View Full Version : The clock turns forward, the clock turns backward. You erased your mom, so you're...

12-30-2005, 01:34 AM
Does time in Video Games confuse you? It sometimes confuses me. For instance, I just started Majora's Mask, and I looked through the telescope to see Skull Kid with MY Ocarina of Time on top of the clock-tower. But the clock-tower door opens only on the day of the apocolypse, which was in 2 days. How did he get up there? He waited until the apocolypse started, then got to the top of the tower, and went back in time. Please note, by his perspective, the PAST is his FUTURE. His going back in time came AFTER he got to the top of the tower, so he remembered that he went back in time. I repeat, the PAST is his FUTURE. Now, I found out how to get to skull-kid. I just do the same thing he did... wait. So the apocolypse comes... I see Skull-Kid on top of the tower before he goes back in time to where I saw him. I get my Ocarina back, and leave Skully-kid all alone in the future. This means he never went back in time, thus I never saw him with the telescope, and also I never found out how to get to the top of the clock-tower. I am confused, so I go back to the telescope, and looky there... I am here sitting with my Ocarina, and there is the skull-kid I just met on top of the clock-tower... So I met past Skull-Kid in the future, and future Skull-Kid in the past. I kept future skull-kid from existing, and also future-skull-kid was the one who gave me the hint to get to past-skull-kid. I get my ocarina back from past-skull-kid, thus not allowing future-skull-kid to exist. Yet, I see future-skull-kid again if I look into the telescope again. ... My mind hurts!

Has the manipulation of time in video games ever confused you?

Giga Guess
12-30-2005, 01:46 AM
I THINK it's hinted into the fact that Majora's Mask kinda allows Skull Kid to be in many places at once (Wreaking havoc in Great Bay, Southern Swamp, Ikana Canyon, Snowhead, not to mention various woes to all involved....not to mention, who says Majoa's Mask isn't capable of transcending time anyways....I mean it's a living entity in that mask....why would it want to destroy itself too....perhaps it skips back in time to escape.....or maybe I'm all wrong....*shrugs*

12-30-2005, 07:54 AM
I'm sure Skull Kid has the ability to fly. That's how he got up the tower. :p

And; no. I don't get confused that easily with my games.

Kawaii Ryűkishi
12-30-2005, 08:00 AM
Yeah, being on top of the tower had nothing to do with time-travel. Skull Kid is able to get up there because he's Skull Kid.

12-30-2005, 08:02 AM
I try not to think to hard about things like that, and I've found I'm never confused. :)

01-01-2006, 09:50 PM
Have you played FFVIII? If you can get past the confusion, you realize the whole game is stuck in one continuous loop that will go on for eternity. MEGA FFVIII SPOILER:
Ultimecia is an evil soceress from the future bent on ruling the world through Time Compression. Ultimecia posseses sorceress from the present (Edea, then Rinoa) to find Ellone, who can take her further back. Ultimecia is using a machine that will be created by Dr. Odine from studying Ellone in the present. SeeDs at garden at trained to defeat Ultimecia. Rinoa (possesed by Ulti) unlocks Adel's seals. Adel starts to absorb Rinoa. Ellone sends back Rinoa (possesed by Ulti and has Adel's powers) and brings back Rinoa without Ulti. Time is compressed. Squall (a SeeD from garden, also Ellones foster brother) and his friends defeat Ultimecia in a Time compressed world. Ulti gives powers to Edea (lives in present) before dying. Time compression ends. Edea makes garden to train SeeDs to defeat Ultimecia...

You see how it goes.