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View Full Version : What is so great about FF7

01-07-2006, 09:27 PM
I mean don't get me wrong, I liked FF7 it was a good game but I don't see any really reason to make spinoffs and movies about it.

And Cloud hes a cool character, but hes nothing phenominal. But still a great FF main character. Sephoroth is unique as well but as I said, othing really out of the box.

It might just be me, but could someone tell me why FF7 is so glamorized and Idolized?

01-07-2006, 09:56 PM
Does this really belong in the General FF?

Shin Gouken
01-07-2006, 10:15 PM
this will be relocated but i guess i'll post anyway. i agree to an extent. why is final fantasy vii receiving movie and spin off treatment over games like final fantasy viii? actually i know the answer to that. it's simply because they know they will make money from it. ffvii was a big game beacause it was the first 3d final fantasy. and they are taking the game too far in my opinion. its getting old. im bored of it all. im not saying it isnt a fine game, but its clearly over-rated

01-07-2006, 10:19 PM
Pretty much everything is great about FFVII. But the actual reason why it's so glamorized is that most other RPG fans share that opinion. A great many of them are dumbasses (Cheese Weapon? What the hell is that?), but the game and its fanbase are not synonymous.

01-07-2006, 10:43 PM
the reason square is using FFVII is because it was the best selling FF ever. And whether people like to admit it or not, it was the first RPG everyone really knew. Even people who knew basically nothing about games knew of FF after this game, and knew of RPGs. I agree it's not as great as it's made out to be, but because of it's huge popularity and widely known popularity, it's a great choice, the BEST choice, to do spinoffs for maximum profit.


01-07-2006, 11:32 PM
I agree. I think that AC, BC and others are created in order to get money. But I love, the film, and surely, I will love Crisis Core, DoC and others. I don't mind if they do it for money, it doesn't matter for me.

01-08-2006, 12:58 AM
I agree. I think that AC, BC and others are created in order to get money. But I love, the film, and surely, I will love Crisis Core, DoC and others. I don't mind if they do it for money, it doesn't matter for me.

What else would they make games for except money?

a nirvana fan
01-08-2006, 11:12 AM
The characters, the story, the whole locations, the materia system, the first Final Fantasy that looked totally different to previous and it overall a amazing game...that is what is so great about FF7

Soul of Tarsis
01-08-2006, 11:27 AM
A great many of them are dumbasses (Cheese Weapon? What the hell is that?)

Does thou doubt the existence of the malevolent Cheese Weapon?

For shame.

01-08-2006, 12:49 PM

01-08-2006, 02:14 PM
because it was a great game due to all those plot twists and such, as well the ending leaves alot to the imagination

but my veiw is tainted on the game because most of the spoilers were... well spoiled for me

Desert Wolf
01-08-2006, 02:50 PM

You are a legend man!ROFL!!

And well FF7 is as someone said the biggest FF game made.And although there making the spinoffs to make money,what would you do?If you saw a chance to make millions then would you take it?Besides hopefuly they'll be able to make even better games with better graphics and stuff with all this money.Despite what you all say about AC i know you'll all buy it or watch it at some stage.I sure will.

d£v!l'$ ph0£n!x
01-08-2006, 04:46 PM
we now need to pose the question "y was it the best selling final fantasy"? answer: because it was a 3D game so everyone bought it, and those that weren't impressed didn't buy the follofing ff's

01-08-2006, 07:02 PM
Yes probably the reason it was the best selling rpg is because it was the first final fantasy game released on the playstation.

Before then rpg's were not extremely appealing to many folks because of the graphics. And though you might say that graphics don't matter but in a sense that it makes it easier for the player to get into the characters of the game and the story of the game it does matter.

Add to that is that they really made an effort to develop each and every character to detail. You really got a sense that you knew each character by the end of the game. And to polish everything off it had a very memorable soundtrack of memorable character themes that helped the player get even more into the games characters.

Those are the reasons why I believe it turned out to be the most popular final fantasy game made up to this point.

Lost Number
01-08-2006, 09:08 PM
FF7 is a great game. I believe so. What does it matter, arguing about it?

01-08-2006, 11:13 PM
The reason FF7 has such a huge fanbase was it being the first 3D RPG along with its amazing ( for its time ) CG graphics and music. The game became a hit and now it shows its true colors. FF7 was not that great. The characters did not act or talk like real people ( the poor japanese to english translation doesnt help either ). The story was lame, all you do is follow Sephiroth around the world until you catch up to him ( yes, some plot twists do make up for this ).

The fact of the matter is that FF7 was a turning point for ALOT of people. When someone hears the word RPG, FF7 comes to mind because it was the first one they played. But just because it was the "first 3D one" or the "first one they played" does not make it king.

I'm not dissing this game, I'm just brining up some questionable points about it ( after all the thread title is " why is FF7 great" )...

For the record, I played FF8 first about two years ago, and then FF7 and then FF9. Playing FF7 after 8 was a real hard transition, the weird character dialogue being the worst one.

01-09-2006, 07:17 AM
Most people think ff8 is not very good.

If you look for ff8 to have alot of deep characters you are going to be sorely disappointed.

FF7 offers alot of deep characterization though. Which is probably why most people put ff7 above ff8.

Winter Nights
01-09-2006, 07:24 AM
I still wonder why people think FF7 has 'deep' characterization. Sorry.. Being crazy with all sorts of identity issues don't make you deep. Just makes you screwed up.

FF8 wasn't deep either. Just more emotional.

01-09-2006, 08:06 AM
If you think about it FF7 has a lot more fans then any of them. It has one of the most appealing commercials from any other game that was being advertised in its time. Also a lot of people thought FF8 was trying to be too much like it. Cloud made an all around typical super hero for some with his big sword. If was very unique. If at all FF7 is being used to show what square can do thats hardly been done before. Thats just what I think.

01-09-2006, 02:00 PM
Well it does not matter if the character is screwed up with a big identity crisis as long as you allow the person playing the game to learn alot about the characters they are roleplaying in the first place.

And that's what ff7 excelled at. At delving into the characters pasts and letting you find out why they are the way they are. Which is why by the end of the game so many people felt connected with the ff7 characters.

And that is also a big reason why so many people were disappointed with ff8. Because we hardly found out anything about many of the characters. And when you did actually find out a bit about them it all just seemed cheesy and rather forced to (hence the orphanage scenario).

And when they did release ff8 it did kind of seem like they were trying to turn Squall into another Cloud. It seemed like when they were creating Squall they were trying to copy the formula that made Cloud such a popular character.

01-09-2006, 09:50 PM
Most people think ff8 is not very good.

If you look for ff8 to have alot of deep characters you are going to be sorely disappointed.

FF7 offers alot of deep characterization though. Which is probably why most people put ff7 above ff8.

FF8 DOES have deep characterization. Each character has a unique and destinct personality. When I played FF7, some characters had personality, but not much. I thought Cloud was a panzy, just cause he had a big sword doesnt mean anything. Some of the things he and the others said were so cheezy...

I dont mean to diss FF7, :p but when it comes to deep characters with personalities that you can relate to and enjoy FF8 has my vote.

...Please dont flame me...

Upriser Spearmint!
01-09-2006, 10:23 PM
Final Fantasy Seven is a brilliant game, the thing is, it doesn't live up to some of the earlier Final Fantasies that didn't quite enjoy the same popularity. And then Final Fantasy Eight and Nine which were both, in my opinion better.

By no means is FFVII a weak link in the chain, it was just a mediocre game in comparison to the other Final Fantasies, up to FFIX. But I did enjoy it.

01-10-2006, 01:05 AM
I still wonder why people think FF7 has 'deep' characterization. Sorry.. Being crazy with all sorts of identity issues don't make you deep. Just makes you screwed up.

What, precisely, do you consider to be "deep"? The characters were fairly realistic in that each had a distinct personality, as opposed to some of the earlier games, where it almost felt like the script was being read entirely by clones. Some characters didn't have as many layers of complexity as others, but that happens in the course of nearly any story, and in real life. Not everyone is concerned with being "deep"; they're merely concerned with doing whatever it is they want to do. This shouldn't be looked down upon for not being more complex; it's the operative mechanism of all lifeforms, and it's fairly simple.

01-10-2006, 03:16 AM

That person has really, really crappy characters to get to Chocobo WEAPON, he's tottaly going to get stomped...

FFVII has/had characters lots loved, that doesn't mean they were great, it doesn't mean they were bad but it does mean they were popular. I personally think the characters were excellently done:
-Cloud, I liked the issues with his character and how interwoven it was with various parts of the story.
-Tifa's way of connecting to Cloud worked well for me making her another good character.
-Yuffie was fun- not a deep storyline character but the hyper one who was just fun.
-Barret was the leader of Avalanche which leads to later feelings I wish were more expanded on but it leads to some great scenes and lines.
-Aeris... ignore her.
-Red XIII was fine- no problems but nothing really in the character.
-Cid, so many blocked out words, he didn't really add much but I found myself liking him every time I play through.
-Cait Sith is a character who betrays you and works for the enemy. I really like what the game does with this because they never really discussed it (it wasn't important and shouldn't be overdone) but it was always another touch to the characters in this game.
-Vincent was fine, he didn't have a character I found remotely interesting, he could be called badass but that doesn't mean anything without another part of the character to play against which he lacked. He was okay.

I also loved the storyline, the graphics were pleasant to my eyes, the script was reasonalbe and the materia system was awesome if highly abusable.

But what I loved about this game (and it's not my favorite, 2nd or 3rd, so very close) was the world created. From Midgar a run down city with very different sectors and the plate up above the people. One of my favorite scenes has Barret and Cloud in a train there talking about the plate and people who don't move there because of various factors. It creates a world easy to dream about and fall into and most of all have fun with. That's what I found most in this game. I like FFVIII's world a lot FFX's too. But FFVII is my favorite with it's only competition being FFIX's.

I don't know if others agree with me about this but the world, going from various cities to the idea of the lifestream (which has becomes connected to Empedocles in my mind ever since I studied him for a project) this game gains an overall feel based around the world. And I'm repeating my self but the world is wonderfully done. FFAC is not interesting to me, but the landscapes that come from FFVII (midgar) are great and the city itself contains the essence it had before. I'm probably describing this badly but I hope someone agrees with me...

Heero Yuy NWZC
01-10-2006, 03:39 AM
Totally man! That was one great explaination! I can't say anyting further to emphasize what he ahs said!

Winter Nights
01-10-2006, 03:46 AM
What, precisely, do you consider to be "deep"? The characters were fairly realistic in that each had a distinct personality, as opposed to some of the earlier games, where it almost felt like the script was being read entirely by clones. Some characters didn't have as many layers of complexity as others, but that happens in the course of nearly any story, and in real life. Not everyone is concerned with being "deep"; they're merely concerned with doing whatever it is they want to do. This shouldn't be looked down upon for not being more complex; it's the operative mechanism of all lifeforms, and it's fairly simple.
Deep and complex aren't the same thing either. For something to be deep, it would have to make you really think about the situation presented and what it means to your own existance. I don't think any game, FF or not, constitutes as "deep".

01-10-2006, 04:10 AM

As for the money milking. Why not? They're getting paid to do something I think they actually enjoy. They created this world. And now they have the opportunity to do so much more with it, and it's a gauranteed sale, so they just... can. The money gives them the oportunity. But I'm sure if money weren't a factor, they'd probably have been interested in doing it anyway. I fell in love with the world too. Especially the Midgar section(s). Granted it was only like 1/10th of the whole game. But it drew me in completely. I liked a lot of the rest of the world. There was always something interesting. But for some reason I can't help but enjoy the atmosphere of post apocalyptic industrial slums

01-12-2006, 12:56 AM
It had an awsome storline the game was fun except for the graphics it was an incredible game.

01-12-2006, 01:19 PM
because it was a great game due to all those plot twists and such, as well the ending leaves alot to the imagination

but my veiw is tainted on the game because most of the spoilers were... well spoiled for me

yeah, i know alot about what happenes n this game before i got to it, its definatley not my fave ff game but im makin an effort to get a good copy of this game that works, yeah graphics are pretty crappy, but the only thing thats made me want to play this game is the story, the story is kinda gripping, (neva thought id say that, especially bout ff7), in my oppion i hold ff9, ff8, and ff5 b4 ff7

Cloud Lionheart
01-15-2006, 01:29 PM
Goes like this:

1. FF7 IS the best ff game EVER!
2. FF7 IS the best game ever!
3. It has the best, and darkest storyline.
4. The best chars ever.... Inc cloud, sephiroth (voted best badguy ever "PSM") VINCENT!,
5. ARRRRGGHHHHHHHHH!..........it smeggin rules! lol
6. FF7 IS the best ff game EVER!
7. FF7 IS the best game ever!
hehe lol

01-15-2006, 01:44 PM
Oh how I love a good comprehensive reasonable list of reasons.

05-14-2022, 04:36 AM
Tifa's boobies
Barret Hairy Manly Chest
Yuffie X Vincent Fantasies
Red XIII and his sob story about the person that provided the sperm that made him.
Cait Sith being a Sith Lord
Cid and his &£&%*£!@
Aerith being stabbed
Sephiroth's LONG SWORD
Don Corneo and his harem.