View Full Version : Pink Floyd and Wizard of OZ...

12-28-2005, 05:36 PM
I just rememberd this cool thing I did all the time years ago and I want to share it with everyone. If you havnt done this before you got to try it. You get Wizard of OZ and play it on mute then you play Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon when the lion roars before the start of the movie. Dark Side of the Moon will totally change Wizard of OZ because the music fits the emotion and actions perfect and will totally change the feeling and the setting of the movie. Just thought this would be a fun thing to share with people who havnt done it before.

I know this was a popular thing a while ago but im curious who has done or heard of this before?

12-28-2005, 10:05 PM
yesh i have heard of that alright.... might do that today :)

12-28-2005, 10:17 PM
Egh, there are a few weird coincidences but they are just that: coincidences. When "Dark Side of the Moon" came out CDs and VHS tapes hadn't even been invented yet, and the vinyl version had different song lengths than the CD version anyway. Beside that, band members have already stated that any synchronicity between the album and the film are completely coincidental.

12-28-2005, 10:24 PM
band members have already stated that any synchronicity between the album and the film are completely coincidental.

That why its soo cool. And when we did it we used the CD version and it worked just fine.

12-28-2005, 10:25 PM
It's cooler to play a Tupac CD to a muted episode of Barney and witness the coincidental synchronicities.

12-28-2005, 10:33 PM

12-28-2005, 10:38 PM
That's cool.. I might try it one day.:)

12-28-2005, 10:39 PM
Egh, there are a few weird coincidences but they are just that: coincidences. When "Dark Side of the Moon" came out CDs and VHS tapes hadn't even been invented yet, and the vinyl version had different song lengths than the CD version anyway. Beside that, band members have already stated that any synchronicity between the album and the film are completely coincidental.

He's right...
And I tried it once, and it didn't work....

12-28-2005, 11:42 PM
It's worth to try out once or twice, and they are coincidental, but still fun!