View Full Version : Ability suggestions (spoilers)

12-23-2005, 12:40 AM
I'm on disc 3, about to enter the LP at Tear's Point. I've got three characters with max stats and Abilityx4 and am now collecting items to refine into abilities. I'm thinking of having

Initiative (already got)
Counter (need 2 Monk's Codes. Card Mod Eden's card on disc 4)
Auto-Haste (collecting Lightweights from Vysage / Card Mod Cerberus)
Auto-Protect (collect Adamtines) / Auto-Shell (Card Mod Alexander)

Do you think this is a good set-up? Would Auto-Protect or Auto-Shell be more beneficial? Are there any changes you'd make?


12-23-2005, 06:28 AM
Try getting Three Stars as support as well (Cerberus+Three Stars ain't bad). Well you know the bosses in the castle right? So combining Abilities ain't really that hard. Know the enemy and you should be fine.

12-23-2005, 09:38 AM
My brother should know. He's completed the game twice, I'm only on disc 2.

Shin Gouken
12-23-2005, 09:45 AM
im fond of auto-haste and auto-protect. as for auto-shell, i prefer not. The HP regained after using a curaga spell is only half what it should be as it is affected by shell. So i prefer to cast it only when nessessary. Theres no downside to auto protect. Plus where normal enemies are concerned, you can just beserk everything in sight and be safe with your auto-protect

12-23-2005, 11:01 AM
You should already have all of those abilities. That is, unless you want all of these abilities for every character. If that's the case then yeah, it's a good set up. You'll be totally unstopable (not like anything can kill you in FF8 anyhow, but whatever.)

12-23-2005, 12:27 PM
If you junction Drain on your status attack protect and shell to me get worthless. I don't think it gets much better then what you got. Do you have it on everyone? I tried but I think I had to junction a luck up skill cause I didn't know how to boost it up to 255.

100 drains spell and hitting 9999 damage will completly heal you. Some things you can't drain like bosses and zombie things will kill you.