View Full Version : That Was Sooo Not Worth It

12-22-2005, 03:03 AM
After all the arguments and whinging, after all the warnings from staff, after sticking up for it so dearly and fondly, I admit defeat - a bit!

I still don't agree with what most say is bad about it but I do agree it's a load of fuss about nothing. This is why...

I have just played my third New Game Plus, I have achieved 100% - FOR WHAT!? For a two minute IN-GAME scene might I add, not even FMV, where the crybaby tells Yuna to cherish him!!!
Not amused...

Markus. D
12-22-2005, 01:51 PM
good, now, get international and enjoy it more.

12-22-2005, 02:27 PM
After all the arguments and whinging, after all the warnings from staff, after sticking up for it so dearly and fondly, I admit defeat - a bit!
Don't worry, no one cares.

Old Manus
12-22-2005, 02:40 PM
You just realised the truth too late.

12-22-2005, 03:24 PM
I have just played my third New Game Plus, I have achieved 100% - FOR WHAT!? For a two minute IN-GAME scene might I add, not even FMV, where the crybaby tells Yuna to cherish him!!!
Not amused...

I felt the same way... And wrote my own "More than perfect Ending" with a lot more Yuna / Tidus action :love:

Check out my new thread here for details (w/ spoilers!!!)

boys from the dwarf
12-22-2005, 07:58 PM
the game was a big disspointment to the FF series.i think its more than a bit pointless. the good ending was just about worth it and it was good because it explains that scene right at the end of FFX but the perfect ending was just so much for something so small and useless.

12-23-2005, 01:42 AM
Took the words right out of my your mouth.

12-23-2005, 01:57 AM
You just realised the truth too late.

Far too late....:(

12-23-2005, 07:20 AM
sigh....After this, I'm not really motivated to get the extra 1% I need for the perfect ending, especially if thats all it is. I'll stick with the Reunion FMV I got for 99%. Maybe in the future some time I might go for it......:cry:

12-23-2005, 01:38 PM
sigh....After this, I'm not really motivated to get the extra 1% I need for the perfect ending, especially if thats all it is. I'll stick with the Reunion FMV I got for 99%. Maybe in the future some time I might go for it......:cry:

I cant believe you didnt stop after 52% like many people I know...:(

boys from the dwarf
12-23-2005, 04:19 PM
i dont know why i played this game 5 times and up to 93 (or over.) percent but it was so easy that i was at a point where i could (and did.) complete it 2 times in one day.when i got the good ending i was glad it explained the FFX end but they should of left it how it was and maybe not even put that bit on the end if FFX. FFX-2 brought up more stupid questions with maybe no answer and it would of just been better for them not to even make this game. if they didnt make this game FFXII would nearly be out right now.

12-23-2005, 05:03 PM
Don't worry, no one cares.

You know you are the one member that mouths off to everyone and acts like the big man but I just know that your mouthy comments are due to you finding it hard to deal with puberty...

12-23-2005, 05:14 PM
3 guesses what’s causing your moody mouthy comments...

12-23-2005, 05:49 PM
You know you are the one member that mouths off to everyone and acts like the big man but I just know that your mouthy comments are due to you finding it hard to deal with puberty...

Someones kinda feisty:jokey:

12-23-2005, 06:18 PM
Y-Rikku-P, that kind of insult is pointless and blatantly stupid.

I tried to get 100% to watch the perfect ending and got 98%, so I stopped because I didn't feel like playing it again.

12-23-2005, 08:12 PM
Please avoid personal attacks in these forums. Just stick with the topic. And if you don't have anything to add, then kindly do not post. It's not that hard.

Yeah, and I completely agree; the ending was not worth it at all. But I anticipated that, so I just downloaded it. Which took about 30 seconds. Much better than the insane amount of hours I would have had to play to watch the stupid thing.

x Quistis x
12-24-2005, 01:56 AM
i liked FFX-2, i thought it was a nice change from the tradiotional ff's. the missions were fun, the story was good ( i liked the whole Shuyin/Lenne thing)

Blitzball was more fun this time around, getting to manage your team was better than playing the games yourself i thought

The ending was good, it wrapped up the FF10 "series" nicely

ff7+ff10 gurl 100
12-24-2005, 02:08 AM
I agree with x Quistis x :D

12-24-2005, 02:20 AM
I agree with x Quistis x :D

Same here....except on the whole blitzball thing...personally i prefered the first one more :rolleyes2 but yea...well said

12-24-2005, 02:36 AM
[COLOR="Magenta"]i liked FFX-2, i thought it was a nice change from the tradiotional ff's. the missions were fun, the story was good ( i liked the whole Shuyin/Lenne thing)

It wasn't a bad game after I got over the dissapointment over the lack of Tidus / Yuna romantic scenes :love:

THAT was my main beef with FFX2 and to be honest, I believe that was a huge strategic blunder by SE. They obviously made the game to appeal to the female audience with all the girly dresspheres and a 3 girls team. Then they shortchange us girls in the Yuna/Tidus romance part ?!?!?!
They lost the girl audience there IMHO.

Little Romance + Girly overtones = Blah!
Besides the letdown on romance, to atract more girls they needed to have male playable characters. Just like boys like to move Lara Croft around we girls love to have a hunk to do all our bidding on the game control pad... Not even my little boy obeys me as much as Tidus did, let alone his dad!:D

I tell you the lack of Yuna/Tidus action bothered me and my 7 year old a lot!
On my first run through FFX2 we were cursing it by chapter 3 and only stopped - a bit - by the "Good Ending"...

Blitzball is lame...
My other letdown was the fact that you can't move the blitz players anymore

Great new battle system
But then I had to go through it over and over again to get the "Perfect Ending" so I ended up getting used to the annoying music and I started liking the slick new battle system. It is faster and requires strategy to win some fights, not just picking "strongest attack". The new battle system is a lot harder than the one in FFX, at least at first. But I liked the challenge!!

End of Sphere Grid = Cool!
Believe it or not, after I got used to it, I loved the new Garment Grids and Dresspheres system. It i much slicker than the old, complicated sphere grids. I hated the girly name they picked for it though. The name and the "dress" threw me out at first and I initially hated it but then my kids made me help them play SoulCalibur IV (one of those fight games) and I realized that the not girly Soulcalibur had the same: New costumes, new skills, new shields and new weapons that you could unlock with game playing. Yet everyone, males and females loves Soulcalibur and even the new dresses you can unlock for the fighters! The only problem in FFX2 is the girly name. Call it "Armor" and "Equipment Grid" and I and many others will love it!

Sphere Break is more fun than Sudoku!
At least for me and other math fans! I wish I could buy a sphere break gizmo at Radioshack like I can buy for Sudoku or Solitaire..

All in all I liked the game a lot, after I recovered fom my dissapointment at how little we saw of Tidus in this game!

12-24-2005, 03:03 AM
Big beef with the game is.... they didn't take enugh time making it. If they took more time developing it better; the charactwer,s story, graphics, detail.s It would've been a lot better. Again with all of the other FF's in progress it was basically a money maker. It got so much hype, but when it finally came out and people started to realize what it was, it was lower than they're expectations. Again late news...

12-24-2005, 03:44 AM
Try to get a refund then....

12-24-2005, 05:35 AM
Try to get a refund then....
Not a refund, just a better sequel!

I have some ideas here
or here

And other peple do too

A prequel would rock too:
- Braska, Jecht and Auron's pilgrimage
- 1,000 years ago: Bevelle Zanarkand War, Sin is born, Yunleska's first calm..

Old Manus
12-24-2005, 03:01 PM
Not a refund, just a better sequel!
Bad idea

12-24-2005, 05:13 PM
Bad idea
Oh yeh of little faith!

Third time is the charm! They should be experts at Spira and FFX by now :D

ff7+ff10 gurl 100
12-24-2005, 06:00 PM
Yeah but im sure people would....turn to...animals!!
Many hated it and a sequel would be like murder to them.
For me it would be great but for others...i dunno if they could take it

12-25-2005, 02:34 PM
THAT was my main beef with FFX2 and to be honest, I believe that was a huge strategic blunder by SE. They obviously made the game to appeal to the female audience with all the girly dresspheres and a 3 girls team. Then they shortchange us girls in the Yuna/Tidus romance part ?!?!?!
They lost the girl audience there IMHO.

But the audience has as Christmas kind of pointed out: ALREADY PAYED. This gives the there money, and as I've already argued that point in another thread I won't argue it here.

Bad idea

He speaks the all holy truth, listen to the all mighty Mold Anus... I mean old manus.

Third time is the charm! They should be experts at Spira and FFX by now

Third time=Boredom, why don't you want a new world? Any story will be entirely tacked on, as will bringing back the characters that are dead. They should stay dead because that makes sense. They should (as they're doing) move on from the quite complete world of FFX and make new characters and new stories IMHO.

Edit: Oh, and btw I liked FFX-2, but a story worse then that would be hell.

12-27-2005, 06:57 PM
Third time=Boredom, why don't you want a new world? Any story will be entirely tacked on, as will bringing back the characters that are dead. They should stay dead because that makes sense.

Of course a brand new world and cast would be cool, but for those among us who got attached to the stories and characters of the FFX world why can't we have another sequel ? :love:

we could still have a well writen FFX3 sequence. Someone posted this in another place

And I have recently posted this one there where I make a possible sequel story w/o aliens or reviving Auron:

--- Year 2 AT (After Tidus shows up in Spira for the first time), the day after FFX2 “Perfect Ending”– Return to Besaid, Yuna and Tidus get married

When Yuna and Tidus arrived at Besaid the whole village was waiting for them on the beach, again. This time they talked to everyone and spent the whole morning telling their tales and listening to the news at Besaid, catching up with all that had happened.

Yuna and Tidus married the following week, in a small ceremony at Besaid temple, a far cry from her pompous and adventure riddled “almost wedding” to Seymour at Bevelle’s highbridge. Jokingly, Lulu had asked if Yuna wanted a dress as fancy as the one she wore at Bevelle, with the same wings so she could jump out of the temple if she changed her mind at the last minute.

Wakka, Rikku, Yuna and Tidus collapsed laughing, remembering Seymour’s angry face at Yuna wiping his kiss off and jumping from the bridge like she could fly...

--- Year 2 AG, 6 months after FFX 2 – At the Celsius, 3 new additions to the Gullwings

After a short honeymoon in Zanarkand and Macalania the couple joined Rikku and Payne at the Celsius for a second season of Gullwings adventures. This time Garik Ronso, Tidus and Gippal joine the 3 girls and formed a new 6 member "Gullwings II" team.

Looking for a change of pace after leading the Machine Faction for so long Gippal decides to join the 3 beautiful sphere hunters at the Celsius ship. Since Yuna is off limits now, he turns his eyes to the two remaining girls. Gippal is still unsure which girl is hotter: Paine or Rikku. Gippal will spend the next 2 years deciding... He liked Rikku better but Brother's jealousy always seemed to get in their way...

Garik Ronso

Kimahri had asked Yuna, Rikku and Tidus if they could take the young Ronso hothead under their wing. Kimahri felt an adventure filled trip around Spira would be the perfect answer to cure Garik’s heartache and loss at the fact that so few Ronso remained...

--- Year 2-4 AG, 6 months through 2 yers after FFX 2 -- Gullwings II hunts for clues to Spira’s past.

Rikku, Paine, Yuna, Tidus, Garik Ronso and Gippal have many adventures for the next 2 years, while crossing Spira in search of old spheres. Their team and the Celsius become a legend among sphere hunters and they find many spheres from the past 900 years but curiously no older spheres, not even more spheres from Lenne, Shuyin and Vegnagun from 1,000 years ago.

After 2 years of searching and finding no more older spheres, the Gullwings II team gets rather curious about the now infamous cache of old spheres that New Yevon’s founder Trema is supposed to have. But no one knows where Trema is. Hunting for clues to Trema’s and the older spheres whereabouts they decide to investigate the new dungeon found by Isaaru’s brother Pacce in Bevelle, called Via Infinito. Rikku, Payne and Yuna recall getting to it’s 20th floor and seeing an unsent copy of Maester Kinoc dropping two Crimson Squad spheres on the floor. Perhaps the next floors would have older spheres they wonder.

The Via Infinito dungeon is extremely hard but after their training at ShinRa’s tower the Gullwings II team is ready for it and crosses he first 80 floors in little more than 1 month. But then they hit a stop at level 80, where a very powerful basilisk, who seems to be able to produce an illusion that resembles Lady Yunalesca and Lord Zaeon keeps watch. The fiend is extremely fast and his petrifying eyes can pierce even the strongest anti-petrifying magic and charm items. They spend 2 months tring to bet the powerful fiend, to no avail.

--- Year 4 AG, 2 and a half years after FFX 2 - Tidus and Yuna go back to Besaid, this time to stay

Yuna starts feeling very tired and finds it hard to keep up with the team. She also feels nauseous and starts feeling very emotional and cries at the silliest things. She asks the best healer she knows besides herself for advice on what to take for that: Lulu.

- “Fatigue, nausea and sensitive heart ? Yuna, you don’t have to ask me about this! Don’t you know what this means ?” asks Lulu smiling

- “No, I don’t. Do you think an Elixir and a Remedy every morning will help ?” asks Yuna worried. She feels like crying. Why won’t Lulu help her instead of asking silly questions ?

- “The only thing that will help is for you to stop battling immediately and come back to Besaid. You are pregnant, oh clueless healer!” said Lulu laughing..

Yuna tells the news to Tidus who gets deliriously happy at the idea. They both can hardly wait! Because of Yuna’s pregnancy and the coming baby Tidus and Yuna decide to leave the Gullwings II team. Garik Ronso also leaves, he misses his beloved Gagazet mountain and is now eager to share his stories and experiences with the rest of the Ronso younglings as their teacher on the warrior arts. Rikku and Paine invite Baralai, Donna and Bartello to join them in a Gullwings III team and keep on crossing the Spira skies in search of spheres and adventure.

12-29-2005, 10:16 PM
No offense...but I've always thought fan fictions could ruin a game as much as an unnescessary sequel or remake (but luckily I can avoid those easier). At least it's better than the actual sequel.

Don't bother with the extra 1%, get an Action Replay or Codebreaker like I did. I could never get 100% on any game really. There's always that one hidden package in an impossible place, or just one little movie that I missed. My first impression of the game (before I knew of multiple endings, or pressing X to make Tidus whistle) was OH MY GOD THAT ENDING SUCKS!!! I mean, how boring was that stupid speech? We should all stay together blah, blah, blah! Then I found out about the other endings, and I thought, well screw that I'm using an Action Replay! It still wasn't worth it, even with cheats.

and the plotholes!!! don't even get me started on the plotholes!

Old Manus
12-29-2005, 11:22 PM
Let's steer away from the FFX-3 discussion before we start to get nightmares.

12-29-2005, 11:26 PM
No offense...but I've always thought fan fictions could ruin a game as much as an unnescessary sequel or remake (but luckily I can avoid those easier).
To each his own. I like gaming best but I like writing fan fiction and reading them. I'm so glad I can do both for free! Gaming costs $

Don't bother with the extra 1%,
Excellent advice. Just download the darn thing.

and the (ffx2) plotholes!!! don't even get me started on the plotholes!
If you ever want to help an aspiring writer post a thread with the plot holes you mention on the writing corner on this forum. I love to write about those, trying to find a way to fix them w/o deviating much from the original FFX and FFX2 stories!

01-25-2006, 10:12 PM
oh well. Final fantasy is final fantasy. lol. The cutscenes are worth it though. I would love to see the ending. Ive been waiting.

Setzer Gabianni
01-26-2006, 06:49 AM
youtube has it, I found it :)

01-26-2006, 03:53 PM
youtube has it, I found it :)

Aye? (Otherwise in my language... What?) lol. What has you found?

Setzer Gabianni
01-26-2006, 10:17 PM
XD where did you get that "I cried aloud with mirth and merriment" statement from?

Well, I found the Perfect Ending. If you want, I'll go look for it.