View Full Version : I need help...

01-23-2006, 07:45 AM
Okay, I'm having a little trouble on the part with the hanging of the princess. Can anyone tell me who I should use or what tactics I should use. My guys are pretty strong, so I can't see what I'm doing wrong. So any advise would be helpful...

01-23-2006, 10:16 AM
hanging of the princess? what are you talking about?

01-23-2006, 02:31 PM
Okay, I'm having a little trouble on the part with the hanging of the princess. Can anyone tell me who I should use or what tactics I should use. My guys are pretty strong, so I can't see what I'm doing wrong. So any advise would be helpful...

You could be having trouble with defense or where you position your units. Equip Diamond Armlets and have on Maintenance for all of your units. Then, equip the best shields for your shield bearers. As for your tactic, go after the enemies in the following order: Gafgarion, time mages, knights, and archers. Furthermore, space your units out, but not too far that they are not within healing range of each other.

01-23-2006, 03:12 PM
Sounds like Golgorand Execution Site.

As suggested, taking out Gafgarion is critical. If you can break or steal his sword, he's next to harmless. All his Dark Knight skills hinge on the use of a sword. Be sure to gang up on the closer units one at a time.

And of course, leveling up your party in advance is always helpful.

01-23-2006, 07:18 PM
Thanks. I'll try.

01-25-2006, 01:56 AM
YO! you should also try taking out those pesky time mages can't afford to lose any turns against eight enemies especially with Gafgarion around!

02-03-2006, 03:32 PM
Yes, all these are great suggestions (I've played and beaten this game 23 times) but here is one more. If you have a spear make as many of your guys as possible lancers. This is because they can jump and co a super amount of damage and no one can hit them or stop them. Here is a cheat I found last year. You probably have enough JP to get "level jump one." So press "o" but when it says "are you sure" hold down x and square and press down then up (while still holding x and square). you should be on an ability you cant afford and your finger (pointer) should be on "yes". Buy it and one of 3 things could happen. Your JP points could be 9999 and you can buy all abilities of your lancer or It could show 0000 Jp so exit lancer and job chart, go back in and you should have 9999 or 0000 which either one you can get all the abilities or the last thing it could just not work. If it does not try again if it still does not work right a reply and I help you more. PS this works on all jobs as log as there is enough abilities to scroll up or down. Example you can use it on Lancer, wizard priest etc but not on monk, knight etc.

02-03-2006, 04:17 PM
Here is a cheat I found last year. You probably have enough JP to get "level jump one." So press "o" but when it says "are you sure" hold down x and square and press down then up (while still holding x and square). you should be on an ability you cant afford and your finger (pointer) should be on "yes". Buy it and one of 3 things could happen. Your JP points could be 9999 and you can buy all abilities of your lancer or It could show 0000 Jp so exit lancer and job chart, go back in and you should have 9999 or 0000 which either one you can get all the abilities or the last thing it could just not work. If it does not try again if it still does not work right a reply and I help you more. PS this works on all jobs as log as there is enough abilities to scroll up or down. Example you can use it on Lancer, wizard priest etc but not on monk, knight etc.
oh yeah,the jp glitch...>_<

02-04-2006, 02:48 PM
Yeah trust me it really works. Oh and dont worry it wont mess up your game at all. I have done it at least 100 times!

02-04-2006, 03:12 PM
Yeah trust me it really works. Oh and dont worry it wont mess up your game at all. I have done it at least 100 times!
yes,yes,i know it works,but you dont really need it,do you?

02-06-2006, 02:59 AM
YO! I would suggest cheating only after having beat the game fair the first time through. With RPG's it's sorta like an unwritte rule y'know. Adapt and overcome is what I say. I fought that battle at least ten times first time playing the game through.

02-06-2006, 10:34 PM
Ya I did not use it until after I beat the game.

02-07-2006, 04:43 PM
Last time I did it I was very overpowered (not level-wise, just jobwise). I was maybe lv 20, 22 tops or so. But I had a summoner who knew Odin. Start of battle, Gafgarian attacked Agrias, then I had Mustadio Paralyze him. All the other units on the bottom level kinda.. grouped up to attack my ninja who I threw into the middle of them. Poor guys didnt know what hit him, bam Odin lands and 5 guys take 200+ dmg. Then all was left was 2 time mages and a paralyzed Gafgarian. My fastest Execution battle clear ever lol.

But if all else fails and you cant get by, just give everyone auto potion for this battle, theres a lot of units and you need lots of healing if you dont have a summoner who can take out a large group all at once. Having a fast unit with Blade Grasp to charge in first and group up all the knights/archers semi-close to each other can make it easier to drop a big summon on em. Blade Grasp ensures that unit will never die to the knights/archers. I also like putting Agrias on the 2-spot under the bridge to start (away from Ramza). If you are lucky, you can drop a Stasis Sword on 1 of the Time mages above, and get Stop to land. Thats 1 less unit to deal with.

Edit: And what the heck is up with "l o l" = "I cried aloud with Mirth and Marriment or whatever" hehe :)