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01-06-2006, 03:27 PM
OUCH!!! How do you know if you have dry socket? My Jaw is killing me and I just got the teeth out 2 days ago.


01-06-2006, 09:10 PM
i made a thread about this a few months ago, xD. it was a week of Hell and i thought i had developed gum disease. i got it at a rather late age in my life however. Orajel just adds a soothing tingle to the pain, but does not help to rid of it...

i hope ONE is enough for me.

i still have minor toothaches, some occuring in the same area where the wisdom tooth sprouted.

Madame Adequate
01-06-2006, 09:19 PM
I'm hardcore, I'm letting mine grow.

Right now.

Fucking ow. Whilst they're coming through the gums they make eating and yawning really, really painful. But still, the one that's come through furthers only hurt for a couple of days, so I don't think it'll be too bad overall.

01-06-2006, 11:27 PM
I still have mine. they never fully came in but they don't really cause problems, as far as I know.

01-06-2006, 11:32 PM
wtf is that?

01-06-2006, 11:33 PM
Dry socket? ...Drink water?

I enjoyed getting my wisdom teeth out. I got happy drugs and BJ brought my ice cream and my mom made me mashed potatos. I vomitted them right back into the bowl though. And my mom had to dump the bowl in the toilet. And I could hear her gagging. And it was funny.

01-06-2006, 11:36 PM
Dry socket? ...Drink water?

I enjoyed getting my wisdom teeth out. I got happy drugs and BJ brought my ice cream and my mom made me mashed potatos. I vomitted them right back into the bowl though. And my mom had to dup the bowl in the toilet. And I could hear her gagging. And it was funny.
I'm glad I swallowed my iced tea before reading this.

01-06-2006, 11:41 PM
wtf is a wisdom teeth?

01-07-2006, 12:10 AM
wtf is a wisdom teeth?
They're molar teeth so far back that they ruin the way your jaw fits.

I have 3 wisdom teeth, and I have to get them out before I go to college in August.

01-07-2006, 12:10 AM

01-07-2006, 12:13 AM
They usually start growing in during your mid to late teens. I think most people get them out when they're 18.


01-07-2006, 12:14 AM
Whenever someone talks about their wisdom teeth, I cringe. Sounds so nasty.

I don't know if mine have come in or if I got them pulled or what, though. I don't know why I don't know. My memory is going.

01-07-2006, 12:16 AM
o rly?

thanks for the info

01-07-2006, 12:30 AM
I'm not sure about dry socket, but trust me, your jaw will be sore for a while. When I had mine removed about two years ago, it hurt for about a week and a half. However, I had all four removed at once, so that may have done it.

Here's (http://www.dentalgentlecare.com/dry_socket.htm#most%20often%20found) some info on dry socket.

01-07-2006, 12:36 AM
I just got one or both of my 16 year molars. It was painful and took ages, but orajel made it happy.

01-07-2006, 12:37 AM
Will your wisdom teeth still grow, if you still have your baby molars?

01-07-2006, 12:45 AM
Mine are coming through, yeah it hurts at times but mostly it's irritating and I have sensitive teeth so err ow.

Only one has come through so far.

01-07-2006, 01:26 AM
Mine hasnt come out yet but my cxousin got hers out and swallowed the stitches...she was in so much pain she was bleeding continuously for a week until it started to get better

01-07-2006, 03:00 AM
Havent had them removed yet and Im turning 21 in a few weeks. Is that normal?
My mates have moaned about these before, but I havent had any pain from my teeth for years.
Also my jaw has been clicking and almost locking lately, would that have anything to do with wisdom teeth?

01-07-2006, 03:07 AM
Havent had them removed yet and Im turning 21 in a few weeks. Is that normal?
Unless theres something really wrong with them, they tend to leave them in nowadays. I finally have all mine. They seem to be okay at the moment (touch wood) *touches wood*

01-07-2006, 04:48 AM
Is that normal?
It's natural, as in you probably wouldn't get your wisdom teeth removed if you grew up in the woods tens of billions of miles away from civilization.

Anyway, why are wisdom teeth impractical?

Giga Guess
01-07-2006, 04:56 AM
Until you get it looked at I have one word for you....Anbesol. That stuff is the best (I have a toothe that is gouged clean open, and was abcessing...it took the pain down to nothing)

Wisdom teeth...I think mine are coming in....they don't seem to be problematic...other than the irritation of a new tooth cutting through.

01-07-2006, 12:24 PM
Okay, I'm getting a little nervous now ... I have to go to the hospital after four days to get ALL my wisdom teeth out of there. They're gonna put me in total narcose because of the problematic position they are, and reading this thread has realised me that surgery is the beautiful part of it. Whats not so beautiful (as I read in this thread) is that I will be swirming in an immense pain for one and a half week while bleeding like a pig out of my mouth for a week. :( :cry:

01-07-2006, 05:07 PM
Just be sure to ask for a good pain medicine, at least Asprin, preferably stronger. They gave me Vicadin, and taking it reduced the overall pain considerable, although I still couldn't eat. Giga apparently recommends Anbesol, but I've never tried that. Sounds like it works, though.

Also, with the bleeding, well, I didn't have much of a problem. They used cotton balls to help form a clot after they' finished, and when I was able to remove them the bleeding had stopped, and didn't resume the rest of the time. It is a weird feelling having a hole in your gums, though.

Giga Guess
01-07-2006, 05:12 PM
It's a topical numbing agent...and yes, it really works! Either that or cloves, apparently (Cloves the spice....not cloves of garlic or anything like that).

01-07-2006, 09:17 PM
My wosdom teeth are out, but they don't hurt. I'm afraid the dentist is gonna tell me I have to pull them off though.

01-08-2006, 10:57 PM
I don't even have wisdom teeth...at all. I'm one of the small percent of people who don't have them due to a genetic defect (I have to say, it's a great defect). And, it's generally a good idea to get them pulled if you had them. They were originally supposed to grow in at a late age, because by that time a person had usually lost a few teeth, and so having more would be good. But, now that most people have all their teeth the mouth becomes overcrowded.

01-09-2006, 10:13 PM
Oh god, getting more nervous by the minute.

D-day H-hour minus 12


01-10-2006, 12:09 AM
I still have my wisdom teeth and they will probably never get taken out.

01-10-2006, 01:34 AM
I have all 4 of them that need to be taken out. And I'm scared for my life, I've never had surgery, and my parents just want me on numbing medication instead of knocking me out entirely. And I don't like the idea of being awake and hearing the drill, I could potentially see myself going nuts and kicking the doctor, because things like that freak me out. I don't care if I can feel it, I would imagine up some pain in my mouth with the sound. So I'm going to tell my parents that I want to be asleep during the procedure.

01-10-2006, 02:26 AM
You're 18, its your choice

Some of mine came in, but they were kinda hollow, so they chipped really easily a lot at first. Quite disconcerting. But now they're ground down and they don't cause any trouble anymore. It probably sounds bad but it's not. I can have them removed at my leisure now. I just ... Don't wanna do it alone, 'cause of course if you get knocked out, you get sent home still seriously disoriented. But I really don't want my family watching out for me... If only I had friends ^_^ I'm sure all drugged up I'd be pretty amusing

01-10-2006, 08:58 PM
I have all 4 of them that need to be taken out. And I'm scared for my life, I've never had surgery, and my parents just want me on numbing medication instead of knocking me out entirely. And I don't like the idea of being awake and hearing the drill, I could potentially see myself going nuts and kicking the doctor, because things like that freak me out. I don't care if I can feel it, I would imagine up some pain in my mouth with the sound. So I'm going to tell my parents that I want to be asleep during the procedure.

Reles, they took me to surgery 11 hours ago and they put me under total narcose (I really hope you get total narcose too). There is nothing to it; when they go to your room, they take your bed, you have to wait 10 minutes, then a nurse comes with an infuse (thing with the sack of fluid = sugar water or plasma), wait another 10 minutes, they take you to room where they operate you and they ask if you sit and lay down on the surgery table, doctor adds the narcose via the infuse (no pain), 10 seconds later you get dizzy, you hear a buzzing/cracking noise as if you watching a disconnected tv-channel where there is the snow, and your knocked out.

After surgery (45 - 75 minutes) you wake up in a hall close to surgery room, you have 2 woolen balls = kind of tampons in your mouth, you can see some doctors, when they see you've regained consciousness they bring you back to your room. After 15 minutes a nurse takes those
balls out of your mouthand give you a bag of cold gel to keep it on your cheeks so they don't get swollen. Half an hour later nurse comes with you to go to the toilet. Half an hour later they bring you a glass of coke (to keep the mouth cool). And another hour later, the nurse checks on you again; if you seem fine you can go home after the doctor who performed the surgery checks up on you. If you still seem a little disoriented, he comes again in an hour. => home free!

As you can see, this is like nothing, I have no pain, no blood spitting (depends from person to person). I actually enjoyed my first time in surgery! I would go in your place if I were able to.

It all comes down to this: do not make the same mistake like me. It is not scary.

Entered hospital: 11:00 hours.
Exited hospital: 15:00 hours.

01-10-2006, 11:52 PM
Don't listen to IceT about the surgery. Surgery and practices after are different for every hospital and every doctor.

In one hosptial I was forced to stay at least and hour after surgery before going home.
At another I was able to go the minute I woke up.

In one hopital I didn't see the doctor at all.
In the other I saw the doctor before and after surgery.

This was the same doctor and only a month apart between surgerys.

01-11-2006, 10:42 AM
Don't listen to IceT about the surgery. Surgery and practices after are different for every hospital and every doctor.

In one hosptial I was forced to stay at least and hour after surgery before going home.
At another I was able to go the minute I woke up.

In one hopital I didn't see the doctor at all.
In the other I saw the doctor before and after surgery.

This was the same doctor and only a month apart between surgerys.

Why shouldn't he/she listen to me? I'm just telling my experience with this surgery. Surgery is always different: some people have allergies to certain medicine, or have heart/liver/lung problems so the doctors apply medicine to the person in the situation they are. I never said that above procedure was a fact.

But normally (and this is quite logical) they keep you there two hours after the surgery to get acquainted to things. Maybe you're still dizzy, or disoriented/confused or you're bleeding pretty bad. If they'd sent you home straight after surgery and you suddenly faint on the floor outside isn't good either.

Lord Xehanort
01-11-2006, 10:47 AM
My dentist just brought this subject up to me, and he said that my mouth is large enough to let me keep my wisdom teeth.

No surgery for me!

01-11-2006, 04:48 PM
Why shouldn't he/she listen to me? I'm just telling my experience with this surgery. Surgery is always different: some people have allergies to certain medicine, or have heart/liver/lung problems so the doctors apply medicine to the person in the situation they are. I never said that above procedure was a fact.

But normally (and this is quite logical) they keep you there two hours after the surgery to get acquainted to things. Maybe you're still dizzy, or disoriented/confused or you're bleeding pretty bad. If they'd sent you home straight after surgery and you suddenly faint on the floor outside isn't good either.

Because that information should come from the doctor and hospital attended about what they will do. That is why.

If your dizzy that is fine. If you are disoriented and confused then you are not fit to go home. If you are bleeding badly then you are not fit to go home. I said some hospitals require you to stay there for at least and hour or two before release and others let you go right away. I thought it was obvious that no hospital would release you if you were not fit to leave.