View Full Version : The unpardonable sin?

01-16-2006, 03:52 PM
The Bible teaches us that there is one unpardonable sin (blaspheming the Holy Spirit). Mark 3:29

Using this passage as a example, do you think there is any sin that Squaresoft/Square Enix has committed (or could commit) that is/would be unpardonable?

some of examples of what could be an unpardonable sin
-reducing the party from 4 to 3
-making an actual sequel (FFX-2)
-removing random battles
-replacing Ramuh with other summons (does not include FFIX)

I would say the programming error for "Blade Grasp" in FFT is unpardonable. This error made the ability TOO good. For those who don't know "Blade Grasp" is supposed to block physical attacks made by weapons excluding guns, crossbows, and bows however due to a programming mistake the abilility also blocks bullets and arrows.

Remember this is based on YOUR personal opinion.

Shin Gouken
01-16-2006, 04:29 PM
i agree with reducing the party members from four to three. (or five to four to three) with four party members there was more room to strategise. that for me is the most enjoyable aspect of playing the game - forming a strategy to beat a boss :greenie: Also, that means that you use less of the available characters.

I also agree with replacing ramuh. although i fookin love quezacotl, (not so much ixion) Quezecotl is an empty character whearas with ramuh, his character was a little easier to picture. in ffvi he was given back up story, and in final fantasy v we know he has a past with ifrit and that he fears ifrits power. Quezacotl had nothing.

01-16-2006, 04:47 PM
The worst sin ever is, indeed, replacing Ramuh. Both times, with horribly ugly, idiot, and bizarre creatures. In FFVIII, you can't even write Quetzalcoatl properly. Quezacotl is a blasphemy. And Ixion is... so... ugly.

Other sins include:

1- Only three party members at VII, VIII and X.

2- The fact that, to make VII, VIII and X, Square used the typical hollywoodian quasi-proto-nihilism that an history with lots of tragedy, bishies pretty boys, and badass phrases and people, is necessarily good and/or complex.

3- Lack of Bahamut and Leviathan at FFT-A. BLASPHEMY!

4- The fact that Red Mages in FFT-A are even more mediocre than usual. @_@;

5- Squall. Squall per se is one of the most unforgivable sins of Square.

6- If FFXII's battle system will really be what it looks like now, it will be a sin. A very evil sin.

01-16-2006, 11:59 PM
Ahem. ff4 lacked a four person party, also.

01-17-2006, 12:19 AM
Their greatest sin was called Final Fantasy VII.

01-17-2006, 01:06 AM
I thought the creation of Heidigger was the best moment.

I remember a quote something like (not exact) for a question to ask square-enix:

Was your decision to make Heidigger the best character of all time influenced by world events or months of deliberation?

Edit: And they can do what they like, as long as it's fun which for me it has been.


About what you mentioned, I slightly prefer the four person party, but when they changed to three person you got to choose and design your party much earlier in the game which I liked. It didn't feel like let's toss out this character because we're just about to get a new one anymore. So while it's slightly worse what came with it makes it an improvement.

While FFX-2 wasn't near the level of some other FFs it was fun- I don't have a major problem with it, but I would have preffered a new game.

Removing random battles is fine, it was fun, this'll be fun- I don't care much.

Quezacotl is sexy (I hope this answers the question as Ramuh definitely isn't).

I never used blade grasp because of it's effectiveness so it doesn't matter much to me, use what you want- don't use what you don't want to.

On to Alexander's points:

FFVII, FFVIII, FFX are my favorite games in the series, so I don't agree with your attacks.

Never played FFTA but that is blasphemy or perhaps BLASPHEMY.

Squall is my favorite FF character, not a mistake he's one of the more (most) developed characters and I love how they use his thought process in it. I won't go into more detail now but suffice it to say I disagree.

It looks like an interesting system, and as a demo's come out it will probably be what it looks like now.

01-17-2006, 01:16 AM
Rinoa. Thats all I'm gonna say. Rinoa.

01-17-2006, 10:35 PM
I thought the creation of Heidigger was the best moment.

Yeah, it was. Too bad there was a whole game tacked onto him. I mean, it was really just there as filler.

01-27-2006, 06:27 PM
the worst thing they ever could have done was making the characters from two games basically the same. clowd and squall were both emo emo kids. they don't need anybody, they're angsty, no reason to live, blah blah blah. maybe their motivations were different. it's been a while since i played them, i only played them once each. but come on, give me a break. whatever happened to the varied characters of ages past?

and i had a horrible dream where they released this game where battles were viewed from the back, and there were 2 person parties... good thing it never really happened.

01-27-2006, 07:05 PM
the worst thing they ever could have done was making the characters from two games basically the same. clowd and squall were both emo emo kids. they don't need anybody, they're angsty, no reason to live, blah blah blah. maybe their motivations were different. it's been a while since i played them, i only played them once each. but come on, give me a break. whatever happened to the varied characters of ages past?

and i had a horrible dream where they released this game where battles were viewed from the back, and there were 2 person parties... good thing it never really happened.

neither one thought they had no reason to live. Squall didn't want to be referred to in the past tense, so he definitely didn't want to die, in fact he feared death. He wasn't emo, he just kept to himself and believed you can only rely on yourself and if you want something done you have to do it.

Cloud, didn't know who he was. He couldn't remember the truth, or didn't want to. He tried to be greater than he was.

I don't even think the term EMO was invented when these games came out. And i didn't see either one think, oh pity me, my life sucks. AT any point, I never saw that from either one... oh, and as far as I can tell about EMO kids, it's not that they believe they don't need anyone, they do need people, they just think they're alone. Cloud was just insane cause he had conflicting memories, and Squall truly believed being alone was better. They were NOT emo


Setzer Gabianni
01-27-2006, 07:13 PM
Rinoa. Thats all I'm gonna say. Rinoa.


=) I totally agree, the worst female character ever!

Another Sin?

Creating X-2 Yuna shoddily.

01-27-2006, 07:21 PM
Well at least the X-2 Yuna wasn't as dull as the one in FFX, I found it a relief comparatively. There have been lots of problems in the many games. I personally find it difficult to get into earlier ones because of simple stories. Newer ones have other problems for me, but the unpardonable sin will be when/if they stop being fun. And for people who consider this to have happened then that has been accomplished.

01-28-2006, 12:51 AM
The greatest sin was the fact that Final Fantasy VIII has no challenge WHATSOEVER.

Starboard Regulator FlareNUKE
01-28-2006, 01:50 AM
It would be stupid to have more than three party members in FFVII, VIII, and X...

And I liked FFIV could handle five characters at once... thing is... you can't chane party and it is required that you must have one/two characters in a certain row if there is 4 or 5 members...

Markus. D
01-29-2006, 01:32 AM
The worst sin ever is, indeed, replacing Ramuh. Both times, with horribly ugly, idiot, and bizarre creatures. In FFVIII, you can't even write Quetzalcoatl properly. Quezacotl is a blasphemy. And Ixion is... so... ugly.

Other sins include:

1- Only three party members at VII, VIII and X.

2- The fact that, to make VII, VIII and X, Square used the typical hollywoodian quasi-proto-nihilism that an history with lots of tragedy, bishies pretty boys, and badass phrases and people, is necessarily good and/or complex.

3- Lack of Bahamut and Leviathan at FFT-A. BLASPHEMY!

4- The fact that Red Mages in FFT-A are even more mediocre than usual. @_@;

5- Squall. Squall per se is one of the most unforgivable sins of Square.

6- If FFXII's battle system will really be what it looks like now, it will be a sin. A very evil sin.

Quezy is mythic though, Its known as the thunder god, in the form of a snake.

and well, Ixion I think is in Greek Myth.

Ramuh is .... well he is meh.

01-29-2006, 02:40 AM
i really hate say it but ff7 was not the wor sin ever it was ffx-2

01-29-2006, 10:25 AM
I agree on that, X-2 sucked.

Shin Gouken
01-29-2006, 01:48 PM
The greatest sin was the fact that Final Fantasy VIII has no challenge WHATSOEVER.

It had the best story, characters and (of it's time) graphics. If you wanted a challenge, you could challenge yourself. Nikotine is currently doing a challenge in the FFVIII thread, why don't you test your melons :mad:

i really hate say it but ff7 was not the wor sin ever it was ffx-2

FFVII was great for it's time. and lead the way for bigger and better thing's. The sin is the fanboys who refuse to believe that the later FF's could possibley be better than their beloved VII.


Starboard Regulator FlareNUKE
01-30-2006, 12:38 AM
X-2 had a nice battle system though

01-30-2006, 11:28 AM
I don't even think the term EMO was invented when these games came out. And i didn't see either one think, oh pity me, my life sucks. AT any point, I never saw that from either one... oh, and as far as I can tell about EMO kids, it's not that they believe they don't need anyone, they do need people, they just think they're alone. Cloud was just insane cause he had conflicting memories, and Squall truly believed being alone was better. They were NOT emo

Emocore was "created" at 80's. So, yeah, even FFI's Black Belt could be emo if he had the reasons.

And Squall _is_ an emoball. Even if he is not, he is a complete idiot. I mean, he despises the friendship of Zell, Selphie etc in the earlier parts; even considering that he is locked on his room being angsty, he still thinks that's bettter to be alone, when the thing that he needs most is... support from friends. Okay, Disc 3 onwards Rinoa DID support him, but it is idiot of how he never realizes of how precious friendship is on Discs 1 and 2, just to fall in love with Rinoa FROM COMPLETE NOWHERE, when she is "in a coma". >_<

Well, Rinoa is a sin, as well. The fact that every Black Mage from Black Mage Village at FFIX has more development than her (and almost everyone in FFVIII) is enough reason.

Death Penalty
02-02-2006, 09:22 PM
Quezy is mythic though, Its known as the thunder god, in the form of a snake.

and well, Ixion I think is in Greek Myth.

Ramuh is .... well he is meh.
Quetz is the aztec god of thunder and absolution. It is prophesized he will come and lead the Aztecs to their fate.

02-02-2006, 10:02 PM
Tidus is pure hellspawn. Squall isnt an emo, emo's are nerdy emotional highschool kids, Squall is badass who just liked his space, give him 5 feet.

02-02-2006, 10:07 PM
emo's are nerdy emotional highschool kids
Not all of them.

Unpardonable sin? Brother (FFX-2).

Lost Number
02-02-2006, 10:09 PM
No. Rikku in X-2.

02-02-2006, 11:47 PM
Their greatest sin was called Final Fantasy VII X-2.

The Devourer Of Worlds
02-03-2006, 12:00 AM
Well, Rinoa is a sin, as well. The fact that every Black Mage from Black Mage Village at FFIX has more development than her (and almost everyone in FFVIII) is enough reason.
I think you may be confusing Rinoa with some other character that didn’t receive the second largest amount of character development in FFVIII.

The only ‘unforgivable sin’ that I can think of is the fact that FFXII is taking the greater portion of eternity to be released. This, of course, will be partially forgiven if the game is as awesome as it looks.

02-03-2006, 04:29 AM
Worst sins of all:

1-Clinging to a mediocre game such as FFVII
2-Battle consisting of 4 party members(doesn't allow for a smooth battling system.........and is WAY SLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
3-Lame titanic-based endings(where there's no happy side to it) :barf: which have been done way too much throughout FFs.
4-RPGs based on fighting rather than in story:choc2:

02-03-2006, 12:26 PM
Unpardonable sins:


That is all.

Oh, and Ixion is way cooler than Ramuh.

Death Penalty
02-03-2006, 03:57 PM
Worst sins of all:

1-Clinging to a mediocre game such as FFVII
2-Battle consisting of 4 party members(doesn't allow for a smooth battling system.........and is WAY SLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
3-Lame titanic-based endings(where there's no happy side to it) :barf: which have been done way too much throughout FFs.
4-RPGs based on fighting rather than in story:choc2:
2 I agree
3 You like happy people who arent angsting. That in its self is a sin.
4 It depends on the game.

Not all of them.
Yes they all are. Or is there a new subspecies.

02-03-2006, 04:11 PM
I think battle consisting of 4 party members works better. You're obviously the post Nintendo era players, starting with 3 characters, because the older games worked perfectly with 4 character parties.


Death Penalty
02-03-2006, 04:27 PM
I think battle consisting of 4 party members works better. You're obviously the post Nintendo era players, starting with 3 characters, because the older games worked perfectly with 4 character parties.

No I still play my Nes ffs I just like the eliteness of 3 charachters.:cool:

02-04-2006, 05:18 AM
I think battle consisting of 4 party members works better. You're obviously the post Nintendo era players, starting with 3 characters, because the older games worked perfectly with 4 character parties.


perfectly slow..........yeah it worked back then because everything was so simple and straightforward.

Nowadays it wouldn't, when you summon, you'll see these cinematic scenes, etc. We have more animation and PERSONALITY nowadays, we can't have 4 party members SLOWING the fighting system down:choc2:

02-04-2006, 06:04 AM
You're just impatient.

Death Penalty
02-04-2006, 08:15 AM
You're just impatient.
No hes just to damn hightech but I guess I am just old-fashioned like that. And what personality are you talking about. I am going to guess youre talking about FF10 at wich I will respond the hell have you been smokin?:whoa:

The Devourer Of Worlds
02-04-2006, 08:23 AM
perfectly slow..........yeah it worked back then because everything was so simple and straightforward.

Nowadays it wouldn't, when you summon, you'll see these cinematic scenes, etc. We have more animation and PERSONALITY nowadays, we can't have 4 party members SLOWING the fighting system down:choc2:

4 member parties were fine in FFIX. I don't see why they would slow down battles at all.

01-03-2007, 02:54 AM
Let me add:
Giving "Save Spots" the ability to fully heal your party. I used to like stocking up on potions, ethers, and tents for a long journey.

01-03-2007, 04:17 AM
this thread is a year old...

oh, btw, 4 person parties wouldn't slow the games down nearly as much as the 10 minute long summon animations


01-03-2007, 06:06 AM
Oh lordy. :twak:

We don't post in threads that are this ancient, robfinalfantasy :] Even if it is your own :p

Mr. JACKAL, we also report threads that are this old 8)