View Full Version : Complex Apartment

12-27-2005, 03:13 PM
Urm, yeah. http://www.complexapartment.com is the webcomic I draw. It was my cousin's idea really, he just talked me into doing the dirty work since he can't draw worth crap. The story is this: six people (two girls, four guys) have been friends since high school and now, between the ages of 18 and 23, all of them have moved into an apartment, but issues are already starting to rise. The cast includes
Kyte: The dark angel bishonen, who actually has a job.
Yoruhoshi: The dark magic-user, Kyte's older sister, and the only mature one in the apartment.
Deitonen: Nobody knows what he is, aside from Kyte's best friend. He's also a little dense.
Terran: The video-gaming elf, with a talent for playing guitar and a taste for money, alcohol, and women.
Katchi: The sugar-addicted devil-may-care space pirate, she is Yoruhoshi's best friend and Takai's partner in crime. She also has a thing for Kyte.
Takai: The happy-go-lucky necromancer, he wants to overtake the world by way of his undead girl-scout-cookie-eating zombies.
Yezno: The pizza delivery boy, whose role becomes more clear in the third season.
So really, this is a shameless plug. I want more people to come to those forums, if they can handle the insanity that is. I'm an admin on there, so it's sort of my job to help my cousin and our canadian sponser spread word. If you want to join, do so. I'm on there as Yoruhoshi also, so if you have any questions you can PM me. I'd also like to know who you are, because I like to know those sorts of things.
^^ Thanks for your time, and tell everyone else you know about it, too.

12-29-2005, 02:13 PM
Did like, nobody read this?! 0.o

01-14-2006, 01:49 PM
All right, now I'm getting mad. Has anybody who's read this even go to the site?!

Kawaii Ryűkishi
01-14-2006, 02:04 PM
The line work resembles that rough draft rather than a finished product, and it's horrendously oversized. I checked the archives to make sure I wasn't looking at a gag comic, but they all look like that.

01-14-2006, 02:50 PM
That things too big, dude.

01-15-2006, 02:10 PM
Did I mention that we were experiencing technical difficulties? Eh heh heh...