise him hate-free and do not plant prejudice in his or her young heart. Such acts tend to be very disruptive later on in a kid's life.

My friend was suspended for saying "Merry Christmas" on the announcements last year.
That's illegal.

if you don't celebrate Christmas, and someone says to you "Merry Christmas", I personally don't think one should be offended. It was all in good intent. But calling Christmas Trees "Holiday Trees" is just plain silly.
I agree. It's not like if someone went up to me and said merry Christmas, I'd be all like "I don't celebrate Christmas, you Christian oppressing scum! DIEEE!". I'd probably smile and say thanks, and if I know them a bit, tell them about my own holiday. :) As for the trees... that's PC in all its glory. As far as I know, there are no other holidays in which trees as decorated and stuff, except Christmas, so calling Christmas trees 'holiday trees', like there's some other holiday that uses those trees, is awfully dumb.

12-14-2005, 09:43 PM
That artile claims that 96% of americans celebrate Christmas. How the hell is that possible, when only 78% of Americans are Christian? Why would non-Christians/anti-Christians celebrate such a sickening reminder of the Christian influence that plagues this nation at every turn?

I'm no christian but I still celebrate christmass. Everyone I know does celebrate it, christians and non-christians alike. To me it's not about religion at all, it's about being with my family and stuff.

12-14-2005, 10:19 PM
Ever say "Merry Christmas" to someone who then responds "I'm Jewish" or "I'm Hindu"? You feel kinda stupid. It's presumptuous to assume that someone celebrates a specific holiday, although the odds are pretty high in the US that the person celebrates Christmas, and most people aren't big enough jerks to get mad at someone for wishing them a Merry Christmas.

As far as non-Christians celebrating Christmas, Christmas was a pagan holiday (Weinacht, the winter soltice, or whatever) that was coopted by the Church to make the pagan day into a Christian day. They just pulled the "Jesus was born on Dec 25th part" out of the air so it would happen on the same day every year (learning from the mistake of the Jews, perhaps), and dates from 2000 years ago don't line up well anyway.

12-14-2005, 10:56 PM
Old Manus: That artile claims that 96% of americans celebrate Christmas. How the hell is that possible, when only 78% of Americans are Christian? Why would non-Christians/anti-Christians celebrate such a sickening reminder of the Christian influence that plagues this nation at every turn?

As for the topic, I usually don't say anything except 'have a good break' to my friends at school, and 'what did I get?' on December 25. I hope that one day, I will be able to adopt a child and raise him with ABSOLUTELY NO CHRISTIAN INFLUENCE WHATSOEVER! Just think of it: a child who is a free thinker, and not brainwashed by the idea of a beautiful paradise waiting for him, if he wastes his life believing in an unproven man in the sky.


I cried aloud with mirth and merriment

Ashley Schovitz
12-14-2005, 11:15 PM
Do we really need to argue on this one, but I don't understand why they say happy HOLIDAYS when you're only celebrating one, well sometimes my family celebrates Kwanza too, but still.

12-14-2005, 11:49 PM
Ever say "Merry Christmas" to someone who then responds "I'm Jewish" or "I'm Hindu"? You feel kinda stupid.

I wouldn't feel stupid, most likely because the person would say "I'm (insert religion)/I don't celebrate Christmas, but thank you anyway" unless they are rude. As so many others have said, it's just a friendly Holiday greeting with a good intent behind it. If someone said to me "Happy Chanukah" or "Happy Kwanza", I wouldn't get upset. I would simply smile and say thank you.

ff7+ff10 gurl 100
12-14-2005, 11:54 PM
Merry Christmas for me cuz ive tried sayin' Happy Holidays but it makes me feel uncomfortable.I try it but Merry Christmas always comes out of my mouth

Dr Unne
12-15-2005, 12:49 AM
Io Saturnalia.

Lord Xehanort
12-15-2005, 01:34 AM
Ansem... there's so much hate in you, it's really sad to see. I would've said it's infuriating, only as I've said, I'm not nearly Christian enough for it to get to me. I do suggest, however, that you tone down your ignorant and hateful remarks towards people's beliefs and the believers themselves. It creates a tense atmosphere, and doesn't help create an enviorment of 'free-thinking' as you might think.

I do hope that if you raise a child, you will raise him hate-free and do not plant prejudice in his or her young heart. Such acts tend to be very disruptive later on in a kid's life.

Yes, there is a lot of hate... but there's little I can do about that. I can't find it in myself to forgive the Christians for what they have done to me, and their assimilation into Western culture makes it rather difficult to ignore them.
For the record, which of my remarks do yuo consider ignorant? I assure you that they all have their reasons.

Bobby will probably do most of the nurturing, and I'll do most of the teaching, since I'm not as patient as he. The child will hate no one, except the religious people who use their inherited beliefs as an excuse for bigotry.

12-15-2005, 01:42 AM
Merry Christmas, because political correctness sucks. People aren't offended they just want something to agrue or sue over. Merry Christmas by the way!

Winter Nights
12-15-2005, 01:48 AM
Yes, there is a lot of hate... but there's little I can do about that. I can't find it in myself to forgive the Christians for what they have done to me, and their assimilation into Western culture makes it rather difficult to ignore them.
For the record, which of my remarks do yuo consider ignorant? I assure you that they all have their reasons.

Bobby will probably do most of the nurturing, and I'll do most of the teaching, since I'm not as patient as he. The child will hate no one, except the religious people who use their inherited beliefs as an excuse for bigotry.
Most people that celebrate Christmas don't even acknowledge the birth of Christ and it prolly doesn't cross their mind, so it's a little silly to claim that Christmas is a Christian holiday. Especially, with it's pagan background. For most, it's a holiday celebrating family and the gift of giving to others. Santa Claus is about as religious as most people go.

If you must hate Christianity, go for it. But attacking little things that only Christians see as holy is a little silly, especially staples of normal life like holidays.

That said, I barely acknowledge Christmas. I put up the tree for my wife and son and I make appearances at the yearly get together with my family, but I have no real love for the holiday. Just another day with people I barely tolerate. i don't use either terms, because I can't bothered to go through such hoops.

Lord Xehanort
12-15-2005, 01:53 AM
Truth be told, I don't usually waste time attacking Christmas, because it causes too much drama. But here, where I can't hear the voices of my opponents, I feel free to express my opinion.

And also, I have decided to start saying 'Ecstatic Exmas' as my holiday greeting.

The Triumphant Hero
12-15-2005, 01:54 AM
Merry Christmas. It is what I celebrate, and I personally don't care whether I offend somebody. Mainly because people get offended over anything these days. I said that I didn't eat breakfast at school, and someone got offended. In conclusion, political correctness should die. END OPRAH'S REIGN OF TERROR! *gets shot by Oprah's Secret Service sniper unit*

12-15-2005, 02:05 AM
I don't usually waste time attacking Christmas

No. You shouldn't attack Christmas at all.

Winter Nights
12-15-2005, 02:10 AM
No. You shouldn't attack Christmas at all.
Agreed, especially since your attacks have no real basis.

12-15-2005, 03:55 AM
Yeah, if you want to attack a holiday attack Good Friday!

I hate fish SO much!

Not really, it’s deep fried…

Lord Xehanort
12-15-2005, 11:23 AM
Agreed, especially since your attacks have no real basis.

I think he was making a pun of his name...

But, I seem to recall giving reasons for my statements...

12-15-2005, 11:31 AM
I say both! :)

12-15-2005, 01:12 PM
I think he was making a pun of his name...

But, I seem to recall giving reasons for my statements...

Not really...."he" just happen to have a name that is misunderstanding to you that's all...

12-15-2005, 05:53 PM
I just had a truck driver at work wish me "happy holidays". Normally I wouldn't have thought anything of it, but I thought of this thread when he did.

Winter Nights
12-15-2005, 08:05 PM
I seem to recall giving reasons for my statements...
Yes, you stated that you against it because it's a Christian holiday and Christian is bad. (paraphrasing a bit there :p )

Problem is, no one sees Christmas as a Christian holiday, except religious groups.

12-15-2005, 09:08 PM
In response to Ansem, I'm athiest and I celebrate Christmas. Not in a Christian way, but in a commercial holiday type of way, as Christmas is just that. I like getting presents and giving them and being with loved ones, plain and simple, and that, in my opinion, is what Christmas is. :)

12-15-2005, 10:43 PM
I dont say a thing.

But if I did (It would be forced out in a strangled voice) it would be Merry Christmas.

Yes, I dont care what others think, my family celebrates christmas, and I sort of do as well.

Oh and LOL at the "Go snip yourselves"

Another LOL at the attacks on Christmas

12-16-2005, 02:14 AM
Never liked Christmas... :grumble:

12-16-2005, 05:04 AM
I swear there used to be more posts in this thread…

Maybe they did as well :p

EDIT: Oh s@#$, that was a completely different thread...

12-16-2005, 05:58 AM
Merry Christmas. If you don't like that, too damn bad.

"Happy Holidays" should be offensive -- why are we going out of our way to get rid of long-established traditions because they might have something to do with a religion we don't like? You don't like it, don't celebrate. Sit in your house, face east, draw out your circles, chant, do whatever you like, but don't say I'm insulting people because I mention a religious holiday.
Funny, it's almost the exact same thing with the gay marriage argument. lol hipocrites.

12-16-2005, 07:30 PM
Funny, it's almost the exact same thing with the gay marriage argument. lol hipocrites.

Trashing long-established traditions and religious beliefs because some people have problems with religions? Yeah, that sounds similar. I don't know how it's hypocritical, since it's similar, but hell, that doesn't stop you from thinking it.

12-16-2005, 09:15 PM
Either is fine...but Merry Christmas sounds better. :(

Lord Xehanort
12-16-2005, 11:23 PM
In response to Ansem, I'm athiest and I celebrate Christmas. Not in a Christian way, but in a commercial holiday type of way, as Christmas is just that. I like getting presents and giving them and being with loved ones, plain and simple, and that, in my opinion, is what Christmas is. :)

That's similar to my situation, Rye-chan. I was merely debating as to whether or not basking in material delight is REALLY celebrating the holiday as it was meant to be celebrated by whoever created it.

12-16-2005, 11:32 PM
I say Merry Christmas to non christians and bah-humbug to christians I belive the best way to be politicaly correct is to treat everyone with equal disrespect

War Angel
12-17-2005, 12:34 AM
I was merely debating as to whether or not basking in material delight is REALLY celebrating the holiday as it was meant to be celebrated by whoever created it.
I daresay it's not.

Lord Xehanort
12-17-2005, 12:40 AM
My point exactly.

12-17-2005, 12:42 AM
That's similar to my situation, Rye-chan. I was merely debating as to whether or not basking in material delight is REALLY celebrating the holiday as it was meant to be celebrated by whoever created it.Of course not, but why do we have to celibrate a set way? Why can't we be atheists and celebrate too? I would expect someone who supports liberalism as much as you do to understand that.

Dr Unne
12-17-2005, 12:44 AM
I'm pretty sure the desire for material wealth was invented in the 1960's. Before that, money was considered bad luck and receiving gifts was a personal insult, and everyone was very moral in a very Christian kind of way all year long, especially on holidays. I'm <em>pretty sure</em> people walked uphill both ways to and from church too. Oh that the world has come to this.

12-17-2005, 12:46 AM
I'm pretty sure the desire for material wealth was invented in the 1960's. Before that, money was considered bad luck and receiving gifts was a personal insult, and everyone was very moral in a very Christian kind of way all year long, especially on holidays. I'm <em>pretty sure</em> people walked uphill both ways to and from church too. Oh that the world has come to this.
What? Is that Dr Unne sarcasm? Because if it was I'm not totally picking up on it.

Lord Xehanort
12-17-2005, 12:48 AM
Of course not, but why do we have to celibrate a set way? Why can't we be atheists and celebrate too? I would expect someone who supports liberalism as much as you do to understand that.

I do, I do. I only disagree with Christmas references in public. Celebrate it any way you wish, I care not, as i celebrate it, but only as 'Exmas'. I support political correctness because I do not desire confrontation.

War Angel
12-17-2005, 12:55 AM
I support political correctness because I do not desire confrontation.
Don't create any, then. Instead, try and share the harmless joy people feel during this time of the year, for whatever reason. No-body likes a party-pooper. :)

12-17-2005, 12:57 AM
I do, I do. I only disagree with Christmas references in public. Celebrate it any way you wish, I care not, as i celebrate it, but only as 'Exmas'. I support political correctness because I do not desire confrontation.

Because it doesn't occur to you that political correctness doesn't avoid confrontation, just shift it?

Lord Xehanort
12-17-2005, 01:04 AM
WA: I used to say Merry Christmas, but then I realized that all my friends got so used to keeping 'the 6-lettered 'c' word' out of discussion, they always got into a huge fight with me about hypocrisy. Also, many people in my school are heavily Atheist and yell constantly about the religious influence imposed upon December, and Luciferism is on a steady rise as well. Now I say Happy Holidays, to avoid any and all confrontation.

Sas: Political Correctness hasn't steered me wrong yet.

12-17-2005, 01:06 AM
Now I say Happy Holidays, to avoid any and all confrontation.

Sas: Political Correctness hasn't steered me wrong yet.

You still fail to see the confrontation caused by "happy holidays". It's funny, actually. But I'll just let that one go.

12-17-2005, 01:08 AM
If you really wanted to avoid confrontation, Ansem, you just wouldn't say anything at all.

Lord Xehanort
12-17-2005, 01:08 AM
I know what you mean, but you miss one huge point: I LOVE angering bible-huggers. It gives me a sadistic, superior feeling. (yes, it's asinine, no, I don't care)

nik: I usually do... but I need to say SOMETHING while I'm randomly walking up to guys in school, draping my arms around them and hugging them goodbye for the break. *light bulb flickers on* HEY! I can just say, 'have a nice break'! *FF VICTORY THEME*

12-17-2005, 01:10 AM
I know what you mean, but you miss one huge point: I LOVE angering bible-huggers. It gives me a sadistic, superior feeling. (yes, it's asinine, no, I don't care)
So then why do you want to avoid confrontation?

And also, when bible-huggers derive pleasure out of pissing you as a homosexual off, why do you get angry?

nik: I usually do... but I need to say SOMETHING while I'm randomly walking up to guys in school, draping my arms around them and hugging them goodbye for the break. *light bulb flickers on* HEY! I can just say, 'have a nice break'! *FF VICTORY THEME*Yeah. That's kind of intuitive I think.

Lord Xehanort
12-17-2005, 01:18 AM
Read my last few posts. I imply that I want to avoid confrontaiton with people who I believe matter: my friends. Everyone else is just scenery.

They don't do it for pleasure (usually [those who do get a good dose of retaliation, which always leads to me winning]), they believe that their idiotic, outdated, doctrine, which was discredited by their deity (or the deity's spawn, I don't remember) has a glimmer of truth. I get angry because of their lack of being able to say 'I'm a bigot'. And those who say 'I'm a bigot', receive my rage because bigotry is wrong.
You see, I avoid confrontation about things I can't make a large, flamboyant, drama out of. Also, my anti-anti-homosexuality will be recognized by the world someday. If blacks and jews and muslims and every other minority that christians have oppressed can get what they deserve, then so can I. But in the meantime, I'm gonna yell, and whine, and scream, and verbally slaughter all of my foes. Why? Because to do otherwise would be cowardly, IMO.

War Angel
12-17-2005, 01:20 AM
I know what you mean, but you miss one huge point: I LOVE angering bible-huggers.
And yet you dare to consider yourself a 'liberal', and launch verbal assaults at other people's apparent disrespect for your 'I'm special and homosexual' thing you've got going on for yourself. Really, man, the hypocrisy... Respect others and be worthy of respect in return. If you attack people for their beliefs alone (where those beliefs do not concern or harm you), you deserve whatever you get back.

12-17-2005, 01:21 AM
They don't do it for pleasure (usually [those who do get a good dose of retaliation, which always leads to me winning]), they believe that their idiotic, outdated, doctrine, which was discredited by their deity (or the deity's spawn, I don't remember) has a glimmer of truth.I don't believe that for a minute. Of course they do it for pleasure. However, they realise that what they are doing is not necessarily a nice thing thing to do, so they have to completely abuse their religion so that they can personally justify thier BS.

You see, I avoid confrontation about things I can't make a large, flamboyant, drama out of. Also, my anti-anti-homosexuality will be recognized by the world someday. If blacks and jews and muslims and every other minority that christians have oppressed can get what they deserve, then so can I. But in the meantime, I'm gonna yell, and whine, and scream, and verbally slaughter all of my foes. Why? Because to do otherwise would be cowardly, IMO.You do realize that being a brat isn't going to get you anything, right? I don't recall Nelson Mandella, Ghandi, or MLK jr. being a "whiner".

Lord Xehanort
12-17-2005, 01:42 AM
And yet you dare to consider yourself a 'liberal', and launch verbal assaults at other people's apparent disrespect for your 'I'm special and homosexual' thing you've got going on for yourself. Really, man, the hypocrisy... Respect others and be worthy of respect in return. If you attack people for their beliefs alone (where those beliefs do not concern or harm you), you deserve whatever you get back.

Oh sweet Yevon, here I go again. RECIPROCITY, PEOPLE! I do not incite confrontation, I only retaliate. Okay? We get it? I anger christians AFTER they pick a fight wth me. GOT IT!? I don't look for trouble, I get enough of it on my own, but I absolutely REFUSE to let the bigotry go unnoticed. Yes, I have fun winning the arguements, because it feels good to have momentary superiority.
I do not desire special treatment for my homosexuality, nor do I ask for any. I ask for equal treatment, and nothing more. Until I get it, I will draw attention to the subject in the best way a 17 year old boy in the suburbs can: manipulate the gossip and make myself the number one talk of the town. I'm making strides at school, and hopefully reciprocity will blossom in others as it has in me. I am not a hypocrite, I am just a boy with a vision, and no means of making any immediate, drastic, effective change. TEEN ANGST!

You do realize that being a brat isn't going to get you anything, right? I don't recall Nelson Mandella, Ghandi, or MLK jr. being a "whiner".

It gets me enough. The drama that ensues from my rants which ensue from the ignorant masses' idiotic anti-homosexual rants are, as I said, making changes. I have already made examples of 27 students and 2 teachers who got in my way. The school as a whole is more accepting of me because I have left it no other choice. Yes, it's selfish, but I feel it is necessary for a meaningful change.

Now, since we are off-topic, please let this thread be closed.

12-17-2005, 01:53 AM
Why does it matter if you say "Merry Christmas", "Happy Holidays" or anything else, it all means the same thing.

Loony BoB
12-17-2005, 02:03 AM
Ansem, and those debating with him - if you don't stop using insults inside your arguments then you'll get more than just this warning. I strongly suggest you clean up your posts or don't post in this thread anymore.

12-17-2005, 02:46 AM
And yet you dare to consider yourself a 'liberal', and launch verbal assaults at other people's apparent disrespect for your 'I'm special and homosexual' thing you've got going on for yourself. Really, man, the hypocrisy... Respect others and be worthy of respect in return. If you attack people for their beliefs alone (where those beliefs do not concern or harm you), you deserve whatever you get back.

I can't tell you how much I agree with this. All too many times the "reciprocity" argument is used by both sides. (Trust me, it doesn't work in EoEO, either.) I can't recall making any personal attacks against any homosexual, yet we have one here that can't help but insult my beliefs. Disrespecting them is one thing -- as War Angel said, respect earns respect, and disrespect earns disrespect -- but insulting another's beliefs only makes one look more ignorant and intolerant, which is supposed to be what they're against.

In other words (and probably to reword War Angel's quote), for somebody that claims to be striving for tolerance and acceptance, you need to be somewhat tolerant and accepting. Otherwise, you're even more hypocritical than you claim Christians are. Eventually it looks like you're just trying to get attention, which doesn't help your cause at all.

Lord Xehanort
12-17-2005, 03:03 AM
There is no reason for me to be tolerant of intolerance. That is madness. Christianity fuels intolerance. It was used to justify the KKK and is used to justify homophobia. It is the main obstacle of my ascension to equality. So is it truly so wrong of me to loathe it? Would it be so wrong of the WWII Jews to hate Nazis?

12-17-2005, 03:07 AM
No, but it would be wrong for the WWII Jews to hate Germans.

War Angel
12-17-2005, 03:11 AM
So is it truly so wrong of me to loathe it?
Not at all. Loathe and love whatever you want - just don't make it your daily assignment to let the whole world know you hate Christians and love other men.

And if you've brought up the Jew\Nazi bit (which I love and adore), I'll say this; I will NOT act against a Nazi if I see one. Sure, I'd feel almost uncontrollable resentment (far greater than you do towards anything, I assure you), but I would not act on it. If that Nazi assaulted me, verbally or otherwise, or displayed their opinions of me and my people in public, however, he'd be in a world of pain.

No, but it would be wrong for the WWII Jews to hate Germans.
I'm sorry, but you probably made a typo here, or forgot to type something in. How is it wrong for a victim to hate its wrong-doer?

12-17-2005, 03:13 AM
There is no reason for me to be tolerant of intolerance. That is madness. Christianity fuels intolerance. It was used to justify the KKK and is used to justify homophobia. It is the main obstacle of my ascension to equality. So is it truly so wrong of me to loathe it? Would it be so wrong of the WWII Jews to hate Nazis?

It was used to justify racism and homophobia through manipulations and extremism. There is no "ascention to equality", there's only a recognition, by you, that you're not some hugely discriminated against group. Believe it or not, Christians don't hate you. We may disagree with your homosexuality, but most of us aren't the "burn in hell, fag!" types you claim we are.

As ThroneofDavis said, it would be wrong for Jews to hate Germans. Don't confuse the people that may (or, in all honesty, probably don't) discriminate against you for all of Christianity. Most Jews don't hate all Germans. Most Americans don't hate all Muslims. Those that do don't gain any support by screaming that, poor them, they're so poor and hated.

12-17-2005, 03:14 AM
Merry Christmas, Thats sounds right :greenie:

12-17-2005, 03:38 AM
How can you guys get every thread so off topic!? It's Christmas! Can't you just ease up?!