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View Full Version : Conservatives now run the Canadian Government

01-25-2006, 04:24 AM
Your thoughts?

01-25-2006, 04:24 AM

01-25-2006, 04:35 AM
Canadian? Where the heck is Canadia...?

01-25-2006, 05:17 AM
You have conservatives in Canada?

01-25-2006, 05:32 AM
Canadia has elections?

01-25-2006, 05:42 AM
Canadia matters?

01-25-2006, 05:56 AM
they barely won, so it's not like they'll be able to change much. then pretty soon the Canadians will forget about Martin's corruption and realize that the conservatives suck again, like they always do after a couple years under conservative rule.

01-25-2006, 05:57 AM
Why hasn't anyone ever mentioned this Canadia place, before? WHAT ELSE HAVEN'T YOU TOLD ME!!!!!!!!!!

01-25-2006, 05:58 AM
the chick in the crying game? man.

01-25-2006, 06:07 AM
Well, I for one think that it's about time we had a change in parliament. I watched both English leaders' debates, and I was most impressed with Steven Harper. I think he can make some great changes to Canada. Only time will tell, though...

The Man
01-25-2006, 06:20 AM
given what so-called "conservatives" have done to America after five years in power, I shudder to think what will become of Canada. But then, I barely know anything about Canadian politics; I just know that the Republican Party has nothing to do with small government. That said, I have noticed it is the tendency of politicians to favour small government while they are out of power, and large government when they are in power... and I agree with big government liberals' priorities a lot more than I agree with big government conservatives' priorities (really, "big government conservative" should be an oxymoron). One should note, however, that my political stance is closest to anarcho-socialism, or post-left anarchism.

Anyway. This probably won't affect me much on a direct level. But I'm not terribly pleased by this development, nonetheless.

01-25-2006, 06:46 AM
they barely won, so it's not like they'll be able to change much. then pretty soon the Canadians will forget about Martin's corruption and realize that the conservatives suck again, like they always do after a couple years under conservative rule.
My thoughts exactly. Everyone should have voted NDP. :cat:

01-25-2006, 09:13 AM
they barely won, so it's not like they'll be able to change much. then pretty soon the Canadians will forget about Martin's corruption and realize that the conservatives suck again, like they always do after a couple years under conservative rule.
Yes! The Liberals'll probably just oppose most of the legislation they try to pass. o_O I can't say I noticed if Canada was having a particularly torrid(er) time with the Liberals, for them to make so drastic a change in their government. I don't really know much 'bout it.

01-25-2006, 02:42 PM
I'm jealous.

The Summoner of Leviathan
01-25-2006, 04:00 PM
My thoughts exactly. Everyone should have voted NDP. :cat:
I VOTED NDP! Though in my riding Liberals won. For me that is a lesser of two evils. Steven Harper will never get my vote. I am sorry but someone who did not want same-sex marriage, wants to privatize medicare and what else have you not is not okay in my book.

Thank goodness it is only a minority gov't. All the Liberals need is the support of a few other members of opposition to counter any Conservative act. Most likely it will be the NDP seeing as they have more in common with the Liberals and have a tendancy to side with them more often than not than with the Conservatives (except for when they tried to do the whole vote of non-confidence thing).

Old Manus
01-25-2006, 04:22 PM
If only it was the same here

01-25-2006, 04:38 PM
One should note, however, that my political stance is closest to anarcho-socialism,
Anarcho-...socialism? Isn't that as much of an oxymoron as big-government conservative?

This Canadia place is silly and I have no idea about the parties. I do know that Canadia is much more socialist than the US, so maybe some more conservative influence will be good for it. Probably not, especially if the conservatives there suck as much as the so-called conservatives here.

01-25-2006, 05:20 PM
My ex- (who's Canadian) told me about this recently. She called the guy Bush-lite. I live under Bush myself right now. What he's done hasn't had a direct affect on me. But I hate the way he thinks. So God help y'all in the north.

The Man
01-25-2006, 06:09 PM
Anarcho-...socialism? Isn't that as much of an oxymoron as big-government conservative? Hardly, if you eliminate the concept of property.

however, I'm not a full-on anarcho-socialist, because I recognize that certain kinds of property have their value. For instance, toothbrushes, and computers. However, in my ideal society these would be available to all.

01-25-2006, 06:31 PM
Damn. Guess I'll have to put off moving to Canada. :whimper: I think they just did it to put a stop to the panicked exodus of Americans fleeing the Bushies.

01-25-2006, 06:36 PM
I surpport Conservatives, they are the best. They at least go further than just saying

More Money To Schools !

Moon Rabbits
01-25-2006, 07:33 PM


I surpport Conservatives, they are the best. They at least go further than just saying

More Money To Schools !


Hopefully people will stop going back and forth from Liberals (corrupt) and Conservatives (corrupt and nazis) and vote NDP or Green Party! Or Bloq Quebecua (i butchered that spelling too!)

01-25-2006, 09:11 PM
I can't really tell whether the conservatives being in power is a good thing or not. I guess I just have to wait a year or so, and then see how things go. I hope good stuff happens.

Giga Guess
01-25-2006, 09:31 PM
given what so-called "conservatives" have done to America after five years in power, I shudder to think what will become of Canada. But then, I barely know anything about Canadian politics; I just know that the Republican Party has nothing to do with small government. That said, I have noticed it is the tendency of politicians to favour small government while they are out of power, and large government when they are in power... and I agree with big government liberals' priorities a lot more than I agree with big government conservatives' priorities (really, "big government conservative" should be an oxymoron). One should note, however, that my political stance is closest to anarcho-socialism, or post-left anarchism.

Anyway. This probably won't affect me much on a direct level. But I'm not terribly pleased by this development, nonetheless.

Pffft. Don't kid yourself....our Conservatives barely warm up to your Democrats.

I'm......ambivalent. On one hand, I loathe a lot of the Conservative ideologies (ie//disallowing Gay Marriage for obvious reasons), but on the other hand, he will work tirelessly to put the West on the map....or roll over and become another Ontario lap dog. Iunno. But I do hope he gets Alberta, not to mention the rest of the western provinces a little more recognition.

Hopefully people will stop going back and forth from Liberals (corrupt) and Conservatives (corrupt and nazis) and vote NDP or Green Party! Or Bloq Quebecua (i butchered that spelling too!)

Bloc Quebecois, I think?

The Man
01-26-2006, 12:58 AM
Don't kid yourself....our Conservatives barely warm up to your Democrats.yeah, I believe I remember Bleys saying a couple years ago that if I lived in Canada I very well might be a Conservative. Of course, that was a couple of years ago, and I've shifted significantly to the left since then, so it's probably not true anymore :D

The Summoner of Leviathan
01-26-2006, 01:00 AM
The Conservatives since Harper took leadership shifted more to the right in my opinion...

01-26-2006, 01:08 AM
Well I personally beleive that the conservatives aren't going to try anything soon, because their wallets have been seriously drained by the last two elections. Since they cannot to be beaten, they are not going to try privatising medicare or anything major yet.

Harper has minority, making an alliance with the NDP would be almost useless since they would still be missing a few seats. Now they could make an alliance with the Liberals (unlikely) or the Bloc (also unlikely). But an alliance with the bloc would mean that Quebec is going to get a bit more than its share of federal money.

I am waiting to see what will happen.

The Summoner of Leviathan
01-26-2006, 01:13 AM
Actually it is more likely that they ally with the Bloc in my opinion because some of their wants are the same but stemming from different beliefs. For example, decenttralization. Both parties want it, the Bloc for sovergnist reasons and the Conservatives due to their strong roots in the West. NDP is too left I think to side much with the Conservatives.

01-26-2006, 01:26 PM
Alright people. Calm down. This is not the end of the world as we know it.

Yes the Conservatives hate gay people.
Yes the Conservatives want to illiminate any public funding that goes towards indigenous people.
Yes the Conservatives support the war on Iraq.

But let's not get out of hand here. After all we are Canadians. The political system as we know it is a parliamentary thank the Colonialists and as being such is no where like the Presidency Heirachy of the United States.

Conservatives were elected as a minority government (36.25% 124 seats) and although the Bloc Quebecois (10.48% 51 seats) (who are just the french conservatives) has also managed to gain a few seat they're pretty much separatists and have no intention of co operating with even the most sane of actions.
So combindedly they make approximately 46% of the vote.

As for the Liberals (30.22% 103 seats) and NDP (17.49% 29 seats) the combindedly make up about 47% of the vote. YES! Your observational skills are astute! That means combindedly those who oppose the silly gay hating, war mongering, national people killing ideologies of the actual elected government are greater than... which would mean that clearly those bills most detested of the Conservatives will not pass.

We will not see any significant changes.
What we will see are some new ideas that the Liberals were not getting to. For instance. the FAA is freaking ingenious.

What is the FAA you ask? It's the Federal Accountability Act, which in response to the recent scandels is a marvelous little act that will ensure all investigation of interior politics is handled by an individual group separate from the government. Will this eliminate foul play? Hellllz no. Politics are by nature corrupt.

What else can come from the Conservatives? We'll see, but since Canada has such a vast amount of representation (as opposed to a redicuolous unified one sided government) we're not going to be seeing any fires in the streets or gays being burned at the steak.

Why? Because as a minority government if the Conservatives propose any bills that are sure to be rejected by the House of Commons then there is the opportunity for opposing government parties to have a non-confidence vote and we'll go through another election but this won't happen because we're tired of elections. It's a drain on our resources and frankly we're just tired of hearing about the Liberals and Conservatives.

Conclusively. Canada Rules. Parliamentary Systems Rule. Lower Tuition fees Rule.

And more importantly and most hillariously....
There is 1 seat occupied by a Green Party Member. xD Most awesome.
We just elected a pot loving, idealistic hippy into the Parliament. Rocktastic I say, rocktastic.


I voted NDP. Olivia Chow... but I did so not in vain or arrogance. I believe firmly in community and not loosing focus in the sea of seats that Canada has but instead to look at the people competeing for your riding. These are the people that represent you. Not Joe Blow in Saskatoon.

01-27-2006, 02:25 AM
How can people call us so conservative? We're like the 2nd country that allowed gay marriage. Ding ding ding.

Anyway, I stupidly didn't have voter's reg nor did I have any transportation to go vote. Anyway, my area won NDP again so I'm just pleased with that.

If Harper starts spewing crap about missile defense in space I will hurt myself.

The Summoner of Leviathan
01-27-2006, 02:28 AM
How can people call us so conservative? We're like the 2nd country that allowed gay marriage. Ding ding ding.

Anyway, I stupidly didn't have voter's reg nor did I have any transportation to go vote. Anyway, my area won NDP again so I'm just pleased with that.

If Harper starts spewing crap about missile defense in space I will hurt myself.
They are not calling us conservative, but Harper. BTW we were the 4th to nation-wide legalize same-sex marriages. I was reading CBC articles while waiting for election results.

You know you could have just brought a proof of residence and photo ID to where you went needed to vote and registered there. That is what I did.

01-27-2006, 02:50 AM
Ahh okay. And yeah I wasn't really sure about what number we were...what countries allow it, Belgium, Netherlands, Britain and Canada..? I honestly don't know.

I was told I could bring ID, but like i said, I had no way to get to a polling station *hangs head in shame* I suppose I shouldn't cry about Harper being in power if I didn't vote.